Discover how to moderate your drinking with a structured plan. Understand your motivations, identify triggers, set goals, and implement practical steps to manage alcohol intake and improve well-being.
Alcohol and stimulants are commonly mixed but their opposing mechanisms can be dangerous. Check out our latest blog for more info on how they negatively interact.
Tommy Lee used to drink two gallons of vodka per day and has since gone sober. Check out our latest blog for more info on the lessons we can apply to our own journey.
Those of us with AUD often crave milk, but why? Check out our latest blog to explore the connection between alcohol and milk cravings and how to approach it.
Does red light therapy help treat alcohol dependence? Check out our latest blog to learn about its effectiveness as a supporting therapy for AUD.
Socioeconomic factors play a role in our drinking habits. Learn more about how it affects marginalized communities and what we can do about it in our latest blog.
Have you heard of the “olive oil trick” for preventing hangovers? Check out our latest blog to find out if there’s any truth to it.
Does alcohol make shingles worse? Can you drink alcohol with shingles? And what are the potential pitfalls? Find out in our latest blog!
Ever wonder what an alcohol tether is or how it works? Read our latest blog to find out!