Join us for a transformative journey where we challenge the stigma around alcohol dependence and embrace a compassionate approach to change. Our host and Reframe's Head of Coaching, Kevin Bellack, will guide you through weekly discussions that will leave you feeling inspired and empowered.
In each episode, we'll delve into a range of thought-provoking topics, from social pressures around alcohol use to practical tips for building a strong support system. You can look forward to a dynamic mix of solo episodes and candid conversations with experts and Reframe users, all of which will bring you a step closer to your best self.
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Today, Kevin and Emma talk about shifting from a Dry or Damp January into February, what's next, and how are we feeling about those resolutions and words we started the year off with? Come join us on a tangent-field discussion about continuing on our individual journeys and tools to help ourselves along the way.
Today, Kevin and Emma talk about their likes and dislikes on New Year's Resolutions, Words of the Year, and all about setting intentions in the new year. Join them and think through tangible ways to bring action to these somewhat abstract concepts.
Today, Kevin and Emma share their experience and insights on Dry and Damp January Challenges as well as tools and ideas to help you be successful in whatever way you may decide to enter the new year.
Today, Kevin and Steph share their experience with New Year's resolutions, goal setting, and how we can go about setting more realistic goals and celebrate our wins along the way!
Today, Steph and Kevin talk about how to avoid the trap of pushing things off into the new year as well as some ways to work on making progress this month on your goals.
Today we talk with Jes Patten. Jes is a wife, mother, and account manager at a brokerage firm living outside Pittsburgh, PA. She shares with us today about loss and using substances to cope. A seed was planted in 2020 that made her realize both weed and alcohol were a major issue for her and she spent the remainder of that year in denial. In 2021 she became curious about addressing this in her life but it wasn’t until November of 2021 that she had her final blackout that really scared her into making a change. She found Reframe and had some success with both alcohol and marijuana until April 2022 on vacation when that voice came back to try it again and then the roller coaster began until in late 2022 when she renewed her commitment to being alcohol free and this year in 2023 has been successfully alcohol-free and marijuana free.
Today, we’re talking about those pesky sugar cravings. Steph is going to go over what’s happening physiologically in the body when we reduce or eliminate alcohol and how that translates to sugar cravings, as well as realistic tips for being able to enjoy your treats without feeling out of control or eating past the point of comfort.
Say hello to Sarah and Kris. Their paths converged later in life, creating a unique bond where compromise is simply a foreign concept. Their relationship is based on trust and honestly where both of them feel secure being their authentic self. Sarah's decision to embark on her journey to sobriety was a pivotal moment, made all the more special by Kris's unwavering support. From navigating sober intimacy with all its quirks and surprises to reminding us that feeling like a teenager again isn't always a walk in the park, when they talk about “sober sex” it’s sure to leave you laughing, nodding, and reflecting.
Today, Steph and Kevin talk about navigating holiday parties when you’re working on your relationship with alcohol. We touch on many of the stressors that can come up at this time of year when getting together with friends, family, co-workers, etc. from expectations on our time, the strain on finances, travel, and more. We offer tips that can be helpful to get you through the holiday gauntlet while taking care of yourself along the way.
Steph is joined by fellow Reframer Marissa Charest today on the podcast. Marissa joined Reframe in December 2022 and says her life has been completely transformed since. Marissa started on the Cutback track, but within 48 hours realized she wanted to switch to the AF track where she made it 19 days, followed by drinking on vacation, she struggled all thru January and February of this to make the decision within herself to be done.