Quit Drinking

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2024-08-29 9:00
Quit Drinking
Relapse Risk Calculator for Alcohol Use Disorder
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Wondering how to go about making a relapse prevention plan? It’s all about being aware of your vulnerabilities. Use our Relapse Risk Calculator to stay on track!

19 min read

Lower Your Relapse Risk With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app today!

Read Full Article  →

What Is a Relapse?

In the context of recovery from alcohol misuse, a relapse is a return to drinking after a period of abstinence. While the main trigger for relapse is holding on to the belief that alcohol serves you in some way, there are additional factors — such as stress or lack of support — that amplify the risk.

You said goodbye to alcohol and meant it. But then … you said hello again. As Craig Beck writes in Alcohol Lied to Me Again, “This journey backwards virtually always starts with the same sentence being uttered: ‘Surely just one drink won’t hurt.’”

First things first: you’re not alone. Relapse is a reality for many people on the alcohol journey, and it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. There’s also no such thing as “going back to square one”: once you set off on the path of recovery, you’ve been moving forward, even if that path involves a setback. As Reshma Saujani puts it, “There’s no more powerful lesson than knowing that your setbacks will one day help you succeed.”

That said, relapse is something we want to avoid if we can. And that’s where our handy Relapse Risk Calculator comes in!

What Is a Relapse?

Recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be a rocky road full of ups and downs. A relapse means we returned to drinking after a period of being booze-free. Here are the main things to understand about the science behind it:

  • Slips and relapses are common in recovery. In fact, studies show that as many as 85% of patients who receive treatment for substance use disorder relapse within a year. But don’t be discouraged! With some planning, relapse is avoidable. And even if it happens, it’s completely possible to get back on track.
  • Cravings don’t disappear when we stop drinking. When we become dependent on alcohol, our dopamine-driven reward system gets hijacked, leading to cravings and withdrawal symptoms if we suddenly stop. And while acute withdrawal symptoms can get resolved within days of putting down the bottle, dopamine levels take longer to rebalance, so we might still find ourselves stuck in that “I need a drink feeling,” especially in the early weeks.
  • Habituated brain pathways make setbacks easy to have. It’s kind of like walking a well-worn path through the woods or sliding down the same skiing trail — our brain likes efficiency and gets used to certain behavioral patterns, making them almost automatic. If we’ve been drinking for a long time or are used to having a drink in certain contexts — happy hour after work, weddings, our friend’s famous Halloween bash, and so forth — we can find ourselves reaching for a drink almost on autopilot. This is where knowing our triggers becomes especially useful. Spotting them in time and changing our response eventually rewires the brain, getting us farther out of the relapse danger zone.
  • Holding on to cognitive distortions about alcohol makes relapse more likely. By far the most likely “reason” for a slip or a relapse is the belief that alcohol does something for us. Whether we think it helps us relieve stress or helps us socialize (spoiler alert: both are common cognitive distortions that don’t hold up to science), we might be holding on to the idea that we “need” or “want” booze to be part of our lives. 
  • A number of other factors play a contributing role. Especially if we haven’t changed the way we see alcohol (and are still feeling deprived), additional factors in our life might contribute to a relapse. For example, stress or a lack of social support can play a role.

Want to know more? Check out “Defining Relapse: A Rehearsal for Success,” and “How To Stay Sober After Recovering From Alcoholism” to learn about the signs of relapse and more. But now, let’s get practical — ready to calculate your relapse risk and form a plan?

What Is a Relapse Risk Calculator?

Teasing out the factors that might set the stage for relapse can be tricky. Enter the Relapse Risk Calculator! By analyzing responses to questions about your history and current habits, it helps you pinpoint factors that might set the stage for a relapse. Think of these factors as relapse red flags marking the areas of your life where slight shifts can set you on the path to success. 

Ready to “weatherproof” your recovery? Let’s get started!

Factors That Contribute to Relapse

Congrats! You just took an important step to a lasting recovery by filling out the Relapse Risk Calculator and finding the factors that might lead you down the relapse road. Now, let’s look at each one in a bit more detail.

Factors That Contribute to Relapse

1. Stress Levels

Biologically, stress is the body’s response to danger — the so-called “fight-or-flight” mechanism. The stress response is triggered by the amygdala, which stimulates the release of “stress hormones” such as adrenaline and cortisol. The result? Our body switches into “emergency mode”: our heart rate and breathing rate increases, glucose gets pumped into the blood to provide fuel for our muscles, and functions such as digestion get put on hold.

While the stress response is a (literal) lifesaver when it comes to “fighting” or “fleeing” from actual danger (think raging fire or an angry buffalo), it leads to a host of health problems if it’s triggered unnecessarily, especially on a chronic basis. And yet it’s a modern-day reality for many of us: in 2022, over a third of American adults reported that stress was “completely overwhelming” for them on most days.

High stress is a known trigger for relapse. In fact, studies show that stress is a major factor in relapse because of how it affects the brain. For one thing, chronic stress lowers dopamine levels, making alcohol cravings more powerful. It also interferes with the prefrontal cortex — the decision-making hub of the brain involved in self-regulation and impulse control.

Lower your risk:

  • Start a mindfulness practice. When it comes to dealing with stress, mindfulness is where it’s at. Whether it’s traditional sitting meditation or a practice such as mindful walking, mindfulness is all about being in the moment without judging it. Science says it lowers cortisol levels while strengthening our prefrontal cortex and enhancing resilience to stress.
  • Learn in-the-moment stress management techniques. Progressive muscle relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, and even splashing cold water on your face to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (which is responsible for relaxation), all work wonders when it comes to lowering stress in the moment. Sometimes that brief pause makes all the difference!

2. Social Support

Recovery is a journey, and having a strong support team to back us up is key. A network of trusted friends, family members, and others who support our booze-free life is an essential part of any relapse prevention plan.

While alcohol often gets credit for making us “more social,” the reality is it does the opposite. We might feel less inhibited, but solid connections are unlikely to take root with alcohol in the picture. And when we leave behind our drinking days — and our weekend barhopping posse — we might feel more isolated than ever.

Science says that social support is crucial in recovery for many reasons. Our peers hold us accountable, share their experience and coping skills, celebrate our milestones, and cheer us on when things get tough. As a result, social support provides a powerful buffer against relapse.

So if your social support system needs a tune-up, it’s time for some changes!

Lower your risk:

  • Expand your support system. Start with a few people you trust and keep building. And don’t forget that online support is an option! Communities such as Reframe are a great place to meet like-minded people who’ve been where you are and know what it’s like.

  • Check in on a regular basis. Set up a system of daily check-ins with your support team members. They don’t need to be long — a simple text or quick phone call will help you stay accountable while keeping the line of communication open.

3. Craving Intensity

Even if we have a strong support system and keep our stress levels low, alcohol cravings can still creep in and lead to relapse. Remember how we said it takes the brain a while to adjust to being booze-free? The main reason for this is that alcohol disrupts the delicate neurotransmitter balance in the brain by boosting dopamine (the reward neurotransmitter) and GABA (an inhibitory one responsible for the downer effects of booze). It also lowers glutamate, GABA’s excitatory counterpart. And while the brain will rebalance itself in time, the process can take a few weeks or even months. In fact, studies show a strong correlation between dopamine levels and likelihood of relapse. One study found that participants who relapsed at various points after detoxification had less dopamine and less activity in the brain’s reward circuit than those who didn’t relapse.

Lower your risk:

  • Reframe your cravings. One of the most powerful ways to coast through cravings is to use cognitive restructuring to reframe our thinking around alcohol. A staple of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this technique involves uncovering your subconscious beliefs about alcohol (for example, “I need booze to be social”) and replacing them with ones that align with reality and goals (“Being disinhibited isn’t the same as being social — authentic relationships thrive when I’m clearheaded and present in the conversation.”)
  • Learn urge-surfing techniques. There are many urge-surfing techniques out there, and they all have one thing in common — they’re based on the fact that cravings are temporary and last at most 20 minutes. As a result, it’s all about creating an intentional pause — whether that means practicing mindfulness, going for a walk, playing a game on your phone, or calling a friend to check in. Pick what works for you and start surfing!

4. Past Relapse History

Our alcohol journey is unique, and so is our history. One study compared participants who quit drinking and later relapsed to ones who stayed on track. Out of the “relapsers,” a greater percentage had made more than one attempt to leave booze behind, showing that having a history of relapse might sometimes make us more vulnerable in the future.

That said, having multiple relapses in the past is by no means a sign that another one is inevitably coming. Likewise, it’s not a sign of weakness — if anything, it’s a testament to our strength that we keep trying again in spite of experiencing setbacks. The key is to learn from each one and modify our strategy accordingly. Tracking our triggers is key here: if we know what set the relapse in motion — especially more than once — we can be prepared in the future. 

Lower your risk:

  • Track your mood and stress levels. Tracking your emotional patterns — as well as noting cravings when they come up — is key to understanding your state of mind and identifying vulnerable times. Even if you end up having a slip, make sure you note the events leading up to it so you can use this information for the future.

  • Start a gratitude practice. Tracking our stress and slips in recovery is important, but so is tracking the good stuff! Gratitude is a science-backed way to boost dopamine, which makes it a powerful recovery tool in itself. Moreover, having a record of things that went well deepens our commitment and keeps us going when things get tough.

Relapse Prevention Plan: More Tips for the Journey

No matter which relapse-related factors loom large for you, there are some steps that every relapse prevention plan should include:

  • Reframe your mindset around alcohol. Continue questioning your thoughts about alcohol and reframing any distortions that come up. The more you’re able to shift your mindset around booze, the more relapse resilience you’ll build.
  • Learn to coast through cravings. At the same time, continue filling your toolbox with urge-surfing techniques. Check out “Mindfulness Techniques to Manage Alcohol Cravings” for some great tips!
  • Nourish your body. Alcohol wreaks havoc on the body, and we need to replenish its resources with nutritious food. Think whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and veggies.
  • Get an exercise routine going. In addition to nourishing your body with healthy food, adding movement to your routine is key. Exercise naturally boosts dopamine, keeping cravings at bay while making us more resilient to stress.
  • Establish a healthy sleep schedule. Getting enough rest is key for the body and mind to function properly. Lack of sleep depletes our dopamine levels and raises cortisol, contributing to stress and cravings.
  • Find your people and stick with them. Finally, continue building your support team! Sharing your story and having others to lean on when things get difficult will continue to add meaning to your new life while making you more resilient and motivated to stay on track. Plus, being kind and providing support in return will make you feel good and give you an extra dopamine boost!

With these tips — and with the Relapse Risk Calculator — you’re off to a great start when it comes to lowering your chances of getting off track in the recovery journey. 

What Is a Relapse?

In the context of recovery from alcohol misuse, a relapse is a return to drinking after a period of abstinence. While the main trigger for relapse is holding on to the belief that alcohol serves you in some way, there are additional factors — such as stress or lack of support — that amplify the risk.

You said goodbye to alcohol and meant it. But then … you said hello again. As Craig Beck writes in Alcohol Lied to Me Again, “This journey backwards virtually always starts with the same sentence being uttered: ‘Surely just one drink won’t hurt.’”

First things first: you’re not alone. Relapse is a reality for many people on the alcohol journey, and it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. There’s also no such thing as “going back to square one”: once you set off on the path of recovery, you’ve been moving forward, even if that path involves a setback. As Reshma Saujani puts it, “There’s no more powerful lesson than knowing that your setbacks will one day help you succeed.”

That said, relapse is something we want to avoid if we can. And that’s where our handy Relapse Risk Calculator comes in!

What Is a Relapse?

Recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be a rocky road full of ups and downs. A relapse means we returned to drinking after a period of being booze-free. Here are the main things to understand about the science behind it:

  • Slips and relapses are common in recovery. In fact, studies show that as many as 85% of patients who receive treatment for substance use disorder relapse within a year. But don’t be discouraged! With some planning, relapse is avoidable. And even if it happens, it’s completely possible to get back on track.
  • Cravings don’t disappear when we stop drinking. When we become dependent on alcohol, our dopamine-driven reward system gets hijacked, leading to cravings and withdrawal symptoms if we suddenly stop. And while acute withdrawal symptoms can get resolved within days of putting down the bottle, dopamine levels take longer to rebalance, so we might still find ourselves stuck in that “I need a drink feeling,” especially in the early weeks.
  • Habituated brain pathways make setbacks easy to have. It’s kind of like walking a well-worn path through the woods or sliding down the same skiing trail — our brain likes efficiency and gets used to certain behavioral patterns, making them almost automatic. If we’ve been drinking for a long time or are used to having a drink in certain contexts — happy hour after work, weddings, our friend’s famous Halloween bash, and so forth — we can find ourselves reaching for a drink almost on autopilot. This is where knowing our triggers becomes especially useful. Spotting them in time and changing our response eventually rewires the brain, getting us farther out of the relapse danger zone.
  • Holding on to cognitive distortions about alcohol makes relapse more likely. By far the most likely “reason” for a slip or a relapse is the belief that alcohol does something for us. Whether we think it helps us relieve stress or helps us socialize (spoiler alert: both are common cognitive distortions that don’t hold up to science), we might be holding on to the idea that we “need” or “want” booze to be part of our lives. 
  • A number of other factors play a contributing role. Especially if we haven’t changed the way we see alcohol (and are still feeling deprived), additional factors in our life might contribute to a relapse. For example, stress or a lack of social support can play a role.

Want to know more? Check out “Defining Relapse: A Rehearsal for Success,” and “How To Stay Sober After Recovering From Alcoholism” to learn about the signs of relapse and more. But now, let’s get practical — ready to calculate your relapse risk and form a plan?

What Is a Relapse Risk Calculator?

Teasing out the factors that might set the stage for relapse can be tricky. Enter the Relapse Risk Calculator! By analyzing responses to questions about your history and current habits, it helps you pinpoint factors that might set the stage for a relapse. Think of these factors as relapse red flags marking the areas of your life where slight shifts can set you on the path to success. 

Ready to “weatherproof” your recovery? Let’s get started!

Factors That Contribute to Relapse

Congrats! You just took an important step to a lasting recovery by filling out the Relapse Risk Calculator and finding the factors that might lead you down the relapse road. Now, let’s look at each one in a bit more detail.

Factors That Contribute to Relapse

1. Stress Levels

Biologically, stress is the body’s response to danger — the so-called “fight-or-flight” mechanism. The stress response is triggered by the amygdala, which stimulates the release of “stress hormones” such as adrenaline and cortisol. The result? Our body switches into “emergency mode”: our heart rate and breathing rate increases, glucose gets pumped into the blood to provide fuel for our muscles, and functions such as digestion get put on hold.

While the stress response is a (literal) lifesaver when it comes to “fighting” or “fleeing” from actual danger (think raging fire or an angry buffalo), it leads to a host of health problems if it’s triggered unnecessarily, especially on a chronic basis. And yet it’s a modern-day reality for many of us: in 2022, over a third of American adults reported that stress was “completely overwhelming” for them on most days.

High stress is a known trigger for relapse. In fact, studies show that stress is a major factor in relapse because of how it affects the brain. For one thing, chronic stress lowers dopamine levels, making alcohol cravings more powerful. It also interferes with the prefrontal cortex — the decision-making hub of the brain involved in self-regulation and impulse control.

Lower your risk:

  • Start a mindfulness practice. When it comes to dealing with stress, mindfulness is where it’s at. Whether it’s traditional sitting meditation or a practice such as mindful walking, mindfulness is all about being in the moment without judging it. Science says it lowers cortisol levels while strengthening our prefrontal cortex and enhancing resilience to stress.
  • Learn in-the-moment stress management techniques. Progressive muscle relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, and even splashing cold water on your face to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (which is responsible for relaxation), all work wonders when it comes to lowering stress in the moment. Sometimes that brief pause makes all the difference!

2. Social Support

Recovery is a journey, and having a strong support team to back us up is key. A network of trusted friends, family members, and others who support our booze-free life is an essential part of any relapse prevention plan.

While alcohol often gets credit for making us “more social,” the reality is it does the opposite. We might feel less inhibited, but solid connections are unlikely to take root with alcohol in the picture. And when we leave behind our drinking days — and our weekend barhopping posse — we might feel more isolated than ever.

Science says that social support is crucial in recovery for many reasons. Our peers hold us accountable, share their experience and coping skills, celebrate our milestones, and cheer us on when things get tough. As a result, social support provides a powerful buffer against relapse.

So if your social support system needs a tune-up, it’s time for some changes!

Lower your risk:

  • Expand your support system. Start with a few people you trust and keep building. And don’t forget that online support is an option! Communities such as Reframe are a great place to meet like-minded people who’ve been where you are and know what it’s like.

  • Check in on a regular basis. Set up a system of daily check-ins with your support team members. They don’t need to be long — a simple text or quick phone call will help you stay accountable while keeping the line of communication open.

3. Craving Intensity

Even if we have a strong support system and keep our stress levels low, alcohol cravings can still creep in and lead to relapse. Remember how we said it takes the brain a while to adjust to being booze-free? The main reason for this is that alcohol disrupts the delicate neurotransmitter balance in the brain by boosting dopamine (the reward neurotransmitter) and GABA (an inhibitory one responsible for the downer effects of booze). It also lowers glutamate, GABA’s excitatory counterpart. And while the brain will rebalance itself in time, the process can take a few weeks or even months. In fact, studies show a strong correlation between dopamine levels and likelihood of relapse. One study found that participants who relapsed at various points after detoxification had less dopamine and less activity in the brain’s reward circuit than those who didn’t relapse.

Lower your risk:

  • Reframe your cravings. One of the most powerful ways to coast through cravings is to use cognitive restructuring to reframe our thinking around alcohol. A staple of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this technique involves uncovering your subconscious beliefs about alcohol (for example, “I need booze to be social”) and replacing them with ones that align with reality and goals (“Being disinhibited isn’t the same as being social — authentic relationships thrive when I’m clearheaded and present in the conversation.”)
  • Learn urge-surfing techniques. There are many urge-surfing techniques out there, and they all have one thing in common — they’re based on the fact that cravings are temporary and last at most 20 minutes. As a result, it’s all about creating an intentional pause — whether that means practicing mindfulness, going for a walk, playing a game on your phone, or calling a friend to check in. Pick what works for you and start surfing!

4. Past Relapse History

Our alcohol journey is unique, and so is our history. One study compared participants who quit drinking and later relapsed to ones who stayed on track. Out of the “relapsers,” a greater percentage had made more than one attempt to leave booze behind, showing that having a history of relapse might sometimes make us more vulnerable in the future.

That said, having multiple relapses in the past is by no means a sign that another one is inevitably coming. Likewise, it’s not a sign of weakness — if anything, it’s a testament to our strength that we keep trying again in spite of experiencing setbacks. The key is to learn from each one and modify our strategy accordingly. Tracking our triggers is key here: if we know what set the relapse in motion — especially more than once — we can be prepared in the future. 

Lower your risk:

  • Track your mood and stress levels. Tracking your emotional patterns — as well as noting cravings when they come up — is key to understanding your state of mind and identifying vulnerable times. Even if you end up having a slip, make sure you note the events leading up to it so you can use this information for the future.

  • Start a gratitude practice. Tracking our stress and slips in recovery is important, but so is tracking the good stuff! Gratitude is a science-backed way to boost dopamine, which makes it a powerful recovery tool in itself. Moreover, having a record of things that went well deepens our commitment and keeps us going when things get tough.

Relapse Prevention Plan: More Tips for the Journey

No matter which relapse-related factors loom large for you, there are some steps that every relapse prevention plan should include:

  • Reframe your mindset around alcohol. Continue questioning your thoughts about alcohol and reframing any distortions that come up. The more you’re able to shift your mindset around booze, the more relapse resilience you’ll build.
  • Learn to coast through cravings. At the same time, continue filling your toolbox with urge-surfing techniques. Check out “Mindfulness Techniques to Manage Alcohol Cravings” for some great tips!
  • Nourish your body. Alcohol wreaks havoc on the body, and we need to replenish its resources with nutritious food. Think whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and veggies.
  • Get an exercise routine going. In addition to nourishing your body with healthy food, adding movement to your routine is key. Exercise naturally boosts dopamine, keeping cravings at bay while making us more resilient to stress.
  • Establish a healthy sleep schedule. Getting enough rest is key for the body and mind to function properly. Lack of sleep depletes our dopamine levels and raises cortisol, contributing to stress and cravings.
  • Find your people and stick with them. Finally, continue building your support team! Sharing your story and having others to lean on when things get difficult will continue to add meaning to your new life while making you more resilient and motivated to stay on track. Plus, being kind and providing support in return will make you feel good and give you an extra dopamine boost!

With these tips — and with the Relapse Risk Calculator — you’re off to a great start when it comes to lowering your chances of getting off track in the recovery journey. 

Quit Drinking
2024-08-29 9:00
Quit Drinking
Why Is AA “Anonymous”?
This is some text inside of a div block.

Anonymity is one of the foundations of AA to protect its members and the group as a whole. Check out our latest blog for more info on the pros and cons of this decision.

17 min read

Get Support in Recovery With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

Imagine walking into a room filled with unfamiliar faces, each one with their own struggles and stories of battling an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. The atmosphere may be warm, but at the same time somewhat reserved and definitely respectful. Introductions are by first name only, and personal details are shared with others only by those who choose to offer them. This is the world of Alcoholics Anonymous, or for short AA, where anonymity isn’t merely a guideline — it’s a core value.

But why does AA emphasize anonymity? Why is it so deeply embedded in its core values? Understanding the pros and cons of anonymity in AA’s philosophy may help you decide if this well-known option for stopping alcohol misuse feels like a good fit. A good place to start is at the beginning.

The Founding of AA

A diverse group of individuals, engaged in conversation

AA was founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio, by Bill Wilson, who came to be known as “Bill W.,” and Bob Smith, or “Dr. Bob.” A stockbroker and a surgeon respectively, they began their recovery only after meeting each other and subsequently recognizing the power of peer support. Prior to the recognition of alcohol use disorder as a disease in 1956, it was seen as a “bad habit” or “moral failing.” Even today, we continue to work towards destigmatizing alcohol use disorder (AUD) as we spread awareness and reframe it through the lens — and facts — of neuroscience. As individuals who struggled with AUD nearly a century ago, the founders of AA understood all too well the shame, fear, and guilt associated with the condition and decided that anonymity was a way to open the doors and help others.

When they developed the core values, or Twelve Traditions of AA, anonymity was written into two of them. The 11th Tradition states that AA aims to attract rather than promote, and the 12th Tradition states that anonymity serves as the spiritual foundation of AA. But exactly what does that mean?

What Does Anonymity Mean in AA?

Anonymity in AA includes individual and group guidelines. For an individual, it doesn’t mean that we’re not allowed to disclose that we’re a member of AA, but instead that we have the right to choose whether we want to disclose that we’re a member and to whom. That also goes for respecting the anonymity of other members, whether they’re acquaintances, public figures, or people we’re meeting for the first time. 

Public anonymity refers to the practice that AA members don’t refer to themselves as AA members using full names or full-face photos on publicly accessible content on the internet or in other media. This refers to social media platforms, websites, TV, film, newspapers, books, magazines, podcasts, speeches, presentations, and more. Members certainly may disclose their identity and speak as someone in recovery on public platforms, as long as their AA membership isn’t shared. Alternatively, members may speak as AA members if their names and faces aren’t revealed. Either way, members may share their knowledge and experiences before and during recovery without bringing in AA.

Why AA Is Anonymous

AA chooses to remain anonymous to protect individual members and the group as a whole. The founders of AA stressed the importance of equality of the members and unity in the fellowship. Here are five reasons AA stands firm in its choice to remain anonymous.

1. It leaves shame and fear at the front door.

AA’s rule of anonymity protects its members’ identities. Members are therefore free to share without fear of judgment or repercussions. Anonymity encourages open and honest communication, which is critical in coming to terms with our drinking habits and developing strategies to overcome them.

Anonymity may not only be beneficial for current members, but it can also encourage participation of new members who might be hesitant to participate due to shame or fear of judgment. The stigma surrounding AUD is often a major barrier for those struggling to seek help, which AA’s anonymity can eliminate.

2. It levels the playing field.

Rules to protect members’ identities also help promote equality among members — another core value of AA. The principle of equality unifies its members and serves as a reminder that AUD can affect anyone. 

In Alcoholics Anonymous, social status, income, fame, and other external factors don’t matter. Everyone is treated equally, and everyone gets a fair chance to work towards a healthier and happier life by quitting alcohol. This removes stigma and other barriers that may impact motivation or ability to access support.

3. There’s no room for twisting words. 

Members can tell their stories without sharing their identity. AA’s anonymity helps prevent misuse of members’ stories. Although hearing recovery stories can motivate others, everyone’s story is theirs to tell and not to be shared outside AA for any purpose, such as acquiring new members, gaining financial support, or promoting AA to the media. One of the Twelve Traditions of AA is to attract rather than promote. 

4. One bad apple won’t spoil the whole barrel.

Protecting members’ identities not only protects individuals but also AA’s reputation. While AA’s program may not work for everyone, it has worked for many people dealing with alcohol use disorder. So, imagine you’re thinking about going to a meeting just to see how you feel about it and then learning that a public figure you looked up to spoke poorly about the organization and their experience. The result: You might not go to the meeting based on that one person’s comments.

AA reports that, in the past, some members used their affiliation for personal gain through various business enterprises, jeopardizing AA’s reputation and dissuading potential members who might benefit from joining.

5. We’re there to work.

AA’s mission to stay anonymous as a group helps maintain the group’s focus on the core mission: recovery rather than personal gain or individual personalities. It makes the goal crystal clear: to recover from AUD and support others on the same journey. 

Media attention, positive or negative, can distract from AA’s primary purpose. Imagine attending AA every week to recover from AUD, but a  new Netflix documentary about AA has family and friends bombarding you with questions and comments. Or you’re perhaps finally seeing progress after attending AA meetings — until you stop going after reading media accounts about some member’s bad experience. 

As we can see, AA’s anonymity has many positives — but there can also be some negatives.

Why AA Is Anonymous

Potential Drawbacks of AA’s Anonymity

Anonymity can be something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can reduce stigma by protecting its members’ identities. On the other, it makes the organization seem a little ominous, leading to misperceptions. Over the years, anonymity has led some folks to perceive the organization as a kind of cult or secret society, although often they have just not understood the program.

With anonymity comes less public accountability. Some argue that anonymity fosters secrecy, which can promote unhealthy dynamics within a group. Think of the power of public accountability in our own community and how we value our ability to hold our town council accountable for proper management of utilities and finances. Transparency sets standards for integrity and, when necessary, it can drive positive change.

Although AA is anonymous, its purpose and teachings are clear. So, if we’re trying to determine whether or not it’s right for us, what should we expect when stepping into the world of AA?

What To Expect in AA

The core of AA is the support group meeting where members can listen and share their experiences and help each other navigate the Twelve Steps of the program. There are two types of meetings in AA: open and closed. Open meetings are for anyone interested in the program, and closed meetings are only for members who are struggling with alcohol misuse and are committed to quitting alcohol. Both open and closed meetings follow AA’s anonymity rules.

AA meetings may differ slightly but contain similar elements. They typically follow this structure:

  • AA Preamble and opening remarks. The meetings usually start with the reading of the purpose of AA also known as the Preamble. Sometimes a moment of silence or reciting the Serenity Prayer will follow.
  • Introduction. New members will be offered a chance to introduce themselves, but this isn’t mandatory. Due to AA’s anonymity values, only first names are used during meetings. 
  • Readings. Following introductions, there may be readings from Alcoholics Anonymous, known as “The Big Book.”  Chapters such as “How It Works” or “More About Alcoholism” are commonly read and discussed. 
  • Sharing sessions. After the readings, the chairperson may propose a topic for discussion, perhaps one of the Twelve Steps or challenges arising in our journey to quit drinking.
  • Statement about anonymity. Closing the meeting, statements about AA’s anonymity and other values serve as reminders to members. 

After understanding what we can expect at an AA meeting and how it can be used to support our journey, we may find that it’s not a good fit for us. If so, there are other pathways to recovery we can explore that might better suit our needs

Exploring Other Options

AA may not be for everyone as we discuss in “Why 12 Step Programs Don’t Work For Everyone.” Fortunately, there are plenty of other recovery options we can explore.

  • Support groups. Aside from AA, support groups include Moderation Management, SMART Recovery, LifeRing, and more. 
  • Behavioral therapies. Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), can help us understand our behaviors and work on changing them. 
  • Psychological therapy. Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, can help us identify the root causes of our drinking habits. 
  • Mobile apps. Mobile apps like Reframe offer educational resources and support groups to guide us on our journey. 

While AA is a valuable support program for many, it’s worth exploring a range of options and tailoring the recovery journey to your unique needs.

With Greater Understanding

The anonymity of AA may be perplexing, especially in this day and age where almost everything (too much?) is shared online. But AA continues to stand firm on its core value of anonymity, providing its members with both community and privacy in their recovery. These are undeniable benefits, but there are also some drawbacks to anonymity. At the end of the day, AA’s program may work for some, but not for everyone. Fortunately, there are plenty of routes we can take on our journey toward a happier, healthier life!

Imagine walking into a room filled with unfamiliar faces, each one with their own struggles and stories of battling an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. The atmosphere may be warm, but at the same time somewhat reserved and definitely respectful. Introductions are by first name only, and personal details are shared with others only by those who choose to offer them. This is the world of Alcoholics Anonymous, or for short AA, where anonymity isn’t merely a guideline — it’s a core value.

But why does AA emphasize anonymity? Why is it so deeply embedded in its core values? Understanding the pros and cons of anonymity in AA’s philosophy may help you decide if this well-known option for stopping alcohol misuse feels like a good fit. A good place to start is at the beginning.

The Founding of AA

A diverse group of individuals, engaged in conversation

AA was founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio, by Bill Wilson, who came to be known as “Bill W.,” and Bob Smith, or “Dr. Bob.” A stockbroker and a surgeon respectively, they began their recovery only after meeting each other and subsequently recognizing the power of peer support. Prior to the recognition of alcohol use disorder as a disease in 1956, it was seen as a “bad habit” or “moral failing.” Even today, we continue to work towards destigmatizing alcohol use disorder (AUD) as we spread awareness and reframe it through the lens — and facts — of neuroscience. As individuals who struggled with AUD nearly a century ago, the founders of AA understood all too well the shame, fear, and guilt associated with the condition and decided that anonymity was a way to open the doors and help others.

When they developed the core values, or Twelve Traditions of AA, anonymity was written into two of them. The 11th Tradition states that AA aims to attract rather than promote, and the 12th Tradition states that anonymity serves as the spiritual foundation of AA. But exactly what does that mean?

What Does Anonymity Mean in AA?

Anonymity in AA includes individual and group guidelines. For an individual, it doesn’t mean that we’re not allowed to disclose that we’re a member of AA, but instead that we have the right to choose whether we want to disclose that we’re a member and to whom. That also goes for respecting the anonymity of other members, whether they’re acquaintances, public figures, or people we’re meeting for the first time. 

Public anonymity refers to the practice that AA members don’t refer to themselves as AA members using full names or full-face photos on publicly accessible content on the internet or in other media. This refers to social media platforms, websites, TV, film, newspapers, books, magazines, podcasts, speeches, presentations, and more. Members certainly may disclose their identity and speak as someone in recovery on public platforms, as long as their AA membership isn’t shared. Alternatively, members may speak as AA members if their names and faces aren’t revealed. Either way, members may share their knowledge and experiences before and during recovery without bringing in AA.

Why AA Is Anonymous

AA chooses to remain anonymous to protect individual members and the group as a whole. The founders of AA stressed the importance of equality of the members and unity in the fellowship. Here are five reasons AA stands firm in its choice to remain anonymous.

1. It leaves shame and fear at the front door.

AA’s rule of anonymity protects its members’ identities. Members are therefore free to share without fear of judgment or repercussions. Anonymity encourages open and honest communication, which is critical in coming to terms with our drinking habits and developing strategies to overcome them.

Anonymity may not only be beneficial for current members, but it can also encourage participation of new members who might be hesitant to participate due to shame or fear of judgment. The stigma surrounding AUD is often a major barrier for those struggling to seek help, which AA’s anonymity can eliminate.

2. It levels the playing field.

Rules to protect members’ identities also help promote equality among members — another core value of AA. The principle of equality unifies its members and serves as a reminder that AUD can affect anyone. 

In Alcoholics Anonymous, social status, income, fame, and other external factors don’t matter. Everyone is treated equally, and everyone gets a fair chance to work towards a healthier and happier life by quitting alcohol. This removes stigma and other barriers that may impact motivation or ability to access support.

3. There’s no room for twisting words. 

Members can tell their stories without sharing their identity. AA’s anonymity helps prevent misuse of members’ stories. Although hearing recovery stories can motivate others, everyone’s story is theirs to tell and not to be shared outside AA for any purpose, such as acquiring new members, gaining financial support, or promoting AA to the media. One of the Twelve Traditions of AA is to attract rather than promote. 

4. One bad apple won’t spoil the whole barrel.

Protecting members’ identities not only protects individuals but also AA’s reputation. While AA’s program may not work for everyone, it has worked for many people dealing with alcohol use disorder. So, imagine you’re thinking about going to a meeting just to see how you feel about it and then learning that a public figure you looked up to spoke poorly about the organization and their experience. The result: You might not go to the meeting based on that one person’s comments.

AA reports that, in the past, some members used their affiliation for personal gain through various business enterprises, jeopardizing AA’s reputation and dissuading potential members who might benefit from joining.

5. We’re there to work.

AA’s mission to stay anonymous as a group helps maintain the group’s focus on the core mission: recovery rather than personal gain or individual personalities. It makes the goal crystal clear: to recover from AUD and support others on the same journey. 

Media attention, positive or negative, can distract from AA’s primary purpose. Imagine attending AA every week to recover from AUD, but a  new Netflix documentary about AA has family and friends bombarding you with questions and comments. Or you’re perhaps finally seeing progress after attending AA meetings — until you stop going after reading media accounts about some member’s bad experience. 

As we can see, AA’s anonymity has many positives — but there can also be some negatives.

Why AA Is Anonymous

Potential Drawbacks of AA’s Anonymity

Anonymity can be something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can reduce stigma by protecting its members’ identities. On the other, it makes the organization seem a little ominous, leading to misperceptions. Over the years, anonymity has led some folks to perceive the organization as a kind of cult or secret society, although often they have just not understood the program.

With anonymity comes less public accountability. Some argue that anonymity fosters secrecy, which can promote unhealthy dynamics within a group. Think of the power of public accountability in our own community and how we value our ability to hold our town council accountable for proper management of utilities and finances. Transparency sets standards for integrity and, when necessary, it can drive positive change.

Although AA is anonymous, its purpose and teachings are clear. So, if we’re trying to determine whether or not it’s right for us, what should we expect when stepping into the world of AA?

What To Expect in AA

The core of AA is the support group meeting where members can listen and share their experiences and help each other navigate the Twelve Steps of the program. There are two types of meetings in AA: open and closed. Open meetings are for anyone interested in the program, and closed meetings are only for members who are struggling with alcohol misuse and are committed to quitting alcohol. Both open and closed meetings follow AA’s anonymity rules.

AA meetings may differ slightly but contain similar elements. They typically follow this structure:

  • AA Preamble and opening remarks. The meetings usually start with the reading of the purpose of AA also known as the Preamble. Sometimes a moment of silence or reciting the Serenity Prayer will follow.
  • Introduction. New members will be offered a chance to introduce themselves, but this isn’t mandatory. Due to AA’s anonymity values, only first names are used during meetings. 
  • Readings. Following introductions, there may be readings from Alcoholics Anonymous, known as “The Big Book.”  Chapters such as “How It Works” or “More About Alcoholism” are commonly read and discussed. 
  • Sharing sessions. After the readings, the chairperson may propose a topic for discussion, perhaps one of the Twelve Steps or challenges arising in our journey to quit drinking.
  • Statement about anonymity. Closing the meeting, statements about AA’s anonymity and other values serve as reminders to members. 

After understanding what we can expect at an AA meeting and how it can be used to support our journey, we may find that it’s not a good fit for us. If so, there are other pathways to recovery we can explore that might better suit our needs

Exploring Other Options

AA may not be for everyone as we discuss in “Why 12 Step Programs Don’t Work For Everyone.” Fortunately, there are plenty of other recovery options we can explore.

  • Support groups. Aside from AA, support groups include Moderation Management, SMART Recovery, LifeRing, and more. 
  • Behavioral therapies. Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), can help us understand our behaviors and work on changing them. 
  • Psychological therapy. Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, can help us identify the root causes of our drinking habits. 
  • Mobile apps. Mobile apps like Reframe offer educational resources and support groups to guide us on our journey. 

While AA is a valuable support program for many, it’s worth exploring a range of options and tailoring the recovery journey to your unique needs.

With Greater Understanding

The anonymity of AA may be perplexing, especially in this day and age where almost everything (too much?) is shared online. But AA continues to stand firm on its core value of anonymity, providing its members with both community and privacy in their recovery. These are undeniable benefits, but there are also some drawbacks to anonymity. At the end of the day, AA’s program may work for some, but not for everyone. Fortunately, there are plenty of routes we can take on our journey toward a happier, healthier life!

Quit Drinking
2024-08-29 9:00
Quit Drinking
What Should You Not Say in AA?
This is some text inside of a div block.

Wondering what AA meeting rules are, what cross-talk is in AA, and more? Check out our latest blog for AA rules and learn what topics to stay away from.

25 min read

Chart Your Own Course With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

At any gathering, the last thing you want to do is put your foot in your mouth. It happens to all of us at some time, but we have a better chance of avoiding embarrassment if we know the rules of a particular organization before walking through the door. That’s certainly true when it comes to Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA. So, if we’re considering attending an AA meeting, what are the rules? What is cross talk in AA, and why is it a no-no? What should we not say in AA to avoid upsetting anyone or risking an unpleasant interaction? Let’s find out!

AA: A Brief Introduction

What is Alcoholics Anonymous all about? For a deep dive, check out “How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?” For now, here are the basics:

  • AA is a self-help organization for those who want to stop drinking — and that is the only requirement for memberhip. As the name suggests, AA is for those looking for help with booze. Started by stockbroker Bill Wilson (known in AA circles as Bill W.) and surgeon Bob Smith (Dr. Bob) back in the 1930s, it’s now a global phenomenon with Alcoholics Anonymous serving as the primary guide. The Big Book, as it’s better known, is now translated into 70 languages.
  • Meetings form the core of the program. AA is all about meetings, which focus on members sharing their recovery stories and giving those who are struggling advice about how they can do the same. Service — helping others — is an important element in recovery as it boosts the brain’s “happy” neurotransmitters, strengthening our resolve to stay on track. That said, AA isn’t for everyone — more on that later.
  • It’s based on the Twelve Steps. The steps start with admitting powerlessness over alcohol and the desire to change. They guide members through ways to improve their lives, assess and acknowledge their failings of character, and develop a sustainable, honest and, most important, alcohol-free way of life. The 12th Step involves daily meditation (another science-backed activity) and service to others.
  • It works for some but not for all. The hang-up for some is AA’s spiritual emphasis and focus on the supportive role of a “Higher Power,” generally expressed as “God” or a divine presence. More broadly, it can be interpreted as anything greater than oneself — nature, the universe, or the group itself.

If it turns out that AA isn’t for you, not to worry. There are plenty of AA alternatives out there. We’ll revisit this point at the end, but for now let’s dive into some AA etiquette.

AA Meeting Rules

What are the rules of AA meetings? And what should you not say in AA? Let’s tackle each question separately, as there are subtle differences at play here.

First, here are the (more or less) official AA meeting rules.

1. Remember the “no cross talk” rule.

The first big no-no? Cross talk. What is cross-talk in AA? Cross talk refers to interrupting or directly addressing another person who is sharing during the meeting. 

Why is cross talk a problem? Part of the reason has to do with anonymity. AA is meant to be a safe, nonjudgmental place for anyone to share their experience. Cross talk may come off as confrontational and disrupt that safe space that the program strives to maintain. 

Even when it’s meant well, cross talk can put people on edge and make them hesitant to share in an open and honest way. That said, you can always approach someone after the meeting and offer help, ask questions, or make polite suggestions in a discreet way. In fact, that’s what “fellowship” is all about.

2. Stick to the time limit (or try to).

To allow as many members as possible to share, most discussion meetings will have a time limit for sharing. What that is depends on the meeting, but it’s usually in the 3–5 minute range. There will often be a designated timekeeper (especially at larger meetings) who’ll keep an eye on the clock and give a gentle reminder (usually by raising their hand) when time’s up. Of course, we don’t have to stop mid-sentence — it’s just a signal to start wrapping things up.

3. Stick to the subject (unless it ties into recovery).

As the AA Preamble states, the meetings have a specific purpose — to share our experience with alcohol. (This is not the time to share our new frittata recipe or our predictions for the latest season of Love Is Blind.) 

That said, if the story relates to our recovery, it’s fair game. And let’s face it, especially in the early days, pretty much everything does. If we’ve been drinking heavily for a long time, chances are many aspects of our lives — including our culinary endeavors and TV program choices — have either been affected by, or perhaps became triggers for, our drinking. If so, it’s good to get things off our chest and share away!

Some meetings might have a discussion topic that is introduced at the start of the meeting. Common ones include “gratitude in recovery,” “the importance of fellowship,” “living life on life’s terms,” and other broad but relevant subjects. If that’s the case, we should try to relate our share to the chosen topic, but we shouldn’t feel compelled to do so if there’s something we need to get off our chest. In the end, all meetings are for helping each other stay sober — that’s always the top priority.

4. Stick to your own story.

When we hear others share their struggles, it can be tempting to jump in with “solutions.” But when it comes to AA, there’s a time and a place for that — and that time is not during the meeting. Instead, try to phrase any suggestions in terms of your own experience to avoid giving what might be perceived as unsolicited advice (or that cross talk we mentioned earlier). Here are some examples:

  • “I found that exercise is a great craving-buster. It really helps me get my mind off alcohol.”
  • “When I was struggling with going to work events that involve booze, I found that bringing a sober friend along helped a ton.”

Remember, we can always approach another member after the meeting to see if they want to chat! In fact, even if we find that AA isn’t right for us after all, we might end up making lasting friendships with those in the same boat. So feel free to connect with people in more informal ways outside of meetings — they could end up being a valuable support system (and might also be looking for AA alternatives).

5. “What you hear here stays here.”

The fact that AA is meant to be a safe space to share our stories without sensitive information leaving the room is the cornerstone of AA. After all, it’s in the name: we can expect to remain anonymous. There’s an AA saying that some groups repeat at the beginning of each meeting: “What you hear here, whom you see here, let it remain here, when you leave here!” And they mean it! Blabbing about someone else’s bender to the outside world is a huge no-no. 

Just think about it: Would you want someone else to tell their friends or family about the number of beers you fessed up to drinking this St. Patrick’s Day, or the fight you had with your partner about those empty bottles at the back of your closet? Plus, those stories have a way of making it back to our nosy neighbors, coworkers, or in-laws, so it’s best for everyone to keep what they hear to themselves.

6. Avoid self-pity and blame.

Sharing honestly is encouraged, but any “woe is me” talk is likely to be frowned upon. Personal responsibility is huge in AA, and while we obviously can talk about pressures we’re experiencing from others or difficulties we’re having in our relationships, it’s important to make sure we’re sticking to “our side of the street” and not blaming our problems on someone else. It’s all about what we can control — and while we don’t have to like the rest, sometimes we just need to accept it.

AA “Taboos”: What Not Say in AA Meetings

Now, we come to the “unofficial” guidelines about what might not be such a great idea to say in one of those church basements. Rather than rules, they are bits of friendly advice from members on avoiding potentially unpleasant interactions.

1. “There are other ways to get sober.” (Even though there are.)

Now, we’re certainly not saying there aren’t other ways to get sober. In fact, many find that some of the more science-based AA alternatives work better for them than the “spiritual but not religious” steps of AA.  For a deep dive, check out “Best AA Alternatives.” Just don’t mention them at an AA meeting — it might get people stirred up, and there’s no point trying to talk an AA advocate out of their views that 12 Step programs are the be-all and end-all of recovery. 

2. “I plan to go back to moderate drinking.” (Even if you're thinking about it.)

As far as AA is concerned, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. And while the AA view of alcoholism as a type of “allergy” is less than scientific, there actually is science behind the risks of someone with alcohol use disorder (AUD) drinking again. That said, the question of moderate drinking might be on our mind, especially if we’re at the stage of wanting to explore a sober-curious lifestyle or are interested in cutting back rather than quitting completely.

3. “I just want to cut back.” (Even if that’s where you are right now.)

There’s no wiggle room when it comes to ”just cutting back” in AA. The AA fellowship is for folks who have decided booze isn’t for them — period. If we’re wanting to explore a sober-curious lifestyle for health reasons, try a Dry January or Sober October challenge, or simply cut back (at least for now), saying so could get us the side-eye from other members. Some might even approach us after the meeting in an effort to “clarify” some things we might be “missing” about our relationship with booze. Rest assured, they mean well, but their efforts might not sit well with you, so keep this in mind!

4. “I don’t need a Higher Power.” (Even though you’re free to chart your own course.)

Finally, as we already mentioned, spirituality is huge in AA, and challenging the “Higher Power” concept isn’t going to land well. That said, we should feel free to choose a path that’s right for us. Let’s look at some alternatives!

AA Alternatives

Looking for AA Alternatives?

What if AA isn’t working for you? For a deep dive, check out the other blogs we mentioned earlier. For now, here’s a brief overview.

  • Therapy. Therapy provides personalized, science-based solutions. Approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) help us restructure our thoughts around alcohol. The result? We physically change our neural pathways, rewiring our brain!
  • Other support groups. Other groups offer support without the “spiritual” flavor. Groups such as SMART Recovery are based on science and offer camaraderie as well.
  • Technology. Technology can be the best of all worlds. Apps like Reframe are a library of science-based resources, a treasure trove of coping techniques, and a supportive community all in one. And it’s right there, in the palm of your hand!

It doesn’t matter which road you take to recovery, and the decision is a personal one! The most important thing is finding what works for you.

Summing Up

Whatever path you choose, the main thing to remember is that you've made a commitment to a brighter future by changing your relationship with alcohol. Only good things await! The rest, ultimately, is details. And here at Reframe we’re happy to support you every step of the way, to be there for you when things get rough, and to celebrate your wins!

At any gathering, the last thing you want to do is put your foot in your mouth. It happens to all of us at some time, but we have a better chance of avoiding embarrassment if we know the rules of a particular organization before walking through the door. That’s certainly true when it comes to Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA. So, if we’re considering attending an AA meeting, what are the rules? What is cross talk in AA, and why is it a no-no? What should we not say in AA to avoid upsetting anyone or risking an unpleasant interaction? Let’s find out!

AA: A Brief Introduction

What is Alcoholics Anonymous all about? For a deep dive, check out “How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?” For now, here are the basics:

  • AA is a self-help organization for those who want to stop drinking — and that is the only requirement for memberhip. As the name suggests, AA is for those looking for help with booze. Started by stockbroker Bill Wilson (known in AA circles as Bill W.) and surgeon Bob Smith (Dr. Bob) back in the 1930s, it’s now a global phenomenon with Alcoholics Anonymous serving as the primary guide. The Big Book, as it’s better known, is now translated into 70 languages.
  • Meetings form the core of the program. AA is all about meetings, which focus on members sharing their recovery stories and giving those who are struggling advice about how they can do the same. Service — helping others — is an important element in recovery as it boosts the brain’s “happy” neurotransmitters, strengthening our resolve to stay on track. That said, AA isn’t for everyone — more on that later.
  • It’s based on the Twelve Steps. The steps start with admitting powerlessness over alcohol and the desire to change. They guide members through ways to improve their lives, assess and acknowledge their failings of character, and develop a sustainable, honest and, most important, alcohol-free way of life. The 12th Step involves daily meditation (another science-backed activity) and service to others.
  • It works for some but not for all. The hang-up for some is AA’s spiritual emphasis and focus on the supportive role of a “Higher Power,” generally expressed as “God” or a divine presence. More broadly, it can be interpreted as anything greater than oneself — nature, the universe, or the group itself.

If it turns out that AA isn’t for you, not to worry. There are plenty of AA alternatives out there. We’ll revisit this point at the end, but for now let’s dive into some AA etiquette.

AA Meeting Rules

What are the rules of AA meetings? And what should you not say in AA? Let’s tackle each question separately, as there are subtle differences at play here.

First, here are the (more or less) official AA meeting rules.

1. Remember the “no cross talk” rule.

The first big no-no? Cross talk. What is cross-talk in AA? Cross talk refers to interrupting or directly addressing another person who is sharing during the meeting. 

Why is cross talk a problem? Part of the reason has to do with anonymity. AA is meant to be a safe, nonjudgmental place for anyone to share their experience. Cross talk may come off as confrontational and disrupt that safe space that the program strives to maintain. 

Even when it’s meant well, cross talk can put people on edge and make them hesitant to share in an open and honest way. That said, you can always approach someone after the meeting and offer help, ask questions, or make polite suggestions in a discreet way. In fact, that’s what “fellowship” is all about.

2. Stick to the time limit (or try to).

To allow as many members as possible to share, most discussion meetings will have a time limit for sharing. What that is depends on the meeting, but it’s usually in the 3–5 minute range. There will often be a designated timekeeper (especially at larger meetings) who’ll keep an eye on the clock and give a gentle reminder (usually by raising their hand) when time’s up. Of course, we don’t have to stop mid-sentence — it’s just a signal to start wrapping things up.

3. Stick to the subject (unless it ties into recovery).

As the AA Preamble states, the meetings have a specific purpose — to share our experience with alcohol. (This is not the time to share our new frittata recipe or our predictions for the latest season of Love Is Blind.) 

That said, if the story relates to our recovery, it’s fair game. And let’s face it, especially in the early days, pretty much everything does. If we’ve been drinking heavily for a long time, chances are many aspects of our lives — including our culinary endeavors and TV program choices — have either been affected by, or perhaps became triggers for, our drinking. If so, it’s good to get things off our chest and share away!

Some meetings might have a discussion topic that is introduced at the start of the meeting. Common ones include “gratitude in recovery,” “the importance of fellowship,” “living life on life’s terms,” and other broad but relevant subjects. If that’s the case, we should try to relate our share to the chosen topic, but we shouldn’t feel compelled to do so if there’s something we need to get off our chest. In the end, all meetings are for helping each other stay sober — that’s always the top priority.

4. Stick to your own story.

When we hear others share their struggles, it can be tempting to jump in with “solutions.” But when it comes to AA, there’s a time and a place for that — and that time is not during the meeting. Instead, try to phrase any suggestions in terms of your own experience to avoid giving what might be perceived as unsolicited advice (or that cross talk we mentioned earlier). Here are some examples:

  • “I found that exercise is a great craving-buster. It really helps me get my mind off alcohol.”
  • “When I was struggling with going to work events that involve booze, I found that bringing a sober friend along helped a ton.”

Remember, we can always approach another member after the meeting to see if they want to chat! In fact, even if we find that AA isn’t right for us after all, we might end up making lasting friendships with those in the same boat. So feel free to connect with people in more informal ways outside of meetings — they could end up being a valuable support system (and might also be looking for AA alternatives).

5. “What you hear here stays here.”

The fact that AA is meant to be a safe space to share our stories without sensitive information leaving the room is the cornerstone of AA. After all, it’s in the name: we can expect to remain anonymous. There’s an AA saying that some groups repeat at the beginning of each meeting: “What you hear here, whom you see here, let it remain here, when you leave here!” And they mean it! Blabbing about someone else’s bender to the outside world is a huge no-no. 

Just think about it: Would you want someone else to tell their friends or family about the number of beers you fessed up to drinking this St. Patrick’s Day, or the fight you had with your partner about those empty bottles at the back of your closet? Plus, those stories have a way of making it back to our nosy neighbors, coworkers, or in-laws, so it’s best for everyone to keep what they hear to themselves.

6. Avoid self-pity and blame.

Sharing honestly is encouraged, but any “woe is me” talk is likely to be frowned upon. Personal responsibility is huge in AA, and while we obviously can talk about pressures we’re experiencing from others or difficulties we’re having in our relationships, it’s important to make sure we’re sticking to “our side of the street” and not blaming our problems on someone else. It’s all about what we can control — and while we don’t have to like the rest, sometimes we just need to accept it.

AA “Taboos”: What Not Say in AA Meetings

Now, we come to the “unofficial” guidelines about what might not be such a great idea to say in one of those church basements. Rather than rules, they are bits of friendly advice from members on avoiding potentially unpleasant interactions.

1. “There are other ways to get sober.” (Even though there are.)

Now, we’re certainly not saying there aren’t other ways to get sober. In fact, many find that some of the more science-based AA alternatives work better for them than the “spiritual but not religious” steps of AA.  For a deep dive, check out “Best AA Alternatives.” Just don’t mention them at an AA meeting — it might get people stirred up, and there’s no point trying to talk an AA advocate out of their views that 12 Step programs are the be-all and end-all of recovery. 

2. “I plan to go back to moderate drinking.” (Even if you're thinking about it.)

As far as AA is concerned, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. And while the AA view of alcoholism as a type of “allergy” is less than scientific, there actually is science behind the risks of someone with alcohol use disorder (AUD) drinking again. That said, the question of moderate drinking might be on our mind, especially if we’re at the stage of wanting to explore a sober-curious lifestyle or are interested in cutting back rather than quitting completely.

3. “I just want to cut back.” (Even if that’s where you are right now.)

There’s no wiggle room when it comes to ”just cutting back” in AA. The AA fellowship is for folks who have decided booze isn’t for them — period. If we’re wanting to explore a sober-curious lifestyle for health reasons, try a Dry January or Sober October challenge, or simply cut back (at least for now), saying so could get us the side-eye from other members. Some might even approach us after the meeting in an effort to “clarify” some things we might be “missing” about our relationship with booze. Rest assured, they mean well, but their efforts might not sit well with you, so keep this in mind!

4. “I don’t need a Higher Power.” (Even though you’re free to chart your own course.)

Finally, as we already mentioned, spirituality is huge in AA, and challenging the “Higher Power” concept isn’t going to land well. That said, we should feel free to choose a path that’s right for us. Let’s look at some alternatives!

AA Alternatives

Looking for AA Alternatives?

What if AA isn’t working for you? For a deep dive, check out the other blogs we mentioned earlier. For now, here’s a brief overview.

  • Therapy. Therapy provides personalized, science-based solutions. Approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) help us restructure our thoughts around alcohol. The result? We physically change our neural pathways, rewiring our brain!
  • Other support groups. Other groups offer support without the “spiritual” flavor. Groups such as SMART Recovery are based on science and offer camaraderie as well.
  • Technology. Technology can be the best of all worlds. Apps like Reframe are a library of science-based resources, a treasure trove of coping techniques, and a supportive community all in one. And it’s right there, in the palm of your hand!

It doesn’t matter which road you take to recovery, and the decision is a personal one! The most important thing is finding what works for you.

Summing Up

Whatever path you choose, the main thing to remember is that you've made a commitment to a brighter future by changing your relationship with alcohol. Only good things await! The rest, ultimately, is details. And here at Reframe we’re happy to support you every step of the way, to be there for you when things get rough, and to celebrate your wins!

Quit Drinking
2024-08-29 9:00
Quit Drinking
What Is the Most Important Thing in AA?
This is some text inside of a div block.

What is the First Step of AA all about? Learn why admitting powerlessness over booze is so highly emphasized. Then, explore a more scientific approach with us!

24 min read

Take the First Step To Drink Less With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

It started out as harmless fun. Parties on the weekend, trivia night with a pitcher of beer on Thursdays with some pals from work, wine with dinner. Somehow the amount you drank kept increasing until you found yourself downing more than you set out to on a regular basis. The exact amount doesn’t matter. Whether you got to the point where you had to throw back a couple of beers in the morning just to stop the shakes or you found yourself waking up at 3 a.m. in a cold sweat, trying to piece the previous night together and making damage control plans, one thing is clear: alcohol has taken up way more real estate in your life than you’d like — and you’re ready to do something about it.

A gathering of individuals in chairs, conversing and interacting with one another

This realization, in turn, is what the First Step of AA — also considered the most important aspect of the program — is all about. But while there’s value in facing our demons head-on and being honest about our relationship with booze, the way the First Step is presented has some serious drawbacks. Let’s dig deeper into the First Step, AA’s take on it, and a “reframed” version that’s a bit more science-based and optimistic.

AA: A (Very) Brief Introduction

First things first: what is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)? And what are the Steps? AA is the brainchild of Bill Wilson, a stockbroker who nearly lost his life to booze before a spontaneous recovery. It’s a fellowship of people who found themselves in the grip of what we now call alcohol use disorder (AUD). The idea is simple: like-minded people coming together to help each other by sharing stories, offering advice, and working through the “12 Steps.” The Steps serve as recovery instructions, steering people onto the path of sobriety and productive living by cleaning up the aftermath booze left in their own lives and helping others in the same boat. 

Some swear by it, some can’t stomach its less-than-scientific claims (go figure — it was started nearly a century ago), and others fall somewhere in between. For a closer look, check out “How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?” For now, let’s focus on the First Step, AA’s take on it, and what might be a more palatable (and science-based) version.

What Is the First Step of AA?

So what is this famous First Step? Here goes: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives have become unmanageable.” In other words, the First Step is admitting that booze got the better of us, as well as acknowledging the fact that our lives became a mess as a result. 

What that mess looks like depends on the person. Some of us might be walking into the meeting having been court-ordered to do so after our last DUI. Others might be “functional,” taking swigs of vodka from a coffee thermos between Zoom conferences and PTA meetings. The only requirement, as the AA Preamble says, is the desire to stop drinking.

Into the Pitcher Plant

There’s a useful image that illustrates the power alcohol can have over us, and how the First Step can help. It’s the carnivorous “pitcher plant” analogy that addiction specialist Allen Carr describes in The Easy Way To Control Alcohol. Here’s the gist:

  • The bait. An enticing meat-eating plant draws in prey with the promise of nectar. In a similar way, those first few (or first few hundred) drinks promise us a good time, a well-deserved break, and anything else our heart desires. And the fact that advertising sends the message that we’re more likely to end up on a yacht with a swimsuit model if we drink a certain brand of beer doesn’t help.
  • The slow slide. Just like the fly in the Venus flytrap, we keep the drinks flowing, thinking we’re in control, all the while teetering on the edge of danger. The fly basks in the sweet nectar of the plant, all the while sliding down deeper. Relishing what it thinks is a delicious meal, the fly doesn’t realize it’s actually on the menu. Similarly, this is where the First Step — admitting that we’re powerless over alcohol — comes in.
  • The trap. By the time the fly realizes it’s trapped, it’s toast — literally. It’s too late to get out, and its fate is sealed. It gets digested by the plant, becoming the very nectar used to entice the next batch of helpless victims destined to become tomorrow’s dinner. Similarly, if we’re not careful, we can find ourselves in danger of being “consumed” by our own beverage of choice. As the saying goes, “First we take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes us.” Yikes!

Luckily, however, there’s light at the end of the tunnel for us. While we might indeed feel like we’re hopelessly stuck, this is where our paths diverge from those of the doomed bugs. We can get out, and it starts with that famous First Step.

Why Is the First Step Important

Why Is the First Step Important?

The First Step of AA lays the foundation for the whole program. 

It puts us in “honesty mode.” If we’ve been struggling for a while, it’s likely that we’ve been less than honest about our daily dealings with others (and, even worse, with ourselves). What started out as a few “white lies” might have morphed into full-blown deception. The First Step, in turn, creates an opportunity to interrupt the cycle of lies and broken promises.

It’s about letting go of control. Releasing control is another key component of the AA program, which is echoed in the Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

In a way, the First Step (which is usually read at the beginning of an AA meeting) and the Serenity Prayer (the traditional closing) create a “bookend” structure around the meeting. Both are about accepting reality while taking an active step toward change.

The Science Behind the Step

The powerlessness at the heart of the First Step might appear baffling to the outside observer. “Why don’t they just stop?” is a question that keeps our loved ones awake at night as they witness our descent into the “pitcher.” In fact, it’s the same question that probably keeps us up as well. Why in the world are we powerless to stop what looks like voluntary behavior?

  • The truth is, there’s science behind this powerlessness and the unmanageable havoc it wreaks. Alcohol’s effect on the brain is now much less of a mystery than it was in the past. For a deep dive, check out “Understanding Alcohol Dependence: Health Issues, Causes, and How To Overcome.” For now, here’s an overview:
  • Alcohol tweaks our neurotransmitter levels. The secret behind alcohol’s allure? It’s all about dopamine — the reward neurochemical that gives us that pleasant buzz and keeps us coming back for more. In addition to increasing its levels in the brain, alcohol also boosts GABA (an inhibitory neurotransmitter) and lowers glutamate (its excitatory counterpart). Unfortunately, what goes up must come down — and then some. After basking in the brief period of pleasant relaxation, we’re likely to experience rebound anxiety and depression.
  • Over time, these shifts lead to dependence. The brain gets used to the “new normal” and comes to expect alcohol’s effects. As time goes on, there’s not much “reward” or relaxation to speak of — we find ourselves drinking just to feel okay.
  • Withdrawal and cravings keep the cycle going. We find that if we stop drinking, our brain chemistry goes haywire, leading to symptoms that can range from unease and restlessness to intense nausea, seizures, and delirium tremens (DTs). Plus, intense cravings for booze make it all but impossible to keep the cycle going. What a mess!

The First Step, in turn, is calling out this mess for what it is. We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place: wanting something and yet wishing we didn’t want it at the same time. Unmanageable indeed.

Reframing the First Step: A Non-AA Version

That said, the way the First Step is phrased misses a critical component — one that’s also backed by science. Understanding how the brain responds to alcohol gives us the tools to reclaim our own power on our own terms. The result? We break free from the trap and are no longer dependent on booze (or, for that matter, on AA). Instead of dwelling on our “powerlessness,” we focus on the power we have to rewire our own brain. 

The Power of Neuroplasticity

How can we make this magic happen? The answer lies in neuro-plasticity — the brain’s ability to change and adapt. There’s a beautiful symmetry here: the very thing that got us into the alcohol trap — our brain adjusting to the presence of alcohol — can also help get us out. 

According to research, simply staying away from booze begins the process of rewiring the brain. The longer we abstain, the easier it gets, as new neural circuits get established. It’s a bit like creating a ski track in the snow: the first go is the hardest, but before we know it we’re gliding along almost effortlessly. It’s important to note, however, that for those of us who struggled with AUD in the past, drinking again isn’t a good idea. History can — and often does — repeat itself.

There’s a saying that illustrates this concept: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” In other words, the more we repeat a certain behavior, the stronger the connection between all of its constituent parts — in this case, the way we react to and behave around booze.

Scientists at MIT demonstrated this process in action and even found a key protein (called Arc) that serves as a neurochemical trigger to get neighboring neurons to sync up. The lead author compares this uncanny ability to “a massive school of fish [that] can suddenly change direction, en masse, so long as the lead fish turns and every other fish obeys the simple rule of following the fish right in front of it.” 

Thanks to the power of neuroplasticity, the physical part of recovery kicks off as soon as we set down the glass, bottle, or coffee thermos we stash our booze in. Our brain adjusts to the “new” new normal: soon enough we’re no longer physically dependent, our dopamine levels begin to get restored, and our mood starts to lift. Hooray! We might still feel some emotional dependence on it, but that’s about to change, too.

It Keeps Getting Better

Here’s the best news: in addition to recovering physically, we can actually be happy about it. The more we see through the illusion of pleasure alcohol created through its chemical shenanigans in our brain, the more our desire for it fades away.

This is what cognitive behavioral therapy is all about: uncovering our subconscious beliefs about alcohol and reframing these cognitive distortions in a way that changes how we feel about drinking. 

For example, maybe you think you need booze to socialize. Okay, let’s look at the evidence. Were we able to have fun at social events before we drank? Of course — just think of the booze-free fun you had as a child running around the playground, feeding pigeons in the park, or building pillow forts in the living room. Now, think about all those embarrassing late-night phone calls, hangovers that made you cancel plans, and morning-after regrets. Chances are, they didn’t do much for your social life.

Decoding Dopamine

Moreover, by understanding alcohol’s effects on dopamine, we can finally understand why we kept drinking in the first place against our own better judgment (and, seemingly, even against our will). As Annie Grace explains in This Naked Mind, 

“It’s important to understand the difference between wanting and liking. When I was in the deepest levels of my addiction, the cravings were overwhelming to the point where I felt I was no longer in control. Yet the pleasure I got from drinking was practically nonexistent.”

In other words, our intense desire for booze was driven by our brain running on autopilot, demanding that we continue doing what we’ve done before. It’s no accident that dopamine is involved in the process of learningwe’re naturally driven to repeat what we’ve done before, even if the dopamine hit we get from it is barely enough to return us to baseline.

The result of this insight is nothing short of a (scientific) miracle. As Grace goes on to say:

“When you completely change your mental (conscious and unconscious) perspective on alcohol, you begin to see the truth about drinking. When this happens, no willpower is required, and it becomes a joy not to drink.”

Interestingly, AA can actually foster this shift to some extent, but doesn’t give science any credit for it. People who keep going to meetings while helping others in the same boat really do start feeling better — often to the point that they no longer crave alcohol. However, what’s most likely happening is they’re seeing through the illusion alcohol created. 

Hearing others’ stories, examining our own, and watching enough newcomers walk (or stumble) through the doors to take their own First Step adds up to a mountain of undeniable evidence that drinking too much doesn’t end well. In fact, the AA saying that “the newcomer is the most important person in any meeting” has a double meaning. Yes, it’s about helping those who need it the most. But it’s also about remembering that we don’t want to end up in their shoes again.

Moreover, the very act of helping others also plays a key role. Science says that authentic interactions and a genuine effort to help those around us is a natural way to boost “happy” neurochemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. In fact, it’s one of the best “natural highs”! 

Taking the First Step (Even If AA Isn’t for You)

So how do we go about taking the First Step of AA (or its “reframed” version)? It’s actually easier than we might think. In fact, chances are, if we’re walking through the doors of that church basement — or even reading about it in order to find guidance for our current situation — we’ve already taken it. And even if we decide not to go to AA, just being mindful about wanting to change can set us up for success. As Ann Voskamp writes in One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, “Sometimes you don’t know when you’re taking the First Step through a door until you’re already inside.”

Once we’ve made a decision, there are many ways we can build a booze-free life. This is the fun part — the sky’s the limit, and there’s so much to look forward to! Therapy, other support groups, and apps such as Reframe are all great ways to make lasting shifts in our relationship with alcohol. It’s all about understanding our own mind to put booze in the background and focus our energy on finding new sources of joy and becoming happier, healthier versions of ourselves.

It started out as harmless fun. Parties on the weekend, trivia night with a pitcher of beer on Thursdays with some pals from work, wine with dinner. Somehow the amount you drank kept increasing until you found yourself downing more than you set out to on a regular basis. The exact amount doesn’t matter. Whether you got to the point where you had to throw back a couple of beers in the morning just to stop the shakes or you found yourself waking up at 3 a.m. in a cold sweat, trying to piece the previous night together and making damage control plans, one thing is clear: alcohol has taken up way more real estate in your life than you’d like — and you’re ready to do something about it.

A gathering of individuals in chairs, conversing and interacting with one another

This realization, in turn, is what the First Step of AA — also considered the most important aspect of the program — is all about. But while there’s value in facing our demons head-on and being honest about our relationship with booze, the way the First Step is presented has some serious drawbacks. Let’s dig deeper into the First Step, AA’s take on it, and a “reframed” version that’s a bit more science-based and optimistic.

AA: A (Very) Brief Introduction

First things first: what is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)? And what are the Steps? AA is the brainchild of Bill Wilson, a stockbroker who nearly lost his life to booze before a spontaneous recovery. It’s a fellowship of people who found themselves in the grip of what we now call alcohol use disorder (AUD). The idea is simple: like-minded people coming together to help each other by sharing stories, offering advice, and working through the “12 Steps.” The Steps serve as recovery instructions, steering people onto the path of sobriety and productive living by cleaning up the aftermath booze left in their own lives and helping others in the same boat. 

Some swear by it, some can’t stomach its less-than-scientific claims (go figure — it was started nearly a century ago), and others fall somewhere in between. For a closer look, check out “How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?” For now, let’s focus on the First Step, AA’s take on it, and what might be a more palatable (and science-based) version.

What Is the First Step of AA?

So what is this famous First Step? Here goes: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives have become unmanageable.” In other words, the First Step is admitting that booze got the better of us, as well as acknowledging the fact that our lives became a mess as a result. 

What that mess looks like depends on the person. Some of us might be walking into the meeting having been court-ordered to do so after our last DUI. Others might be “functional,” taking swigs of vodka from a coffee thermos between Zoom conferences and PTA meetings. The only requirement, as the AA Preamble says, is the desire to stop drinking.

Into the Pitcher Plant

There’s a useful image that illustrates the power alcohol can have over us, and how the First Step can help. It’s the carnivorous “pitcher plant” analogy that addiction specialist Allen Carr describes in The Easy Way To Control Alcohol. Here’s the gist:

  • The bait. An enticing meat-eating plant draws in prey with the promise of nectar. In a similar way, those first few (or first few hundred) drinks promise us a good time, a well-deserved break, and anything else our heart desires. And the fact that advertising sends the message that we’re more likely to end up on a yacht with a swimsuit model if we drink a certain brand of beer doesn’t help.
  • The slow slide. Just like the fly in the Venus flytrap, we keep the drinks flowing, thinking we’re in control, all the while teetering on the edge of danger. The fly basks in the sweet nectar of the plant, all the while sliding down deeper. Relishing what it thinks is a delicious meal, the fly doesn’t realize it’s actually on the menu. Similarly, this is where the First Step — admitting that we’re powerless over alcohol — comes in.
  • The trap. By the time the fly realizes it’s trapped, it’s toast — literally. It’s too late to get out, and its fate is sealed. It gets digested by the plant, becoming the very nectar used to entice the next batch of helpless victims destined to become tomorrow’s dinner. Similarly, if we’re not careful, we can find ourselves in danger of being “consumed” by our own beverage of choice. As the saying goes, “First we take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes us.” Yikes!

Luckily, however, there’s light at the end of the tunnel for us. While we might indeed feel like we’re hopelessly stuck, this is where our paths diverge from those of the doomed bugs. We can get out, and it starts with that famous First Step.

Why Is the First Step Important

Why Is the First Step Important?

The First Step of AA lays the foundation for the whole program. 

It puts us in “honesty mode.” If we’ve been struggling for a while, it’s likely that we’ve been less than honest about our daily dealings with others (and, even worse, with ourselves). What started out as a few “white lies” might have morphed into full-blown deception. The First Step, in turn, creates an opportunity to interrupt the cycle of lies and broken promises.

It’s about letting go of control. Releasing control is another key component of the AA program, which is echoed in the Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

In a way, the First Step (which is usually read at the beginning of an AA meeting) and the Serenity Prayer (the traditional closing) create a “bookend” structure around the meeting. Both are about accepting reality while taking an active step toward change.

The Science Behind the Step

The powerlessness at the heart of the First Step might appear baffling to the outside observer. “Why don’t they just stop?” is a question that keeps our loved ones awake at night as they witness our descent into the “pitcher.” In fact, it’s the same question that probably keeps us up as well. Why in the world are we powerless to stop what looks like voluntary behavior?

  • The truth is, there’s science behind this powerlessness and the unmanageable havoc it wreaks. Alcohol’s effect on the brain is now much less of a mystery than it was in the past. For a deep dive, check out “Understanding Alcohol Dependence: Health Issues, Causes, and How To Overcome.” For now, here’s an overview:
  • Alcohol tweaks our neurotransmitter levels. The secret behind alcohol’s allure? It’s all about dopamine — the reward neurochemical that gives us that pleasant buzz and keeps us coming back for more. In addition to increasing its levels in the brain, alcohol also boosts GABA (an inhibitory neurotransmitter) and lowers glutamate (its excitatory counterpart). Unfortunately, what goes up must come down — and then some. After basking in the brief period of pleasant relaxation, we’re likely to experience rebound anxiety and depression.
  • Over time, these shifts lead to dependence. The brain gets used to the “new normal” and comes to expect alcohol’s effects. As time goes on, there’s not much “reward” or relaxation to speak of — we find ourselves drinking just to feel okay.
  • Withdrawal and cravings keep the cycle going. We find that if we stop drinking, our brain chemistry goes haywire, leading to symptoms that can range from unease and restlessness to intense nausea, seizures, and delirium tremens (DTs). Plus, intense cravings for booze make it all but impossible to keep the cycle going. What a mess!

The First Step, in turn, is calling out this mess for what it is. We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place: wanting something and yet wishing we didn’t want it at the same time. Unmanageable indeed.

Reframing the First Step: A Non-AA Version

That said, the way the First Step is phrased misses a critical component — one that’s also backed by science. Understanding how the brain responds to alcohol gives us the tools to reclaim our own power on our own terms. The result? We break free from the trap and are no longer dependent on booze (or, for that matter, on AA). Instead of dwelling on our “powerlessness,” we focus on the power we have to rewire our own brain. 

The Power of Neuroplasticity

How can we make this magic happen? The answer lies in neuro-plasticity — the brain’s ability to change and adapt. There’s a beautiful symmetry here: the very thing that got us into the alcohol trap — our brain adjusting to the presence of alcohol — can also help get us out. 

According to research, simply staying away from booze begins the process of rewiring the brain. The longer we abstain, the easier it gets, as new neural circuits get established. It’s a bit like creating a ski track in the snow: the first go is the hardest, but before we know it we’re gliding along almost effortlessly. It’s important to note, however, that for those of us who struggled with AUD in the past, drinking again isn’t a good idea. History can — and often does — repeat itself.

There’s a saying that illustrates this concept: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” In other words, the more we repeat a certain behavior, the stronger the connection between all of its constituent parts — in this case, the way we react to and behave around booze.

Scientists at MIT demonstrated this process in action and even found a key protein (called Arc) that serves as a neurochemical trigger to get neighboring neurons to sync up. The lead author compares this uncanny ability to “a massive school of fish [that] can suddenly change direction, en masse, so long as the lead fish turns and every other fish obeys the simple rule of following the fish right in front of it.” 

Thanks to the power of neuroplasticity, the physical part of recovery kicks off as soon as we set down the glass, bottle, or coffee thermos we stash our booze in. Our brain adjusts to the “new” new normal: soon enough we’re no longer physically dependent, our dopamine levels begin to get restored, and our mood starts to lift. Hooray! We might still feel some emotional dependence on it, but that’s about to change, too.

It Keeps Getting Better

Here’s the best news: in addition to recovering physically, we can actually be happy about it. The more we see through the illusion of pleasure alcohol created through its chemical shenanigans in our brain, the more our desire for it fades away.

This is what cognitive behavioral therapy is all about: uncovering our subconscious beliefs about alcohol and reframing these cognitive distortions in a way that changes how we feel about drinking. 

For example, maybe you think you need booze to socialize. Okay, let’s look at the evidence. Were we able to have fun at social events before we drank? Of course — just think of the booze-free fun you had as a child running around the playground, feeding pigeons in the park, or building pillow forts in the living room. Now, think about all those embarrassing late-night phone calls, hangovers that made you cancel plans, and morning-after regrets. Chances are, they didn’t do much for your social life.

Decoding Dopamine

Moreover, by understanding alcohol’s effects on dopamine, we can finally understand why we kept drinking in the first place against our own better judgment (and, seemingly, even against our will). As Annie Grace explains in This Naked Mind, 

“It’s important to understand the difference between wanting and liking. When I was in the deepest levels of my addiction, the cravings were overwhelming to the point where I felt I was no longer in control. Yet the pleasure I got from drinking was practically nonexistent.”

In other words, our intense desire for booze was driven by our brain running on autopilot, demanding that we continue doing what we’ve done before. It’s no accident that dopamine is involved in the process of learningwe’re naturally driven to repeat what we’ve done before, even if the dopamine hit we get from it is barely enough to return us to baseline.

The result of this insight is nothing short of a (scientific) miracle. As Grace goes on to say:

“When you completely change your mental (conscious and unconscious) perspective on alcohol, you begin to see the truth about drinking. When this happens, no willpower is required, and it becomes a joy not to drink.”

Interestingly, AA can actually foster this shift to some extent, but doesn’t give science any credit for it. People who keep going to meetings while helping others in the same boat really do start feeling better — often to the point that they no longer crave alcohol. However, what’s most likely happening is they’re seeing through the illusion alcohol created. 

Hearing others’ stories, examining our own, and watching enough newcomers walk (or stumble) through the doors to take their own First Step adds up to a mountain of undeniable evidence that drinking too much doesn’t end well. In fact, the AA saying that “the newcomer is the most important person in any meeting” has a double meaning. Yes, it’s about helping those who need it the most. But it’s also about remembering that we don’t want to end up in their shoes again.

Moreover, the very act of helping others also plays a key role. Science says that authentic interactions and a genuine effort to help those around us is a natural way to boost “happy” neurochemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. In fact, it’s one of the best “natural highs”! 

Taking the First Step (Even If AA Isn’t for You)

So how do we go about taking the First Step of AA (or its “reframed” version)? It’s actually easier than we might think. In fact, chances are, if we’re walking through the doors of that church basement — or even reading about it in order to find guidance for our current situation — we’ve already taken it. And even if we decide not to go to AA, just being mindful about wanting to change can set us up for success. As Ann Voskamp writes in One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, “Sometimes you don’t know when you’re taking the First Step through a door until you’re already inside.”

Once we’ve made a decision, there are many ways we can build a booze-free life. This is the fun part — the sky’s the limit, and there’s so much to look forward to! Therapy, other support groups, and apps such as Reframe are all great ways to make lasting shifts in our relationship with alcohol. It’s all about understanding our own mind to put booze in the background and focus our energy on finding new sources of joy and becoming happier, healthier versions of ourselves.

Quit Drinking
2024-08-29 9:00
Quit Drinking
What Is the AA Preamble, and Is It Beneficial?
This is some text inside of a div block.

The AA Preamble starts every meeting, but what’s it all about? Find out what role the Preamble of AA plays in the program and check out some AA alternatives in our latest blog!

19 min read

Set Your Intentions and Drink Less With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

If you’ve been to a few AA meetings, you’ve probably noticed some similarities across the board. There’s usually a round of introductions with most members saying, “My name is so-and-so, and I’m an alcoholic.” The 12 Steps are probably hanging on the wall. There’s probably coffee. And yes, the meeting usually starts with the reading of the AA Preamble.

But what is the purpose of the Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble? Let’s look into it.

A Brief Look at AA

A group of individuals seated at a table, engaged in lively discussion

First, let’s take a brief look at Alcoholics Anonymous itself. To learn about the ins and outs of AA and AA meetings, check out “How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?” and “What To Expect at an AA Meeting.” For now, here’s the gist:

  • AA is a self-help group for those struggling with alcohol. The credit goes to stockbroker Bill Wilson, known in AA as “Bill W.”, whose spontaneous recovery from a near-fatal case of alcohol misuse marked the beginning of the program in the 1930s.
  • It is spiritual in nature and based on the 12 Steps. While not religious, AA is spiritual in nature. The concept of a “Higher Power” aiding them in their recovery appeals to many, but for some it can be a turn-off.
  • Meetings form the core of the program. Although meetings might vary in format, their purpose is the same: to share our recovery “experience, strength, and hope” with others to help them and ourselves.

The meetings are where the Preamble comes into the picture.

All About the AA Preamble

The Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble is read at the beginning of AA meetings. Short and sweet, it’s a concise statement introducing the group’s mission and principles. But what exactly is the purpose of the AA Preamble, and how does it contribute to the recovery process? Let’s take a closer look!

1. It states the meeting’s purpose.

Once we hear the Preamble, there’s no mistaking what door we walked into — we’re definitely at an AA meeting — “a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope.” Most importantly, we’re all here for the same reason — “to solve our common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.”

By emphasizing this goal, the AA Preamble reinforces it and makes clear what AA is all about. And while many might know this already, it never hurts to repeat it! 

In fact, even if we end up finding that AA isn’t right for us, putting our “why” — our reasons for changing our relationship with booze — into a concise and clear statement is a great idea. Maybe we want to improve our cardiovascular health, sharpen our cognitive skills, or lose some weight. Or maybe the reason has to do with building more authentic friendships, spending more time with our kids, or strengthening our relationship with our partner. Whatever it is, stating it clearly is the first step. 

Next, it’s a good idea to put our “purpose statement” in a place where we’ll come across it daily. Whether we write it on a post-it note and stick it to the bathroom mirror or use a phone widget to create a digital reminder, the effect is the same: seeing our “purpose statement” is a visual reminder of why we decided to make a shift in our daily habits.

Neuroscience fact: There’s an area of neuroscience that deals with the “purpose-driven life” hypothesis. This fascinating research field is all about how mental, emotional, social, and spiritual factors can directly affect our health. The idea behind it is that having a sense of purpose can actually make us physically stronger and more resilient, staving off dementia, improving cardiovascular health, and improving the outcomes of stroke and spinal cord injuries. Purpose statement, here we come! And remember, it doesn’t have to be in the context of AA — feel free to define yours however you want.

2. It sets the tone for the meeting.

One thing is clear about AA: it tries to set a welcoming vibe with minimal expectations. The Preamble reaffirms that. As the second paragraph reads, “The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.” It also mentions that AA is always free and “self-supporting” — contributions are completely voluntary.

Making this tone of inclusivity clear from the start can go a long way to making newcomers feel comfortable. Even if we drank the night before, or that morning, or five minutes before the meeting, we know that we’re still welcome.

That said, while the statement works well to welcome those who want booze out of their lives completely, it’s not as inclusive when it comes to everyone else. A casual drinker exploring a sober-curious lifestyle or trying a Sober October or Dry January challenge to experience the benefits of drinking less without making a lifelong commitment might not feel quite as welcome. (Luckily, there are many AA alternatives — more on that later.)

Neuroscience fact: Social support triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of trust and bonding. In addition to making us feel good naturally, it reduces stress — a common trigger for alcohol use.

3. It defines AA as a “neutral” organization.

According to the Preamble, AA “is not aligned with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution,” doesn’t wish to “engage in any controversy,” or support any “opposing causes.”

While this purported neutrality sounds good, this is also where things get a bit muddled. It’s true that AA considers itself to be “spiritual but not religious,” and yet it’s impossible to go through a meeting without hearing the word “God” or references to prayer. While there’s nothing wrong with that, many first-timers may not realize this up-front, and those with differing views or religious trauma might find the tone a bit triggering (or, at the very least, a turn-off).

Neuroscience fact: The area of the brain known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) lights up when we make a judgment about another person. Curiously, if that judgment is positive, we get a “dopamine hit” that makes us feel good.

4. It encourages shared experience.

The AA Preamble emphasizes the importance of sharing stories — a crucial component of AA, which is based on people sharing their experiences with alcohol and giving hope to others that recovery is possible. This openness removes the stigma some might feel about their alcohol use: whatever we did, chances are, someone else has done the same thing (or worse). However much we drank, it’s all but certain that someone else drank even more than we did. And while this experience most likely wreaked havoc in our lives at the time, it can now serve as a way to connect with others who’ve been in our shoes. 

Whether or not AA is ultimately right for us, having a support team willing to lend a helping hand and an empathetic ear is crucial in recovery. We are “social animals” by nature, and any complex task is infinitely easier with a solid support system to back us up, support us when things get rough, and celebrate our milestones.

Neuroscience fact: When we hear someone share their story, our mirror neurons activate, allowing us to empathize and connect with their experience. Mirror neurons fire when we watch someone perform an action as opposed to engaging in it ourselves. This shared experience, in turn, fosters empathy, makes us closer to others, and supports recovery for everyone involved. It’s a win-win!

5. It reinforces commitment to sobriety.

Finally, while reading the same couple of paragraphs at the beginning of every meeting might seem a bit repetitive, there’s a reason for the reinforcement. Building new habits is all about repetition, and the AA Preamble reinforces the main points to keep in mind along the way.

And, just like its other benefits, the value of repetition goes beyond the Preamble! Repeating behaviors we want to make automatic can feel tedious at first, but before we know it, neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to adapt and change — makes it easier. Remember, habit formation is all about repetition and reinforcement, and our thoughts and behaviors around alcohol are no different. The more we state our intentions while engaging in alcohol-free activities of any sort, the more we strengthen our connection with the habits fueling our new lifestyle and reinforce our commitment to them.

Neuroscience fact: The brain loves patterns, and repetition strengthens existing connections. Known as “Hebbian learning,” this phenomenon is captured in the saying “neurons that fire together wire together.” Repetition, in turn, serves as a sort of neurological glue that fosters these connections.

Beyond the Preamble: AA Alternatives

The AA Preamble might be useful for its purposes, but that doesn’t mean AA itself is for everyone. And that’s okay! For a deep dive, check out “Best Alternatives for AA.” For now, here are some options to think about:

  • Therapy. The AA Preamble is very clear about who AA is for — those who struggle with alcohol. But there are so many ways to approach this problem, and sometimes an individualized plan that a therapist helps us build works best. We’re not talking psychoanalysis here. These days there are more practical, science-based therapy options that help us restructure our thought patterns and behaviors around booze. Check out “How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Help With Alcohol Misuse?” and “How Can Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Help With Alcohol Misuse?” to learn more.
  • Other support groups. AA might be one of the best known self-help fellowships, but it’s not the only one. Science-based groups such as SMART Recovery are all about changing our relationship with alcohol in a way that doesn’t require us to list “character defects,” appeal to a “Higher Power,” or declare our problem to be a “spiritual malady.” In fact, it’s based on CBT.
  • Online support groups and apps. Finally, today we have help available right at our fingertips! Online support groups are great for connecting with others in the same boat in the comfort of our home. And apps such as Reframe have revolutionized the recovery scene, bringing together motivational coaching, science-backed information, craving-busting tools, drink-tracking software, and much more. And it’s all right there, in the palm of our hand.

Remember, whatever path you choose for your recovery, the most important part is this: you’ve decided to change your relationship with alcohol. That’s great! There’s so much to look forward to and so many perks to discover for yourself. And Reframe is here to support you, cheer you on, and help you reach your goals!

Best Alternatives to AA

Summing Up

When it comes to the AA Preamble, it’s helpful to focus on the benefits of having a “preamble” for our alcohol journey as a whole — whatever form that takes. In the words of Tara Stiles:

“Our bodies and our minds have their own timing that pay little attention to our cerebral desires. We can't force or expect things to change as fast as we want, but when we put our efforts in the direction of our intention and drop everything else like snow falling, things unfold with ease.”

And if we set our intentions about alcohol — and, better yet, put them in writing — we can look forward to a healthier, happier version of ourselves “unfolding with ease” each day that we stay on our path!

If you’ve been to a few AA meetings, you’ve probably noticed some similarities across the board. There’s usually a round of introductions with most members saying, “My name is so-and-so, and I’m an alcoholic.” The 12 Steps are probably hanging on the wall. There’s probably coffee. And yes, the meeting usually starts with the reading of the AA Preamble.

But what is the purpose of the Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble? Let’s look into it.

A Brief Look at AA

A group of individuals seated at a table, engaged in lively discussion

First, let’s take a brief look at Alcoholics Anonymous itself. To learn about the ins and outs of AA and AA meetings, check out “How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?” and “What To Expect at an AA Meeting.” For now, here’s the gist:

  • AA is a self-help group for those struggling with alcohol. The credit goes to stockbroker Bill Wilson, known in AA as “Bill W.”, whose spontaneous recovery from a near-fatal case of alcohol misuse marked the beginning of the program in the 1930s.
  • It is spiritual in nature and based on the 12 Steps. While not religious, AA is spiritual in nature. The concept of a “Higher Power” aiding them in their recovery appeals to many, but for some it can be a turn-off.
  • Meetings form the core of the program. Although meetings might vary in format, their purpose is the same: to share our recovery “experience, strength, and hope” with others to help them and ourselves.

The meetings are where the Preamble comes into the picture.

All About the AA Preamble

The Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble is read at the beginning of AA meetings. Short and sweet, it’s a concise statement introducing the group’s mission and principles. But what exactly is the purpose of the AA Preamble, and how does it contribute to the recovery process? Let’s take a closer look!

1. It states the meeting’s purpose.

Once we hear the Preamble, there’s no mistaking what door we walked into — we’re definitely at an AA meeting — “a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope.” Most importantly, we’re all here for the same reason — “to solve our common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.”

By emphasizing this goal, the AA Preamble reinforces it and makes clear what AA is all about. And while many might know this already, it never hurts to repeat it! 

In fact, even if we end up finding that AA isn’t right for us, putting our “why” — our reasons for changing our relationship with booze — into a concise and clear statement is a great idea. Maybe we want to improve our cardiovascular health, sharpen our cognitive skills, or lose some weight. Or maybe the reason has to do with building more authentic friendships, spending more time with our kids, or strengthening our relationship with our partner. Whatever it is, stating it clearly is the first step. 

Next, it’s a good idea to put our “purpose statement” in a place where we’ll come across it daily. Whether we write it on a post-it note and stick it to the bathroom mirror or use a phone widget to create a digital reminder, the effect is the same: seeing our “purpose statement” is a visual reminder of why we decided to make a shift in our daily habits.

Neuroscience fact: There’s an area of neuroscience that deals with the “purpose-driven life” hypothesis. This fascinating research field is all about how mental, emotional, social, and spiritual factors can directly affect our health. The idea behind it is that having a sense of purpose can actually make us physically stronger and more resilient, staving off dementia, improving cardiovascular health, and improving the outcomes of stroke and spinal cord injuries. Purpose statement, here we come! And remember, it doesn’t have to be in the context of AA — feel free to define yours however you want.

2. It sets the tone for the meeting.

One thing is clear about AA: it tries to set a welcoming vibe with minimal expectations. The Preamble reaffirms that. As the second paragraph reads, “The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.” It also mentions that AA is always free and “self-supporting” — contributions are completely voluntary.

Making this tone of inclusivity clear from the start can go a long way to making newcomers feel comfortable. Even if we drank the night before, or that morning, or five minutes before the meeting, we know that we’re still welcome.

That said, while the statement works well to welcome those who want booze out of their lives completely, it’s not as inclusive when it comes to everyone else. A casual drinker exploring a sober-curious lifestyle or trying a Sober October or Dry January challenge to experience the benefits of drinking less without making a lifelong commitment might not feel quite as welcome. (Luckily, there are many AA alternatives — more on that later.)

Neuroscience fact: Social support triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of trust and bonding. In addition to making us feel good naturally, it reduces stress — a common trigger for alcohol use.

3. It defines AA as a “neutral” organization.

According to the Preamble, AA “is not aligned with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution,” doesn’t wish to “engage in any controversy,” or support any “opposing causes.”

While this purported neutrality sounds good, this is also where things get a bit muddled. It’s true that AA considers itself to be “spiritual but not religious,” and yet it’s impossible to go through a meeting without hearing the word “God” or references to prayer. While there’s nothing wrong with that, many first-timers may not realize this up-front, and those with differing views or religious trauma might find the tone a bit triggering (or, at the very least, a turn-off).

Neuroscience fact: The area of the brain known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) lights up when we make a judgment about another person. Curiously, if that judgment is positive, we get a “dopamine hit” that makes us feel good.

4. It encourages shared experience.

The AA Preamble emphasizes the importance of sharing stories — a crucial component of AA, which is based on people sharing their experiences with alcohol and giving hope to others that recovery is possible. This openness removes the stigma some might feel about their alcohol use: whatever we did, chances are, someone else has done the same thing (or worse). However much we drank, it’s all but certain that someone else drank even more than we did. And while this experience most likely wreaked havoc in our lives at the time, it can now serve as a way to connect with others who’ve been in our shoes. 

Whether or not AA is ultimately right for us, having a support team willing to lend a helping hand and an empathetic ear is crucial in recovery. We are “social animals” by nature, and any complex task is infinitely easier with a solid support system to back us up, support us when things get rough, and celebrate our milestones.

Neuroscience fact: When we hear someone share their story, our mirror neurons activate, allowing us to empathize and connect with their experience. Mirror neurons fire when we watch someone perform an action as opposed to engaging in it ourselves. This shared experience, in turn, fosters empathy, makes us closer to others, and supports recovery for everyone involved. It’s a win-win!

5. It reinforces commitment to sobriety.

Finally, while reading the same couple of paragraphs at the beginning of every meeting might seem a bit repetitive, there’s a reason for the reinforcement. Building new habits is all about repetition, and the AA Preamble reinforces the main points to keep in mind along the way.

And, just like its other benefits, the value of repetition goes beyond the Preamble! Repeating behaviors we want to make automatic can feel tedious at first, but before we know it, neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to adapt and change — makes it easier. Remember, habit formation is all about repetition and reinforcement, and our thoughts and behaviors around alcohol are no different. The more we state our intentions while engaging in alcohol-free activities of any sort, the more we strengthen our connection with the habits fueling our new lifestyle and reinforce our commitment to them.

Neuroscience fact: The brain loves patterns, and repetition strengthens existing connections. Known as “Hebbian learning,” this phenomenon is captured in the saying “neurons that fire together wire together.” Repetition, in turn, serves as a sort of neurological glue that fosters these connections.

Beyond the Preamble: AA Alternatives

The AA Preamble might be useful for its purposes, but that doesn’t mean AA itself is for everyone. And that’s okay! For a deep dive, check out “Best Alternatives for AA.” For now, here are some options to think about:

  • Therapy. The AA Preamble is very clear about who AA is for — those who struggle with alcohol. But there are so many ways to approach this problem, and sometimes an individualized plan that a therapist helps us build works best. We’re not talking psychoanalysis here. These days there are more practical, science-based therapy options that help us restructure our thought patterns and behaviors around booze. Check out “How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Help With Alcohol Misuse?” and “How Can Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Help With Alcohol Misuse?” to learn more.
  • Other support groups. AA might be one of the best known self-help fellowships, but it’s not the only one. Science-based groups such as SMART Recovery are all about changing our relationship with alcohol in a way that doesn’t require us to list “character defects,” appeal to a “Higher Power,” or declare our problem to be a “spiritual malady.” In fact, it’s based on CBT.
  • Online support groups and apps. Finally, today we have help available right at our fingertips! Online support groups are great for connecting with others in the same boat in the comfort of our home. And apps such as Reframe have revolutionized the recovery scene, bringing together motivational coaching, science-backed information, craving-busting tools, drink-tracking software, and much more. And it’s all right there, in the palm of our hand.

Remember, whatever path you choose for your recovery, the most important part is this: you’ve decided to change your relationship with alcohol. That’s great! There’s so much to look forward to and so many perks to discover for yourself. And Reframe is here to support you, cheer you on, and help you reach your goals!

Best Alternatives to AA

Summing Up

When it comes to the AA Preamble, it’s helpful to focus on the benefits of having a “preamble” for our alcohol journey as a whole — whatever form that takes. In the words of Tara Stiles:

“Our bodies and our minds have their own timing that pay little attention to our cerebral desires. We can't force or expect things to change as fast as we want, but when we put our efforts in the direction of our intention and drop everything else like snow falling, things unfold with ease.”

And if we set our intentions about alcohol — and, better yet, put them in writing — we can look forward to a healthier, happier version of ourselves “unfolding with ease” each day that we stay on our path!

Quit Drinking
2024-08-15 9:00
Quit Drinking
Sober Living Tips: Identify Personal Triggers and Develop Coping Mechanisms
This is some text inside of a div block.

Identify your triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and practice urge surfing to maintain sobriety. Learn distraction techniques and keep a cravings journal for comprehensive sobriety management.

10 min read

Recognize and Cope with Triggers

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

Living a sober life comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing and overcoming the triggers that can lead to relapse. Understanding your personal triggers and developing effective coping mechanisms are essential steps toward maintaining sobriety. This article delves into identifying personal triggers, developing coping mechanisms, using distraction techniques, practicing urge surfing, and keeping a cravings journal.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify Personal Triggers: Recognize the situations, emotions, and people that trigger the urge to drink.
  • Develop Coping Mechanisms: Learn and implement strategies to manage and overcome triggers.
  • Use Distraction Techniques: Engage in activities that divert your mind from cravings.

Identify Personal Triggers

Sober Living Tips Identify Personal Triggers

Understanding what triggers your urge to drink is the first step in managing your sobriety. Triggers can be internal, such as emotions and thoughts, or external, like people, places, and events.

Common Triggers for Drinking

Triggers can vary from person to person, but some common ones include:

  • Stress: Work pressure, family issues, or financial problems can lead to stress, making you more likely to seek comfort in alcohol.
  • Social Situations: Parties, gatherings, or any social event where alcohol is present can be a significant trigger.
  • Emotional States: Feelings of loneliness, sadness, or even happiness can trigger the desire to drink.
  • Environmental Cues: Specific locations, such as bars or restaurants, or even certain times of the day, can act as triggers.

For a more comprehensive understanding, you can read about common triggers for drinking alcohol.

Personal Triggers

To identify your personal triggers, keep a detailed record of situations and emotions that lead you to think about drinking. Reflect on past experiences and note patterns that emerge. You can also use tools like the Reframe App to help you understand and track your triggers.

Develop Coping Mechanisms

Once you have identified your triggers, developing coping mechanisms is crucial. Coping mechanisms are strategies that help you manage and overcome the urge to drink.

Healthy Coping Strategies

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay grounded and aware of your thoughts and feelings without acting on them. Meditation can also reduce stress and improve emotional regulation.
  2. Physical Activity: Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce cravings. Activities like running, swimming, or yoga can be particularly effective.
  3. Social Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your journey and can offer encouragement and accountability.
  4. Therapy and Counseling: Professional help can provide you with tools and techniques to manage your triggers and cope with cravings effectively.

For more strategies, check out how to avoid your triggers for drinking alcohol.

Use Distraction Techniques

Distraction is a powerful tool for managing cravings. By redirecting your focus, you can reduce the intensity of the urge to drink.

Effective Distraction Techniques

  1. Engage in Hobbies: Find activities you enjoy, such as painting, reading, or gardening, to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Learn Something New: Take up a new hobby or skill, like learning a musical instrument or a new language.
  3. Volunteer: Helping others can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, reducing the desire to drink.
  4. Exercise: Physical activity can serve as both a distraction and a way to improve your overall well-being.

Practice Urge Surfing

Urge surfing is a mindfulness technique that involves observing your cravings without giving in to them. The idea is to "ride the wave" of the craving until it passes, much like a surfer riding a wave.

Steps to Practice Urge Surfing

  1. Acknowledge the Craving: Recognize that you are experiencing a craving and remind yourself that it is temporary.
  2. Observe the Sensation: Pay attention to how the craving feels in your body. Notice any physical sensations, thoughts, or emotions associated with it.
  3. Ride the Wave: Imagine the craving as a wave that will rise, peak, and eventually subside. Focus on your breath and stay present until the craving passes.

Urge surfing can be a powerful tool in your sobriety toolkit, helping you manage cravings without giving in to them.

Keep a Cravings Journal

A cravings journal can be an invaluable resource in your journey to sobriety. By documenting your cravings, you can identify patterns, triggers, and effective coping strategies.

How to Keep a Cravings Journal

  1. Record the Date and Time: Note when the craving occurred.
  2. Describe the Situation: Write down what you were doing, where you were, and who you were with.
  3. Identify Your Emotions: Reflect on how you were feeling at the time.
  4. Note the Intensity: Rate the intensity of the craving on a scale from 1 to 10.
  5. Document Your Response: Write down how you responded to the craving and whether your coping strategies were effective.

By regularly updating your cravings journal, you can gain insights into your triggers and refine your coping mechanisms.

FAQs about Identifying Personal Triggers and Coping Mechanisms

What are personal triggers?

Personal triggers are specific situations, emotions, or people that prompt the urge to drink. They can be internal, such as stress or loneliness, or external, like social events or specific locations.

How can I identify my personal triggers?

To identify your personal triggers, keep a detailed record of situations and emotions that lead you to think about drinking. Reflect on past experiences and note patterns that emerge. Using tools like the Reframe App can also help.

What are some effective coping mechanisms for managing triggers?

Effective coping mechanisms include mindfulness and meditation, physical activity, social support, therapy and counseling, and engaging in hobbies or new activities.

How can distraction techniques help with cravings?

Distraction techniques can help by redirecting your focus away from the craving, reducing its intensity. Engaging in hobbies, learning something new, volunteering, or exercising are all effective distraction techniques.

What is urge surfing and how can it help with cravings?

Urge surfing is a mindfulness technique that involves observing your cravings without giving in to them. By acknowledging the craving, observing the sensation, and riding the wave until it passes, you can manage cravings more effectively.

Why is keeping a cravings journal important?

Keeping a cravings journal helps you identify patterns, triggers, and effective coping strategies. By documenting your cravings, you can gain insights into your triggers and refine your coping mechanisms.

By understanding your triggers and developing effective coping mechanisms, you can take significant steps toward maintaining a sober and healthy lifestyle. Remember, the journey to sobriety is unique for everyone, and finding what works best for you is key.

Living a sober life comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing and overcoming the triggers that can lead to relapse. Understanding your personal triggers and developing effective coping mechanisms are essential steps toward maintaining sobriety. This article delves into identifying personal triggers, developing coping mechanisms, using distraction techniques, practicing urge surfing, and keeping a cravings journal.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify Personal Triggers: Recognize the situations, emotions, and people that trigger the urge to drink.
  • Develop Coping Mechanisms: Learn and implement strategies to manage and overcome triggers.
  • Use Distraction Techniques: Engage in activities that divert your mind from cravings.

Identify Personal Triggers

Sober Living Tips Identify Personal Triggers

Understanding what triggers your urge to drink is the first step in managing your sobriety. Triggers can be internal, such as emotions and thoughts, or external, like people, places, and events.

Common Triggers for Drinking

Triggers can vary from person to person, but some common ones include:

  • Stress: Work pressure, family issues, or financial problems can lead to stress, making you more likely to seek comfort in alcohol.
  • Social Situations: Parties, gatherings, or any social event where alcohol is present can be a significant trigger.
  • Emotional States: Feelings of loneliness, sadness, or even happiness can trigger the desire to drink.
  • Environmental Cues: Specific locations, such as bars or restaurants, or even certain times of the day, can act as triggers.

For a more comprehensive understanding, you can read about common triggers for drinking alcohol.

Personal Triggers

To identify your personal triggers, keep a detailed record of situations and emotions that lead you to think about drinking. Reflect on past experiences and note patterns that emerge. You can also use tools like the Reframe App to help you understand and track your triggers.

Develop Coping Mechanisms

Once you have identified your triggers, developing coping mechanisms is crucial. Coping mechanisms are strategies that help you manage and overcome the urge to drink.

Healthy Coping Strategies

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay grounded and aware of your thoughts and feelings without acting on them. Meditation can also reduce stress and improve emotional regulation.
  2. Physical Activity: Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce cravings. Activities like running, swimming, or yoga can be particularly effective.
  3. Social Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your journey and can offer encouragement and accountability.
  4. Therapy and Counseling: Professional help can provide you with tools and techniques to manage your triggers and cope with cravings effectively.

For more strategies, check out how to avoid your triggers for drinking alcohol.

Use Distraction Techniques

Distraction is a powerful tool for managing cravings. By redirecting your focus, you can reduce the intensity of the urge to drink.

Effective Distraction Techniques

  1. Engage in Hobbies: Find activities you enjoy, such as painting, reading, or gardening, to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Learn Something New: Take up a new hobby or skill, like learning a musical instrument or a new language.
  3. Volunteer: Helping others can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, reducing the desire to drink.
  4. Exercise: Physical activity can serve as both a distraction and a way to improve your overall well-being.

Practice Urge Surfing

Urge surfing is a mindfulness technique that involves observing your cravings without giving in to them. The idea is to "ride the wave" of the craving until it passes, much like a surfer riding a wave.

Steps to Practice Urge Surfing

  1. Acknowledge the Craving: Recognize that you are experiencing a craving and remind yourself that it is temporary.
  2. Observe the Sensation: Pay attention to how the craving feels in your body. Notice any physical sensations, thoughts, or emotions associated with it.
  3. Ride the Wave: Imagine the craving as a wave that will rise, peak, and eventually subside. Focus on your breath and stay present until the craving passes.

Urge surfing can be a powerful tool in your sobriety toolkit, helping you manage cravings without giving in to them.

Keep a Cravings Journal

A cravings journal can be an invaluable resource in your journey to sobriety. By documenting your cravings, you can identify patterns, triggers, and effective coping strategies.

How to Keep a Cravings Journal

  1. Record the Date and Time: Note when the craving occurred.
  2. Describe the Situation: Write down what you were doing, where you were, and who you were with.
  3. Identify Your Emotions: Reflect on how you were feeling at the time.
  4. Note the Intensity: Rate the intensity of the craving on a scale from 1 to 10.
  5. Document Your Response: Write down how you responded to the craving and whether your coping strategies were effective.

By regularly updating your cravings journal, you can gain insights into your triggers and refine your coping mechanisms.

FAQs about Identifying Personal Triggers and Coping Mechanisms

What are personal triggers?

Personal triggers are specific situations, emotions, or people that prompt the urge to drink. They can be internal, such as stress or loneliness, or external, like social events or specific locations.

How can I identify my personal triggers?

To identify your personal triggers, keep a detailed record of situations and emotions that lead you to think about drinking. Reflect on past experiences and note patterns that emerge. Using tools like the Reframe App can also help.

What are some effective coping mechanisms for managing triggers?

Effective coping mechanisms include mindfulness and meditation, physical activity, social support, therapy and counseling, and engaging in hobbies or new activities.

How can distraction techniques help with cravings?

Distraction techniques can help by redirecting your focus away from the craving, reducing its intensity. Engaging in hobbies, learning something new, volunteering, or exercising are all effective distraction techniques.

What is urge surfing and how can it help with cravings?

Urge surfing is a mindfulness technique that involves observing your cravings without giving in to them. By acknowledging the craving, observing the sensation, and riding the wave until it passes, you can manage cravings more effectively.

Why is keeping a cravings journal important?

Keeping a cravings journal helps you identify patterns, triggers, and effective coping strategies. By documenting your cravings, you can gain insights into your triggers and refine your coping mechanisms.

By understanding your triggers and developing effective coping mechanisms, you can take significant steps toward maintaining a sober and healthy lifestyle. Remember, the journey to sobriety is unique for everyone, and finding what works best for you is key.

Quit Drinking
2024-08-15 9:00
Quit Drinking
Finding AA Meetings Near Me: Your Complete Guide
This is some text inside of a div block.

Discover effective ways to find AA meetings near you, from online directories and apps to local AA offices and recommendations from healthcare providers and support groups.

9 min read

Locate AA Meetings Nearby

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are a vital resource for individuals seeking support in their journey towards sobriety. However, finding the right AA meetings near you can sometimes be challenging. This guide will walk you through various methods to locate these meetings, including using online directories and apps, contacting local AA offices, and seeking recommendations from healthcare providers or support groups.

Key Takeaways

  • Online Directories and Apps: Utilize digital tools to find AA meetings near you.
  • Local AA Offices: Contact local AA offices for up-to-date meeting information.
  • Healthcare Providers and Support Groups: Leverage recommendations from professionals and peers.

Using Online Directories and Apps

Finding AA Meetings Near Me: Your Complete Guide

In today's digital age, finding AA meetings near you has never been easier. There are numerous online directories and apps designed to help you locate meetings in your area.

Online Directories

Online directories are a convenient way to find AA meetings. Websites like AA.org offer comprehensive directories that allow you to search for meetings by location, time, and type (e.g., open, closed, speaker meetings). These directories are frequently updated, ensuring that you have access to the most current information.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are another excellent resource for finding AA meetings. Some of the best apps include:

  • Meeting Guide: This app, developed by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., provides a list of AA meetings in your area. It integrates with local AA offices to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Reframe: While primarily focused on building healthier drinking habits, Reframe also offers resources and tools to help you find support groups, including AA meetings.

These apps often include additional features such as GPS navigation, reminders, and the ability to save favorite meetings, making it easier to stay committed to your recovery journey.

Contacting Local AA Offices

Another effective method to find AA meetings near you is by contacting local AA offices. These offices are staffed by individuals who are knowledgeable about the local AA community and can provide you with detailed information about meeting times and locations.

How to Find Local AA Offices

You can find local AA offices by visiting the AA.org website and using their office locator tool. Simply enter your city or zip code to find the nearest office. You can also search online for "AA meetings near me" to find contact information for local offices.

Benefits of Contacting Local AA Offices

  • Personalized Assistance: Local AA offices can offer personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences.
  • Up-to-Date Information: They can provide the most current information about meeting times, locations, and any changes due to holidays or other events.
  • Additional Resources: Local offices can also connect you with other resources, such as literature, workshops, and events that can support your recovery journey.

Asking for Recommendations from Healthcare Providers and Support Groups

Healthcare providers and support groups can be invaluable resources when searching for AA meetings near you. These professionals and peers often have extensive knowledge of local AA communities and can provide personalized recommendations.

Healthcare Providers

Your healthcare provider, such as a primary care physician, therapist, or counselor, can be a great source of information about AA meetings. They often have connections with local support groups and can recommend meetings that align with your schedule and preferences.

Support Groups

Support groups, such as Al-Anon and Al-Ateen, can also provide recommendations for AA meetings. These groups are designed to support the friends and families of alcoholics and often have extensive knowledge of local AA communities. For more information about these groups, check out All About The Idea Behind Al-Anon and Al-Ateen.

Benefits of Seeking Recommendations

  • Trusted Sources: Healthcare providers and support groups are trusted sources who have your best interests in mind.
  • Personalized Recommendations: They can offer recommendations based on your specific needs and circumstances.
  • Comprehensive Support: These professionals and peers can also provide additional support and resources to aid in your recovery journey.

FAQs About Finding AA Meetings Near Me

How often should I attend AA meetings?

The frequency of attendance can vary based on individual needs. Some people find it helpful to attend daily, especially in the early stages of recovery, while others may attend weekly or bi-weekly. It's important to find a schedule that works for you.

Are there different types of AA meetings?

Yes, there are various types of AA meetings, including open meetings (open to anyone), closed meetings (for those who have a desire to stop drinking), speaker meetings, and discussion meetings. It's beneficial to try different types to see which ones resonate with you.

Can I attend AA meetings online?

Yes, many AA meetings are available online, especially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Online meetings can be a convenient option if you have mobility issues or live in a remote area. Check the AA.org website for a list of online meetings.

What should I expect at my first AA meeting?

At your first AA meeting, you can expect a welcoming and supportive environment. Meetings typically start with readings from AA literature, followed by sharing from members. You are not required to speak or share unless you feel comfortable doing so.

Is there a cost to attend AA meetings?

No, AA meetings are free to attend. However, there may be a collection of voluntary contributions to cover expenses such as rent and literature.

Finding the right AA meetings near you can be a crucial step in your recovery journey. By utilizing online directories and apps, contacting local AA offices, and seeking recommendations from healthcare providers and support groups, you can find the support you need to maintain sobriety and build a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are a vital resource for individuals seeking support in their journey towards sobriety. However, finding the right AA meetings near you can sometimes be challenging. This guide will walk you through various methods to locate these meetings, including using online directories and apps, contacting local AA offices, and seeking recommendations from healthcare providers or support groups.

Key Takeaways

  • Online Directories and Apps: Utilize digital tools to find AA meetings near you.
  • Local AA Offices: Contact local AA offices for up-to-date meeting information.
  • Healthcare Providers and Support Groups: Leverage recommendations from professionals and peers.

Using Online Directories and Apps

Finding AA Meetings Near Me: Your Complete Guide

In today's digital age, finding AA meetings near you has never been easier. There are numerous online directories and apps designed to help you locate meetings in your area.

Online Directories

Online directories are a convenient way to find AA meetings. Websites like AA.org offer comprehensive directories that allow you to search for meetings by location, time, and type (e.g., open, closed, speaker meetings). These directories are frequently updated, ensuring that you have access to the most current information.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are another excellent resource for finding AA meetings. Some of the best apps include:

  • Meeting Guide: This app, developed by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., provides a list of AA meetings in your area. It integrates with local AA offices to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Reframe: While primarily focused on building healthier drinking habits, Reframe also offers resources and tools to help you find support groups, including AA meetings.

These apps often include additional features such as GPS navigation, reminders, and the ability to save favorite meetings, making it easier to stay committed to your recovery journey.

Contacting Local AA Offices

Another effective method to find AA meetings near you is by contacting local AA offices. These offices are staffed by individuals who are knowledgeable about the local AA community and can provide you with detailed information about meeting times and locations.

How to Find Local AA Offices

You can find local AA offices by visiting the AA.org website and using their office locator tool. Simply enter your city or zip code to find the nearest office. You can also search online for "AA meetings near me" to find contact information for local offices.

Benefits of Contacting Local AA Offices

  • Personalized Assistance: Local AA offices can offer personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences.
  • Up-to-Date Information: They can provide the most current information about meeting times, locations, and any changes due to holidays or other events.
  • Additional Resources: Local offices can also connect you with other resources, such as literature, workshops, and events that can support your recovery journey.

Asking for Recommendations from Healthcare Providers and Support Groups

Healthcare providers and support groups can be invaluable resources when searching for AA meetings near you. These professionals and peers often have extensive knowledge of local AA communities and can provide personalized recommendations.

Healthcare Providers

Your healthcare provider, such as a primary care physician, therapist, or counselor, can be a great source of information about AA meetings. They often have connections with local support groups and can recommend meetings that align with your schedule and preferences.

Support Groups

Support groups, such as Al-Anon and Al-Ateen, can also provide recommendations for AA meetings. These groups are designed to support the friends and families of alcoholics and often have extensive knowledge of local AA communities. For more information about these groups, check out All About The Idea Behind Al-Anon and Al-Ateen.

Benefits of Seeking Recommendations

  • Trusted Sources: Healthcare providers and support groups are trusted sources who have your best interests in mind.
  • Personalized Recommendations: They can offer recommendations based on your specific needs and circumstances.
  • Comprehensive Support: These professionals and peers can also provide additional support and resources to aid in your recovery journey.

FAQs About Finding AA Meetings Near Me

How often should I attend AA meetings?

The frequency of attendance can vary based on individual needs. Some people find it helpful to attend daily, especially in the early stages of recovery, while others may attend weekly or bi-weekly. It's important to find a schedule that works for you.

Are there different types of AA meetings?

Yes, there are various types of AA meetings, including open meetings (open to anyone), closed meetings (for those who have a desire to stop drinking), speaker meetings, and discussion meetings. It's beneficial to try different types to see which ones resonate with you.

Can I attend AA meetings online?

Yes, many AA meetings are available online, especially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Online meetings can be a convenient option if you have mobility issues or live in a remote area. Check the AA.org website for a list of online meetings.

What should I expect at my first AA meeting?

At your first AA meeting, you can expect a welcoming and supportive environment. Meetings typically start with readings from AA literature, followed by sharing from members. You are not required to speak or share unless you feel comfortable doing so.

Is there a cost to attend AA meetings?

No, AA meetings are free to attend. However, there may be a collection of voluntary contributions to cover expenses such as rent and literature.

Finding the right AA meetings near you can be a crucial step in your recovery journey. By utilizing online directories and apps, contacting local AA offices, and seeking recommendations from healthcare providers and support groups, you can find the support you need to maintain sobriety and build a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Quit Drinking
2024-08-14 9:00
Quit Drinking
Sober Living Activities: Visual Arts, Music, and Writing
This is some text inside of a div block.

Discover how engaging in visual arts, music, and writing can enhance sober living by providing emotional outlets, reducing stress, and boosting self-esteem in your journey towards sobriety.

10 min read

Discover Creative Benefits

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

Read Full Article  →

In the journey towards sober living, engaging in creative activities like painting, drawing, playing musical instruments, and writing can be incredibly therapeutic and beneficial. These activities not only provide a constructive outlet for emotions but also help in building a healthier relationship with oneself and the world. Let's delve into how these creative pursuits can support sober living.

Key Takeaways

  • Visual Arts: Engaging in painting and drawing can be a powerful form of self-expression and emotional release.
  • Music: Learning to play a musical instrument can provide a sense of accomplishment and emotional healing.
  • Writing: Journaling and blogging offer a reflective space to process thoughts and track progress in sobriety.

The Role of Visual Arts in Sober Living

Sober Living Activities: Visual Arts, Music, and Writing

Painting and Drawing

Visual arts, including painting and drawing, are potent tools for self-expression and emotional healing. Engaging in these activities can help individuals in sober living to:

  1. Express Emotions: Art allows for the expression of complex emotions that might be difficult to articulate verbally. This can be particularly important in the early stages of sobriety when emotions can be overwhelming.
  2. Reduce Stress: The act of creating art has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. The focus required for painting or drawing can be meditative, providing a break from negative thoughts and cravings.
  3. Build Self-Esteem: Completing an art project can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem. This is crucial for individuals who may be rebuilding their self-worth after addiction.

For more on the importance of self-expression, you can read our article on What Is Self-Expression? Why Does It Matter?.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Visual Arts

  • Start Simple: You don't need to be a professional artist. Start with simple sketches or coloring books.
  • Join a Class: Consider joining a local art class or an online community to learn new techniques and meet like-minded individuals.
  • Create a Routine: Set aside time each day or week dedicated to your art practice. Consistency can help make it a habit.

The Healing Power of Music

Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

Music has a unique ability to touch the soul and provide comfort. Learning to play a musical instrument can be particularly beneficial for those in sober living. Here’s how:

  1. Emotional Outlet: Music can be an emotional outlet, allowing individuals to express feelings through melodies and rhythms.
  2. Cognitive Benefits: Learning an instrument engages the brain in new ways, improving cognitive functions like memory and coordination.
  3. Sense of Achievement: Mastering a new instrument or song can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost confidence.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Music

  • Choose an Instrument You Love: Whether it’s the guitar, piano, or drums, pick an instrument that excites you.
  • Take Lessons: Consider taking lessons from a professional or using online tutorials to guide your learning.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improvement and can be a great way to structure your time.

For additional tips on fostering creativity, check out our article on How To Be More Creative: Practical Tips and Strategies.

The Reflective Practice of Writing

Journaling and Blogging

Writing, whether through journaling or blogging, can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth in sober living. Here’s why:

  1. Processing Emotions: Writing allows individuals to process and make sense of their emotions. This can be particularly therapeutic during challenging times.
  2. Tracking Progress: Keeping a journal can help track progress in sobriety, noting both achievements and setbacks.
  3. Building a Support Network: Blogging about your journey can connect you with others who are going through similar experiences, providing mutual support and encouragement.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Writing

  • Set a Schedule: Dedicate a specific time each day or week for writing. Consistency can help make it a habit.
  • Use Prompts: If you’re unsure where to start, use journal prompts specifically designed for addiction recovery. You can find some helpful prompts in our article on Journal Prompts for Addiction Recovery.
  • Be Honest: Write honestly about your feelings and experiences. This can be a powerful way to process emotions and gain insight into your journey.

The Broader Impact of Creative Activities in Sober Living

Building Community

Engaging in creative activities can also help build a sense of community. Whether through art classes, music groups, or writing workshops, these activities can connect you with others who share similar interests and experiences. This sense of community can be incredibly supportive in maintaining sobriety.

Enhancing Overall Well-being

Creative activities contribute to overall well-being by providing a sense of purpose, reducing stress, and enhancing emotional health. They can be a vital part of a holistic approach to sober living, complementing other strategies like therapy and support groups.

Long-term Benefits

Incorporating creative activities into your sober living plan can have long-term benefits. These activities can become lifelong hobbies that provide joy, relaxation, and a continuous outlet for self-expression and emotional regulation.

FAQs about Sober Living Activities

Q: How can I start incorporating creative activities into my sober living routine?

A: Start by choosing an activity that interests you, whether it's painting, playing an instrument, or writing. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for this activity and consider joining a class or online community for additional support and guidance.

Q: Do I need to be good at these activities to benefit from them?

A: No, the therapeutic benefits of creative activities come from the process, not the final product. Focus on the enjoyment and emotional release that comes from engaging in the activity.

Q: Can these activities replace traditional therapy?

A: While creative activities can be incredibly beneficial, they should complement rather than replace traditional therapy and support groups. They can be an important part of a holistic approach to sober living.

Q: How can I stay motivated to continue these activities?

A: Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements. Joining a community or group can also provide motivation and support.

Q: Are there any resources for learning these activities online?

A: Yes, there are numerous online resources, including tutorials, classes, and communities for art, music, and writing. Start with free resources and gradually invest in more structured courses if you find the activity particularly beneficial.

Engaging in creative activities like visual arts, music, and writing can significantly enhance the journey towards sober living. By providing emotional outlets, reducing stress, and building self-esteem, these activities can be a powerful part of a holistic approach to sobriety.

In the journey towards sober living, engaging in creative activities like painting, drawing, playing musical instruments, and writing can be incredibly therapeutic and beneficial. These activities not only provide a constructive outlet for emotions but also help in building a healthier relationship with oneself and the world. Let's delve into how these creative pursuits can support sober living.

Key Takeaways

  • Visual Arts: Engaging in painting and drawing can be a powerful form of self-expression and emotional release.
  • Music: Learning to play a musical instrument can provide a sense of accomplishment and emotional healing.
  • Writing: Journaling and blogging offer a reflective space to process thoughts and track progress in sobriety.

The Role of Visual Arts in Sober Living

Sober Living Activities: Visual Arts, Music, and Writing

Painting and Drawing

Visual arts, including painting and drawing, are potent tools for self-expression and emotional healing. Engaging in these activities can help individuals in sober living to:

  1. Express Emotions: Art allows for the expression of complex emotions that might be difficult to articulate verbally. This can be particularly important in the early stages of sobriety when emotions can be overwhelming.
  2. Reduce Stress: The act of creating art has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. The focus required for painting or drawing can be meditative, providing a break from negative thoughts and cravings.
  3. Build Self-Esteem: Completing an art project can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem. This is crucial for individuals who may be rebuilding their self-worth after addiction.

For more on the importance of self-expression, you can read our article on What Is Self-Expression? Why Does It Matter?.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Visual Arts

  • Start Simple: You don't need to be a professional artist. Start with simple sketches or coloring books.
  • Join a Class: Consider joining a local art class or an online community to learn new techniques and meet like-minded individuals.
  • Create a Routine: Set aside time each day or week dedicated to your art practice. Consistency can help make it a habit.

The Healing Power of Music

Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

Music has a unique ability to touch the soul and provide comfort. Learning to play a musical instrument can be particularly beneficial for those in sober living. Here’s how:

  1. Emotional Outlet: Music can be an emotional outlet, allowing individuals to express feelings through melodies and rhythms.
  2. Cognitive Benefits: Learning an instrument engages the brain in new ways, improving cognitive functions like memory and coordination.
  3. Sense of Achievement: Mastering a new instrument or song can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost confidence.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Music

  • Choose an Instrument You Love: Whether it’s the guitar, piano, or drums, pick an instrument that excites you.
  • Take Lessons: Consider taking lessons from a professional or using online tutorials to guide your learning.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improvement and can be a great way to structure your time.

For additional tips on fostering creativity, check out our article on How To Be More Creative: Practical Tips and Strategies.

The Reflective Practice of Writing

Journaling and Blogging

Writing, whether through journaling or blogging, can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth in sober living. Here’s why:

  1. Processing Emotions: Writing allows individuals to process and make sense of their emotions. This can be particularly therapeutic during challenging times.
  2. Tracking Progress: Keeping a journal can help track progress in sobriety, noting both achievements and setbacks.
  3. Building a Support Network: Blogging about your journey can connect you with others who are going through similar experiences, providing mutual support and encouragement.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Writing

  • Set a Schedule: Dedicate a specific time each day or week for writing. Consistency can help make it a habit.
  • Use Prompts: If you’re unsure where to start, use journal prompts specifically designed for addiction recovery. You can find some helpful prompts in our article on Journal Prompts for Addiction Recovery.
  • Be Honest: Write honestly about your feelings and experiences. This can be a powerful way to process emotions and gain insight into your journey.

The Broader Impact of Creative Activities in Sober Living

Building Community

Engaging in creative activities can also help build a sense of community. Whether through art classes, music groups, or writing workshops, these activities can connect you with others who share similar interests and experiences. This sense of community can be incredibly supportive in maintaining sobriety.

Enhancing Overall Well-being

Creative activities contribute to overall well-being by providing a sense of purpose, reducing stress, and enhancing emotional health. They can be a vital part of a holistic approach to sober living, complementing other strategies like therapy and support groups.

Long-term Benefits

Incorporating creative activities into your sober living plan can have long-term benefits. These activities can become lifelong hobbies that provide joy, relaxation, and a continuous outlet for self-expression and emotional regulation.

FAQs about Sober Living Activities

Q: How can I start incorporating creative activities into my sober living routine?

A: Start by choosing an activity that interests you, whether it's painting, playing an instrument, or writing. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for this activity and consider joining a class or online community for additional support and guidance.

Q: Do I need to be good at these activities to benefit from them?

A: No, the therapeutic benefits of creative activities come from the process, not the final product. Focus on the enjoyment and emotional release that comes from engaging in the activity.

Q: Can these activities replace traditional therapy?

A: While creative activities can be incredibly beneficial, they should complement rather than replace traditional therapy and support groups. They can be an important part of a holistic approach to sober living.

Q: How can I stay motivated to continue these activities?

A: Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements. Joining a community or group can also provide motivation and support.

Q: Are there any resources for learning these activities online?

A: Yes, there are numerous online resources, including tutorials, classes, and communities for art, music, and writing. Start with free resources and gradually invest in more structured courses if you find the activity particularly beneficial.

Engaging in creative activities like visual arts, music, and writing can significantly enhance the journey towards sober living. By providing emotional outlets, reducing stress, and building self-esteem, these activities can be a powerful part of a holistic approach to sobriety.

Quit Drinking
2024-08-14 9:00
Quit Drinking
Sober Living Activities: Hiking, Camping, and Gardening
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Discover the transformative power of sober living activities like hiking, camping, and gardening, which enhance physical health, mental well-being, and foster a healthier relationship with alcohol.

7 min read

Enjoy Outdoor Sobriety Activities

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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In a world where social activities often revolve around alcohol, finding alternative ways to enjoy life sober can be transformative. Engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and gardening not only promotes physical health but also fosters mental well-being. This article explores these sober living activities and how they can enrich your life while supporting a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Key Takeaways

  • Hiking and Nature Walks: Engage with nature, boost physical fitness, and enhance mental clarity.
  • Camping and Exploring National Parks: Experience the great outdoors, build resilience, and find community.
  • Gardening and Outdoor DIY Projects: Cultivate mindfulness, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment.

Hiking and Nature Walks

Benefits of Hiking and Nature Walks

Sober Living Activities Hiking, Camping, and Gardening

Hiking and nature walks are excellent sober living activities that offer numerous benefits. These activities provide an opportunity to connect with nature, which has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. The physical exertion involved in hiking also promotes cardiovascular health and strengthens muscles.

How to Get Started

  1. Find Local Trails: Start by exploring local trails. Websites and apps like AllTrails can help you discover nearby hiking paths suited to your fitness level.
  2. Join a Hiking Group: Many communities have hiking clubs that organize regular walks. Joining a group can provide social support and motivation.
  3. Prepare Properly: Invest in good hiking shoes, carry water, and pack essentials like a first-aid kit and snacks.

Mindfulness in Nature

Hiking offers a perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness. Pay attention to the sounds of the forest, the feel of the trail under your feet, and the sights around you. This mindful approach can help you stay present and fully enjoy the experience without the need for alcohol.

Camping and Exploring National Parks

The Joy of Camping

Camping allows you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in nature. Whether you're setting up a tent in a local campground or embarking on a road trip to a national park, camping can be a rewarding sober activity.

Planning Your Camping Trip

  1. Choose Your Destination: Research national parks or campgrounds that interest you. The National Park Service website is a great resource.
  2. Pack Wisely: Make a checklist of essential items such as a tent, sleeping bag, cooking supplies, and appropriate clothing.
  3. Plan Activities: Incorporate activities like fishing, kayaking, or bird watching to make your trip more enjoyable.

Building Resilience

Camping often involves overcoming challenges, whether it's setting up a tent in the rain or cooking over an open fire. These experiences build resilience and problem-solving skills. Plus, the sense of accomplishment you get from successfully navigating these challenges can boost your confidence and reinforce your commitment to sober living.

Gardening and Outdoor DIY Projects

The Therapeutic Power of Gardening

Gardening is a therapeutic activity that can significantly improve mental health. The act of planting, nurturing, and harvesting plants fosters a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. Gardening also provides physical exercise and the opportunity to spend time outdoors.

Starting Your Garden

  1. Choose Your Plants: Decide whether you want to grow flowers, vegetables, or herbs. Consider your local climate and soil conditions.
  2. Prepare Your Space: Whether you have a large backyard or a small balcony, you can create a gardening space. Use pots, raised beds, or traditional garden plots.
  3. Learn as You Grow: Gardening requires some basic knowledge, but there are plenty of resources available, including books, online tutorials, and local gardening clubs.

DIY Projects

In addition to traditional gardening, consider engaging in outdoor DIY projects. Building a birdhouse, creating a compost bin, or designing a garden path can be fulfilling activities that enhance your outdoor space. These projects encourage creativity and provide a tangible sense of achievement.

Integrating Sober Living Activities into Daily Life

Creating a Routine

Consistency is key to integrating these activities into your sober lifestyle. Schedule regular hiking trips, camping weekends, or gardening sessions. Having a routine helps you stay committed and makes these activities a natural part of your life.

Finding Community

Engaging in these activities can also help you build a supportive community. Join local clubs, attend workshops, or participate in online forums related to hiking, camping, or gardening. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide encouragement and accountability.

Embracing the Sober Curious Movement

If you're exploring a sober lifestyle, consider learning more about the sober curious movement. This movement encourages individuals to question their relationship with alcohol and explore the benefits of sobriety.

FAQs About Sober Living Activities

What are the benefits of engaging in sober living activities?

Sober living activities like hiking, camping, and gardening promote physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of accomplishment. They also provide opportunities for mindfulness and help build a supportive community.

How can I stay motivated to engage in these activities?

Creating a routine, setting achievable goals, and finding a community of like-minded individuals can help you stay motivated. Joining clubs or groups related to your interests can provide social support and encouragement.

Are there any resources to help me get started with these activities?

Yes, there are many resources available. Websites like AllTrails can help you find hiking trails, the National Park Service website provides information on camping, and gardening books or online tutorials can guide you in starting your garden.

How do these activities support a sober lifestyle?

These activities offer healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol. They provide physical exercise, mental stimulation, and opportunities for social interaction, all of which can help reduce the desire to drink and support a sober lifestyle.

Engaging in sober living activities like hiking, camping, and gardening can significantly enhance your quality of life. These activities promote physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of accomplishment, all while supporting your journey towards a healthier relationship with alcohol.

In a world where social activities often revolve around alcohol, finding alternative ways to enjoy life sober can be transformative. Engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and gardening not only promotes physical health but also fosters mental well-being. This article explores these sober living activities and how they can enrich your life while supporting a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Key Takeaways

  • Hiking and Nature Walks: Engage with nature, boost physical fitness, and enhance mental clarity.
  • Camping and Exploring National Parks: Experience the great outdoors, build resilience, and find community.
  • Gardening and Outdoor DIY Projects: Cultivate mindfulness, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment.

Hiking and Nature Walks

Benefits of Hiking and Nature Walks

Sober Living Activities Hiking, Camping, and Gardening

Hiking and nature walks are excellent sober living activities that offer numerous benefits. These activities provide an opportunity to connect with nature, which has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. The physical exertion involved in hiking also promotes cardiovascular health and strengthens muscles.

How to Get Started

  1. Find Local Trails: Start by exploring local trails. Websites and apps like AllTrails can help you discover nearby hiking paths suited to your fitness level.
  2. Join a Hiking Group: Many communities have hiking clubs that organize regular walks. Joining a group can provide social support and motivation.
  3. Prepare Properly: Invest in good hiking shoes, carry water, and pack essentials like a first-aid kit and snacks.

Mindfulness in Nature

Hiking offers a perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness. Pay attention to the sounds of the forest, the feel of the trail under your feet, and the sights around you. This mindful approach can help you stay present and fully enjoy the experience without the need for alcohol.

Camping and Exploring National Parks

The Joy of Camping

Camping allows you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in nature. Whether you're setting up a tent in a local campground or embarking on a road trip to a national park, camping can be a rewarding sober activity.

Planning Your Camping Trip

  1. Choose Your Destination: Research national parks or campgrounds that interest you. The National Park Service website is a great resource.
  2. Pack Wisely: Make a checklist of essential items such as a tent, sleeping bag, cooking supplies, and appropriate clothing.
  3. Plan Activities: Incorporate activities like fishing, kayaking, or bird watching to make your trip more enjoyable.

Building Resilience

Camping often involves overcoming challenges, whether it's setting up a tent in the rain or cooking over an open fire. These experiences build resilience and problem-solving skills. Plus, the sense of accomplishment you get from successfully navigating these challenges can boost your confidence and reinforce your commitment to sober living.

Gardening and Outdoor DIY Projects

The Therapeutic Power of Gardening

Gardening is a therapeutic activity that can significantly improve mental health. The act of planting, nurturing, and harvesting plants fosters a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. Gardening also provides physical exercise and the opportunity to spend time outdoors.

Starting Your Garden

  1. Choose Your Plants: Decide whether you want to grow flowers, vegetables, or herbs. Consider your local climate and soil conditions.
  2. Prepare Your Space: Whether you have a large backyard or a small balcony, you can create a gardening space. Use pots, raised beds, or traditional garden plots.
  3. Learn as You Grow: Gardening requires some basic knowledge, but there are plenty of resources available, including books, online tutorials, and local gardening clubs.

DIY Projects

In addition to traditional gardening, consider engaging in outdoor DIY projects. Building a birdhouse, creating a compost bin, or designing a garden path can be fulfilling activities that enhance your outdoor space. These projects encourage creativity and provide a tangible sense of achievement.

Integrating Sober Living Activities into Daily Life

Creating a Routine

Consistency is key to integrating these activities into your sober lifestyle. Schedule regular hiking trips, camping weekends, or gardening sessions. Having a routine helps you stay committed and makes these activities a natural part of your life.

Finding Community

Engaging in these activities can also help you build a supportive community. Join local clubs, attend workshops, or participate in online forums related to hiking, camping, or gardening. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide encouragement and accountability.

Embracing the Sober Curious Movement

If you're exploring a sober lifestyle, consider learning more about the sober curious movement. This movement encourages individuals to question their relationship with alcohol and explore the benefits of sobriety.

FAQs About Sober Living Activities

What are the benefits of engaging in sober living activities?

Sober living activities like hiking, camping, and gardening promote physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of accomplishment. They also provide opportunities for mindfulness and help build a supportive community.

How can I stay motivated to engage in these activities?

Creating a routine, setting achievable goals, and finding a community of like-minded individuals can help you stay motivated. Joining clubs or groups related to your interests can provide social support and encouragement.

Are there any resources to help me get started with these activities?

Yes, there are many resources available. Websites like AllTrails can help you find hiking trails, the National Park Service website provides information on camping, and gardening books or online tutorials can guide you in starting your garden.

How do these activities support a sober lifestyle?

These activities offer healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol. They provide physical exercise, mental stimulation, and opportunities for social interaction, all of which can help reduce the desire to drink and support a sober lifestyle.

Engaging in sober living activities like hiking, camping, and gardening can significantly enhance your quality of life. These activities promote physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of accomplishment, all while supporting your journey towards a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Quit Drinking