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Hangover Myths vs. Facts: Top 20 Questions Answered

October 4, 2024
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Is There Any Truth to Hangover Myths?

Hangover myths are everywhere, from old wives’ tales to the latest TikTok trends. Sorting through these myths can be tricky, especially when popular beliefs often clash with scientific facts. For instance, one of the biggest hangover myths is that having another drink, known as the “hair of the dog,” will cure your hangover, but it’s more likely to drag out your discomfort. As much as we might wish for a quick fix, the truth is that the only real remedy for a hangover is riding it out.

Can you guess which one of these three common sayings is a lie?

  • Darker alcohols cause worse hangovers.
  • Chugging pickle juice can relieve hangover symptoms.
  • Drinking coffee prevents hangovers.

Like playing the game “Two Truths and a Lie,” trying to separate fact from fiction can be tricky when navigating what really works to prevent or cure alcohol hangovers. But when it comes to your health, you deserve more than just guessing games. Let’s cut through the clutter with some science and dive into the top 20 hangover questions, so you can get the straight answers you need to feel your best.

1. Does “Hair of the Dog” Really Cure a Hangover?

A bearded man raises a beer bottle to his lips

No. It’s a common misconception that drinking more alcohol known as “hair of the dog” helps cure a hangover. However, more alcohol just means our body has more alcohol to get rid of. This can prolong our recovery time, and make it more likely that we’ll end up overdoing it again.

Tip: Take small sips of water, eat a nutritious meal, get some extra minutes of rest, and supplement with vitamins to wait it out. 

2. What Exactly Causes a Hangover?

We commonly hear the suggestion to drink plenty of water while consuming alcohol, but hangovers are caused by more than just dehydration. While dehydration plays a major role, the primary cause of a hangover is the buildup of acetaldehyde (a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism). Drinking more alcohol than our body can get rid of causes acetaldehyde to build up, leading to the negative side effects known as a hangover.

Tip: Stay hydrated, track your alcohol consumption, and set limits to practice more mindful drinking, decreasing the chances of experiencing a hangover. 

3. How Much Alcohol Does It Take to Cause a Hangover?

It depends on the person. It’s a misconception that we only get hangovers when we drink a large amount of alcohol. But even moderate drinking can lead to hangover symptoms, especially if we drink quickly or on an empty stomach. Sensitivity to alcohol varies from person to person, so what counts as a “large” amount can differ based on many individual factors such as body size, gender, and type of alcohol consumed.

Tip: We all react to alcohol differently, so tune in to how you feel when you drink and avoid comparing yourself to others. Additionally, apply the “Drinking Triggers Assessment Tool” to identify personal triggers that may lead you to go overboard.

4. Can Coffee Prevent Hangovers?

No. Caffeine is a stimulant that can make us feel more awake, but it doesn’t affect how our liver processes alcohol. It’s also a mild diuretic, which adds to the dehydrating effects of alcohol, a main component that exacerbates hangovers. Not only can it make hangovers worse, but the combo of caffeine (stimulant) and alcohol (depressant) sends mixed signals to our brain, leading to potentially dangerous effects because we may not feel alcohol’s effects while we’re drinking. Check out “The Side Effects of Mixing Caffeine and Alcohol” to learn more about the risks.

Tip: Instead of coffee, opt for water or electrolyte drinks to help stay hydrated. 

5. Does Eating Greasy Food Prevent a Hangover?

No. This suggestion is based on the misconception that greasy foods line the stomach and absorb alcohol, leading to less severe hangovers. However, greasy foods can actually cause inflammation and further irritate our gut, increasing the risk of bloating, nausea, and stomach pain. 

Tip: Eat a balanced meal with complex carbs, plenty of fiber, quality protein, and healthy fats to avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Try oatmeal with fruits and nuts or a quinoa salad with chicken.

6. Does Drinking Pickle Juice Cure a Hangover?

No, but it may help relieve some symptoms. Wondering where this suggestion came from? The idea is that since pickle juice contains sodium and potassium, which are electrolytes that get lost while drinking alcohol, it could cure hangovers. Pickle juice can help restore electrolyte imbalance, but that isn’t the only cause of hangovers.So, it may be helpful, but it won’t completely cure a hangover.

Tip: Instead of assuming you can have pickle juice later, practice mindful drinking through moderation to prevent the hangover in the first place.

7. Can Taking Painkillers Before Bed Prevent a Hangover?

No. Painkillers may relieve some symptoms of a hangover such as headache and muscle aches, but they don’t prevent a hangover. Taking them after drinking can also irritate the stomach lining and potentially worsen nausea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Also, it can be dangerous to take some painkillers while alcohol is still in our system, so it’s best to avoid them until the alcohol is processed.

Tip: Rather than relying on painkillers, address the root causes of a hangover by setting limits and drinking water between alcoholic beverages.

8. Does Mixing Different Types of Alcohol Make Hangovers Worse?

It can but not always, depending on what we mix. The severity of hangovers is more about the amount and the type of alcohol we drink rather than the combination of different kinds of alcohol. Darker-colored alcohols have more congeners (byproducts of fermentation), which have been found to cause worse hangovers.

Tip: Stick to lighter-colored alcohols, track the number of drinks using standard drink measurements, or better yet, opt for alcohol-free alternatives.

9. Is It True That Some People Don’t Get Affected by Alcohol?

Not necessarily. We’re all “affected”; it’s just that some of us are less likely to experience hangovers. However, that doesn’t mean the detrimental physical, mental, and emotional effects don’t still occur. In fact, research shows that those who have a higher alcohol tolerance are more likely to develop alcohol dependence and alcohol use disorder, making drinking even more dangerous.

Tip: Regardless of whether or not we experience hangovers, we should aim to follow or fall below moderation guidelines to limit the adverse effects of drinking.

10. Can Exercise “Sweat Out” a Hangover?

No. Exercise does release endorphins, which can boost our mood and energy levels and help us feel better, but it doesn’t eliminate hangover symptoms. In fact, working out with a hangover can exacerbate symptoms such as dehydration and nausea, dragging out the discomfort. The best way to recover from a hangover is to focus on rest, hydration, and nourishing our body.

10. Can Exercise “Sweat Out” a Hangover?

No. Exercise does release endorphins, which can boost our mood and energy levels and help us feel better, but it doesn’t eliminate hangover symptoms. In fact, working out with a hangover can exacerbate symptoms such as dehydration and nausea, dragging out the discomfort. The best way to recover from a hangover is to focus on rest, hydration, and nourishing our body.

Tip: Instead of hitting the gym, prioritize drinking plenty of water, eating a balanced meal, and resting. If you’re feeling up for it, try gentler forms of movement such as walking and stretching.

10 Key Questions About Hangovers

11. Do “High-End” Liquors Cause Less Severe Hangovers?

Not necessarily. The severity of a hangover is more influenced by the amount of alcohol we drink and how our body processes it rather than the price of the alcohol. Some “higher-end” liquors may go through additional filtration processes to reduce the amount of congeners, but this doesn’t guarantee a hangover-free experience.

Tip: Focus on the alcohol by volume (ABV) and drinking moderately over the price of the liquor.

12. Does Sleeping Longer Help You Recover Faster?

It can, but the hangover still needs time. Sleep is essential for recovery, but it doesn’t necessarily speed up the process of metabolizing alcohol or relieving hangover symptoms. The quality of sleep also matters. Alcohol causes disruptions to our REM sleep, so even if we get 8 to 10 hours of sleep, we might not actually be well rested.

Tip: Focus on getting quality sleep by ending the night with meditation, limiting distractions, and trying natural sleep aids whether it’s the night after drinking or the night of the hangover. If you are using sleep aids, be careful because some of them might interact with alcohol if it’s still in our system.

13. Are Wine Hangovers Worse Than Beer Hangovers?

Yes, they can be. While wine has antioxidants, the negative effects of alcohol far outweigh any health benefits. Since wines are typically higher in congeners and average ABV, they may cause slightly worse hangovers than beer.

Tip: When going for wine, opt for lighter colored wines or non-alcoholic wines that are made to mimic the look and taste of wine without the consequences. Glass size also matters. Bigger glasses can lead to bigger pours, so keep that in mind.

14. Will Throwing Up Help You Sober Up?

No. Vomiting doesn’t actually remove the alcohol from our system. It might provide temporary relief from nausea, but the alcohol has already been absorbed into our bloodstream in as little as 10 minutes. We throw up because alcohol is toxic to our body and irritates the stomach lining, sending a signal to our brain to get rid of it. Forced vomiting is also dangerous and can lead to dehydration, which can worsen hangover symptoms.

Tip: Try sipping on ginger tea or clear broth to settle your stomach.

15. Can Eating a Big Breakfast Cure a Hangover?

No, but it may help with some symptoms. It’s a common belief that a big breakfast soaks up the alcohol, curing a hangover. However, a big breakfast doesn’t necessarily mean a nutritious breakfast. And while a nutritious breakfast helps replenish our body with essential nutrients and vitamins that are depleted by alcohol, it doesn’t remove the alcohol from our system.

Tip: Focus on the quality of nutrition instead by having a lighter, balanced meal. Along with eating, continue drinking plenty of water and electrolyte-rich fluids to stay hydrated.

16. Does Age Make Hangovers Worse?

Yes. It might seem as if our hangovers would get milder as we age given our increased tolerance for alcohol over time. However, hangovers actually get worse as we age because our body becomes less efficient at metabolizing alcohol. We may also experience a natural decline in liver function and hydration. But that’s not all! Alcohol can even contribute to aging. Check out “How Does Alcohol Affect the Aging Process?” to learn how.

Tip: Get “sober curious” and consider ditching alcohol for good to live a healthier and longer life. 

17. Do Sugary Drinks Cause Hangovers?

Yes. Sugary drinks can make a hangover worse, but it’s not the main cause of a hangover. They do contribute to hangovers because they can spike blood sugar levels and cause increased dehydration, creating the perfect storm for a horrible hangover.

Tip: Be careful when drinking higher-sugar alcohols such as champagnes and liqueurs, and choose low-sugar mixers such as soda water or unflavored coconut water.

18. Does Milk Before Drinking Prevent a Hangover?

No. Drinking milk can coat our stomach so we’re not drinking on an empty stomach, but it doesn’t prevent hangovers. Hangovers result from a buildup of acetaldehyde, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances, not just an empty stomach.

Tip: Eat a balanced meal before drinking to replenish lost nutrients and slow alcohol absorption. 

19. Do Men and Women Experience Hangovers Differently?

Yes, they can. Due to variations in body composition, metabolism, and hormonal differences, men and women can experience hangovers differently. Research also shows that women have lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that helps break down alcohol), causing more buildup of acetaldehyde and leading to worse hangovers.

Tip: Aside from gender, we may all experience hangovers differently. Drink in moderation, choose alcohol-free alternatives, and stay hydrated to reduce the risk of a nasty hangover.

20. Can You Avoid a Hangover by Drinking Spirits Instead of Beer?

No. The CO2 in beer can contribute to increased alcohol absorption, but that doesn’t mean it’ll cause a worse hangover than spirits. Spirits typically have a much higher ABV (40% vs. 5% for a standard beer), so it’s considerably more alcohol that our body needs to process. This means that drinking spirits are more likely to cause a worse hangover than beer.

Tip: A cocktail made with spirits can easily amount to 2 to 3 standard drinks. Instead, choose from a list of mocktail options you can order at any bar

With these questions answered, hopefully you have more information to get relief from a hangover. At the end of the day, however, the best hangover cure is prevention and moderation.

The Bottom Line

Hangover myths are like urban legends — often passed around, rarely questioned, but not always grounded in truth. From old wives’ tales to trending tips, the advice on how to handle a hangover can be overwhelming and, at times, misleading. As much as we’d love a quick fix, the truth is that the only reliable remedy for a hangover is time, rest, and hydration. By understanding the facts behind common hangover myths, we can make informed choices that help us feel our best. So, let’s toast to the truth — and wake up feeling brighter and more clearheaded!

Summary FAQs

1. What’s the best way to prevent hangovers?

Quitting or cutting back on alcohol is the most effective way to prevent hangovers. 

2. What’s the quickest fix for a hangover?

There’s no quick fix for hangovers. OTC medications, staying hydrated, and getting more rest can make them less uncomfortable while our body works on getting rid of the alcohol. 

3. Why do I always get bad hangovers and my friends don’t?

Some of us are more prone to getting hangovers. Those who are older, alcohol intolerant, or have low alcohol tolerance should take extra precautions. 

4. Can “hair of the dog” cure my hangover?

No, more alcohol doesn’t benefit a hangover in any way. It can actually prolong our recovery, because we’re just adding more alcohol to our system.

5. Do darker colored alcohols cause worse hangovers?

They can. Darker-colored alcohols such as red wine, brandy, cognac, and whiskey are high in congeners, which can contribute to worse hangovers.

Avoid Hangovers With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

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Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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