2 beer glasses on a table with pistachios, groundnuts, chips and bread sticks
Drinking Habits

Gluten-Free Alcohol Drinks: Your Go-To List for Safe Enjoyment

July 10, 2023
17 min read
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July 10, 2023
17 min read
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Certified recovery coach specialized in helping everyone redefine their relationship with alcohol. His approach in coaching focuses on habit formation and addressing the stress in our lives.
July 10, 2023
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Recognized by Fortune and Fast Company as a top innovator shaping the future of health and known for his pivotal role in helping individuals change their relationship with alcohol.
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July 10, 2023
17 min read

You're at your local bar, full of animated chatter, clinking glasses, and contagious laughter. The bartender gives you a friendly nod, asking, "What‘ll it be?" Your gaze turns towards the shelves laden with a smorgasbord of alluring alcoholic beverages. A silent red flag waves at the back of your mind: watch out for gluten!

For those of us needing to dodge gluten, the bartender’s innocent question could quickly turn into an intricate puzzle. But hold on! You'll soon find that navigating this challenge doesn't have to be as tricky as it first appears. 

In this post, we’ll explore some of the best gluten-free alcoholic beverages to enjoy so you never have to worry again. Let’s dive in!

What Is Gluten? And Why Do We Care?

In its most basic form, gluten is a family of proteins, primarily consisting of gliadin and glutenin, found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye. It's the substance that gives bread its deliciously chewy texture and helps it rise during baking. 

However, while gluten plays an important role in culinary endeavors, it can also be the culprit behind health issues for some of us, playing a role in conditions such as celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. For people with these conditions, consuming gluten can trigger an array of symptoms, including bloating, diarrhea, skin issues, brain fog, and acute abdominal pain. Navigating this predicament often means adhering to a strict gluten-free diet. In fact, most people who suspect they have a non-celiac gluten sensitivity report they experience a reduction in symptoms when following a gluten-free diet.

Does Alcohol Contain Gluten?

So, what's all this got to do with alcohol? Traditional alcoholic beverages, like beer, are predominantly brewed from malted barley or wheat, both of which are full of gluten. Even certain spirits, despite undergoing a distillation process designed to eliminate most gluten, still harbor traces, particularly if additives are incorporated post-distillation. This can pose a significant challenge for those of us who enjoy the occasional indulgence in spirits but need to avoid the gluten. 

Here's the good news: the world of alcoholic beverages is far from forbidden for those committed to a gluten-free diet. In fact, we're fortunate to live in an era that offers more options than ever before. Let's explore the diverse gluten-free alcoholic beverages you can safely enjoy.

Gluten-Free Wines

Pure, undiluted wine — red, white, or rosé — is produced from fermented grapes, making it naturally devoid of gluten. This also applies to sparkling wines, such as prosecco and champagne, as well as fortified wines, such as vermouth, port, sherry, and brandy (such as Cognac or Armagnac). Wine is generally the best choice of alcohol for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. 

However, it's essential to exercise caution with dessert wines or wine coolers, which might harbor additives containing gluten. When in doubt, remember that a quick look at the label or a brief inquiry to the manufacturer can clear things up.

Gluten-Free Beers

As we said above, most beer contains gluten because beer is mostly made from wheat or barley — two grains that contain gluten. However, there are gluten-free beers that use naturally gluten-free grains (such as sorghum, millet, and rice) or pseudocereals (such as amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa). Gluten-free beers have to adhere to FDA regulations and have a gluten content of less than 20 parts per million (ppm). 

There are also gluten-removed (or gluten-reduced) beers, which are made with gluten-containing grains (like barley, wheat, or rye) but then processed using enzymes that digest gluten particles into smaller fragments. However, for those with extreme gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, it’s best to opt for fully gluten-free beer options. 

With that in mind, here are six popular gluten-free beer brands and types:

  • Bierly (Baker Street Porter, Blackbird Stout, Felix Pilsner, Lucky IPA, Rendezvous Double IPA)
  • Ghostfist (Grapefruit IPA, Vanishing Point Pale Ale, Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale, Kick Step IPA, Meteor Shower Pale Lager, Watchstander Stout)
  • Glutenberg (American Pale Ale, Blonde Ale, IPA, Pale Ale, Saison, Stout)
  • Ground Breaker (Fruit Ale, Dark Ale, Pale Ale, IPA)
  • Holidaily (Big Henry Hazy IPA, Buckwit Belgian, Fat Randy’s IPA, Favorite Blonde Ale, Patchy Waters, Riva Stout)
  • New Planet (Blonde Ale, Pale Ale)

Gluten-Free Hard Ciders

Hard ciders present another refreshing alternative. Fermented from apples or other fruits, they're typically gluten-free. However, some manufacturers may add gluten-containing ingredients to enhance the cider’s flavor. Some ciders are also made in the same facility as gluten-containing alcoholic beverages, like beer. So it’s always best to confirm that the cider you’re considering is truly gluten-free. 

Here are eight popular gluten-free cider brands:

  • Ace Cider
  • Angry Orchard
  • Bulmers
  • Ciderboys
  • Downeast Cider
  • Magners
  • Strongbow
  • Woodchuck Cider

Gluten-Free Seltzers

Hard seltzers have become increasingly popular over the years. Most of them are naturally gluten-free since the main ingredients are carbonated water, alcohol, and fruit flavoring. However, some brands use fermented malted barley instead of cane sugar. 

For people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, here are 10 of the best gluten-free seltzer brands: 

  • Arctic Summer
  • Bud Light Seltzer
  • Coors Hard Seltzer
  • Corona Seltzer
  • High Noon
  • Michelob
  • Mighty Swell
  • Nauti
  • Truly
  • White Claw

Gluten-Free Distilled Spirits

And now, we come to the distilled spirits — vodka, whiskey, and gin. Although spirits are often created with gluten-containing grains, the distillation process should, in theory, remove gluten proteins. Most health and medical resources consider them safe for people with celiac disease. However, individual reactions can vary, and some people might still experience symptoms. When in doubt, it's advisable to choose spirits distilled from gluten-free ingredients such as corn, grapes, or potatoes.

With that in mind, here are six popular gluten-free vodka brands: 

  • Smirnoff
  • Tito’s 
  • Stoli
  • Devotion
  • Deep Eddy
  • Enchanted Rock

These are popular gluten-free whiskey, bourbon, and scotch brands:

  • Crown Royal
  • Jack Daniels
  • Jameson
  • Jim Beam
  • Glenfiddich

Gluten-Free Rum and Tequila

Our list wouldn't be complete without mentioning rum and tequila. Genuine rum (distilled from sugarcane) and tequila (derived from the agave plant) are both naturally gluten-free. So whether you prefer a blanco, reposodo, or anegio, there are many gluten-free tequila brands to enjoy, such as Jose Cuervo, Patron, Casamigos, Don Julio, Sauza and Espolon.

As for gluten-free rum, there are many different brands to choose from, such as Capitan Morgan, Bacardi, Sailor Jerry, Mount Gay, and Goslings. 

Keep in mind, though, that flavored or mixed versions of these spirits might contain gluten, so verify before indulging.

Gluten-Free Mixed Drinks and Liqueurs 

Finally, most liqueurs are considered gluten-free because they are made from distilled alcohol and made more palatable by the addition of sugar and other flavorings (think an espresso martini or blackberry martini). 

However, just as with cider, not all ingredients are free of gluten. This also applies to mixed drinks, which contain a combination of distilled spirits, liqueurs, and drink mixes.

With that in mind, it’s always best to check labels to ensure that no gluten-containing ingredients have been added. When in doubt, opt for a simple gluten-free mixed drink, such as gin and tonic or a martini made with potato-based vodka.

While this list is by no means exhaustive, here are some eight popular gluten-free liqueurs: 

  • Frangelico
  • Limoncello
  • Amaretto
  • Cointreau
  • Grand Marnier
  • Kahlua 
  • Bailey’s
  • Schnapps

Tips for Shopping for Gluten-Free Alcohol

When it comes to shopping for gluten-free drinks, the most important thing to look for is a gluten-free label. Thankfully, as more manufacturers are making gluten-free alcoholic beverages, we’ll probably see more and more gluten-free options. 

Also be mindful of labels that say “may contain traces of gluten,” as these are not entirely gluten-free. This typically means that they’re made in a factory that also makes gluten-containing foods, so cross-contamination is a possibility. 

If you’re ever in doubt, check the ingredient list for gluten-containing ingredients, such as barley, rye, kamut, spelt, and wheat. This is especially important when looking at beer, as most beer contains gluten. 

Finally, if you’re out at a restaurant or bar, you can always ask the server if they have gluten-free alcoholic beverages. 

Tips for Healthy Drinking

As we’ve learned, there are plenty of gluten-free alcoholic beverages we can choose from. However, it’s paramount to practice mindful drinking and avoid binge drinking. With that in mind, here are some tips for drinking responsibly while indulging in gluten-free alcohol: 

  1. Count your drinks. It’s easy to lose track of the amount of alcohol we consume. Try using a notepad app in your phone to document every drink you have in one sitting — whether at a party, dinner, or event. This can help you become more aware of how much you’re consuming. You can even take this one step further by limiting yourself to one drink every hour. 
  2. Sip slowly. Savor each drink, taking slow sips and staying active, such as chatting with friends. It helps to stick to drinks that take time to finish, such as beer or wine (as opposed to shots or mixed drinks, which are intended to be gulped down).
  3. Don’t mix drinks. Mixing different types of alcohol drinks can rapidly bring up BAC levels and make us feel intoxicated much more quickly than if we stick to one kind only. Mixing drinks may also cause us to consume a larger amount of alcohol in a short period of time. 
  4. Drink water. For every alcoholic drink you have, try consuming a full glass of water. This not only helps us stay hydrated, but it limits the amount of alcohol we consume by keeping us fuller. It also gives our liver time to metabolize the alcohol. Even moderate levels of alcohol cause dehydration, and drinking water can compensate for this effect.
  5. Eat something. It’s best not to drink on an empty stomach, so make sure to eat before drinking or snack while you’re drinking. Food in our stomach slows our absorption of alcohol. Eating can also help us drink at a slower rate, since we’re doing something instead of solely drinking.

The Bottom Line

Finding gluten-free alcoholic beverages can seem overwhelming initially, but it doesn't have to stay that way. A wealth of options is out there, waiting to be explored. At the end of the day, dietary restrictions don't have to curtail our ability to experience life's pleasures — they simply offer a different route to take. With knowledge as our compass, we can all make informed decisions leading us towards healthier, happier lives. So here's to exploration, to discovery, and to savoring life in all its gluten-free splendor!

Finally, if you want to cut back or quit drinking but don’t know where to start, consider trying Reframe. We’re a neuroscience-backed app that has helped millions of people reduce their alcohol consumption and develop healthier lifestyle habits.

Summary FAQs

1. What is gluten? 

In its most basic form, gluten is a family of proteins, primarily consisting of gliadin and glutenin, found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye.

2. Does alcohol contain gluten?

Traditional alcoholic beverages, like beer, are predominantly brewed from malted barley or wheat, both of which are heavy with gluten. And certain spirits, despite undergoing a distillation process designed to eliminate most gluten, might still harbor traces, particularly if additives are incorporated post-distillation.

3. Is wine gluten-free?

Pure, undiluted wine — red, white, or rosé — is produced from fermented grapes, making it naturally devoid of gluten. This also applies to sparkling wines, such as prosecco and champagne, as well as fortified wines, such as vermouth, port, sherry, and brandy (i.e. Cognac, Armagnac). 

4. Is beer gluten-free?

Unlike wine, most beer contains gluten. This is because beer is mostly made from wheat or barley — two grains that contain gluten. However, there are gluten-free beers out there that use naturally gluten-free grains (such as sorghum, millet, and rice) or pseudocereals (such as amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa).

5. Are hard ciders gluten-free?

Hard ciders are generally fermented from apples or other fruits, making them gluten-free. However, some manufacturers may add gluten-containing ingredients to enhance the cider’s flavor.

6. Are seltzers gluten-free? 

Most seltzers are naturally gluten-free since the main ingredients are carbonated water, alcohol, and fruit flavoring. However, some brands use fermented malted barley instead of cane sugar. 

7. Are distilled spirits gluten-free?

Distilled spirits — vodka, whiskey, and gin — often often start their journey with gluten-containing grains, but the distillation process should, in theory, remove gluten proteins. When in doubt, it's advisable to choose spirits distilled from gluten-free ingredients such as corn, grapes, or potatoes.

8. Are rum and tequila gluten-free?

Genuine rum (distilled from sugarcane) and tequila (derived from the agave plant) are both naturally gluten-free. However, flavored or mixed versions of these spirits might contain gluten, so verify before indulging.

9. Are liqueurs gluten-free? 

Most liqueurs are considered gluten-free because they are made from distilled alcohol and made more palatable by the addition of sugar and other flavorings. However, just as with cider, some added ingredients may not be gluten-free.

Develop Healthy Drinking Habits With Reframe

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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