Sleeping man with wine glass in bed
Alcohol and Health

The Negative Impact of Alcohol on Our Sleep: The Bittersweet Irony of "Sleeping It Off"

March 25, 2022
23 min read
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March 25, 2022
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March 25, 2022
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It's been a long day, and you're ready for a good night's sleep. You slide into your comfy pajamas, put on a calming playlist, and turn down the lights. Maybe a little nightcap will help lull you into dreamland. Sounds harmless, right?

Think again. If you've ever felt groggy or exhausted after a night of drinking, it's no coincidence. Despite its sedative effects, alcohol might be the uninvited guest at your sleep party. What’s the connection between alcohol and sleep? And how does alcohol affect sleep? Let's discuss the many sneaky ways alcohol messes with your beauty rest.

Does Alcohol Really Help Us Sleep?

Sleeping man with wine glass in bed

Many people believe that alcohol helps them fall asleep more quickly — and they're not entirely wrong. Does alcohol make you sleepy? Sure. Alcohol does increase the production of adenosine, a chemical that makes us feel drowsy. But does alcohol help you sleep? Well, here's the catch: while we might fall asleep faster, the quality of our sleep takes a nosedive. Let’s dive into the science behind it!

1. Dream a Little Dream … Or Not

Our sleep isn't just a big block of unconsciousness; it’s a complex cycle with multiple stages.

  • Stage 1 (N1). This is the light sleep stage. You know when you're just drifting off, and you feel like you might be falling? Yep, that's this stage.
  • Stage 2 (N2). Still light sleep, but now the body starts to get into the groove. Our heart rate slows down, and our body temperature drops a bit.
  • Stage 3 (N3). This is deep sleep territory. It's rejuvenating and restorative. The body does a lot of its repair work in this stage.
  • REM sleep. This is the dream stage: our brain is super active, but our muscles are deeply relaxed. This is the most restorative phase of sleep — the stage in which we dream and process emotions, information, and memories from the day. It’s also crucial for mental restoration, mood regulation, and memory. When we get less REM sleep, we’re more likely to wake up feeling unrefreshed and less alert than normal.

The Alcohol Effect on Sleep

And booze? Putting it simply, alcohol disrupts sleep. Sure, drinking before bedtime might make us feel sleepy; we drift off quickly. So far, so good, right? Well, not exactly. Alcohol can artificially speed up the process of reaching the deep sleep stages. This sounds great —more time in restorative sleep! — but there’s a catch.

After a few hours, alcohol starts to wear off, interrupting REM sleep by reducing its duration and delaying its onset. Less REM means we might wake up feeling tired, even if we’ve been in bed for 8 hours.

This is a problem because REM sleep is vital for cognitive functions, mood, and overall restfulness. We might experience fewer dreams, and even if we sleep for a standard 7-8 hours, we might wake up feeling like we’ve just had a nap instead of a full night's rest.

The Unpredictable REM Rebound

One or two nights of reduced REM sleep sounds bad enough — but there’s more. After nights of drinking and suppressed REM sleep, we might experience what’s known as REM rebound: the brain tries to catch up on missed REM sleep. This leads to longer, more frequent REM stages. It might sound cool — more dreams, right? But in reality, it can lead to sleep disturbances, nightmares, or waking up feeling groggy.

2. The Rebound Effect: Why Can’t I Sleep After Drinking?

You're deep in slumber, and then suddenly ... you're not. Alcohol can cause frequent awakenings during the night, even if we don't remember them. No, it's not the neighbor's dog barking or a car alarm outside — it's actually the sneaky effects of alcohol stirring us from our slumber and preventing us from entering the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep. Here’s what happens:

  • The sedative vs. stimulant paradox. Initially, alcohol acts as a sedative, making us feel drowsy and helping us drift off. However, as the night progresses and the effects of alcohol diminish, its sedative properties fade. Now, here comes the twist: instead of keeping us asleep, alcohol starts to act more like a stimulant.

    As the night rolls on, the relaxing effect of the drink wears off, making our sleep more shallow and increasing our chances of waking up. It’s as if alcohol first tucks us into bed and then, a few hours later, keeps poking us saying, “Hey, wake up!”
  • Rhythm of the night. Our brain has different waves of activity during sleep, and alcohol can mess with them, compromising the quality of our slumber. It's like trying to listen to a song on the radio with constant static interruptions — we don’t get the full experience.
  • Sleep architecture. Sounds fancy, doesn't it? This term simply refers to the structure and pattern of our sleep. Alcohol can alter this architecture, leading to imbalances in our sleep stages and resulting in unexpected awakenings or bouts of restlessness during the night.
  • Interactions with sleep disorders. Finally, if we already have an underlying sleep disorder, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, alcohol can magnify our symptoms, making those sporadic awakenings even more frequent.

What About Melatonin?

Melatonin, the "sleep hormone," plays a significant role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle. Alcohol can disrupt our melatonin production. This means even if we’re tired and want to get back to sleep, our body might not have enough of this sleepy hormone to do the trick.

3. Alcohol and Sleep: The Dreaded Bathroom Trips

Do you need to visit the bathroom more frequently after drinking? Alcohol is a diuretic, increasing our bathroom trips and causing fragmented sleep. Drinking before bed doesn’t only disrupt our sweet slumber — it can make us dehydrated (which also makes us tired).

Here's a deeper dive into what's happening when alcohol messes with the body's water supply:

  • Alcohol and ADH. Our bodies are like finely tuned machines, especially when it comes to water balance. The so-called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) plays a pivotal role in this. Think of ADH as the gatekeeper, deciding how much water should stay in our system. Alcohol suppresses the release of ADH, giving the kidneys the green light to send water straight to our bladder. Translation: more bathroom trips!
  • Vital nutrients take a hit, too. It's not just about the water. When we’re frequently visiting the bathroom because of alcohol, we’re also losing vital salts and minerals like potassium and sodium, which are crucial for muscle function, energy, and even brain activity.

Dehydration doesn’t stop at thirst! It compounds many of the symptoms caused by a bad night’s sleep:

  • Headaches. These are a common aftermath of drinking, often attributed to dehydration.
  • Dry skin. Ever noticed your skin feeling a little dry, looking a bit less glowy after a night of drinks? Reduced hydration might be the culprit.
  • Fatigue. Even after a full night's sleep, dehydration can leave us feeling drained and lethargic.

A Cycle of Discomfort

Here’s a fun (or not so fun) fact: dehydration can also disrupt our sleep! Yep, it's a two-way street. Thirst can wake us up, adding to the list of reasons alcohol impacts your night.

Negative Impact of Alcohol on Our Sleep

4. Alcohol and Sleep: Turning Up The Heat

Ever have that warm, flushed feeling after sipping on a drink? It's almost like an internal heater has been switched on. While it might feel momentarily cozy, booze can mess with our body's natural ability to regulate temperature while we sleep, leading to night sweats or leaving us cold in the middle of the night.

Here’s why:

  • Vasodilation. Alcohol encourages vasodilation (the widening of blood vessels), especially in the skin's surface. This increased blood flow gives you that warm, rosy-cheeked feeling.
  • Midnight chills. That initial warmth is a bit deceptive. As our blood vessels expand, they release heat from the skin's surface. This gives us a temporary boost in warmth, but as the night progresses, this heat dissipation can lead to a drop in our core body temperature. The result? We might find ourselves tossing and turning, waking up either drenched in sweat or reaching for an extra blanket.
  • A chill in the REM. Our REM sleep can also be affected by these temperature shifts. If the body is too busy trying to balance out its internal thermostat, it might not give REM sleep the full attention it deserves. This can lead to fragmented dreams or waking up feeling unrefreshed.
  • Night sweats and beyond. Many people experience night sweats after consuming alcohol. It’s not just about waking up clammy — it can genuinely disrupt our sleep. Imagine waking up feeling like you've just run a marathon, sheets damp and feeling out of sorts. Not the most pleasant mid-night surprise!

5. Alcohol and Sleep: Breathing Troubles

Nope, it's not your imagination — alcohol can exacerbate snoring or even obstructive sleep apnea. Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the throat, which increases the risk of airway blockage. This means interrupted sleep and less oxygen to our brain.

The result? A less than restful night for both you and anyone sharing your sleeping space.

​​Beyond Snoring: A Peek at Sleep Apnea

Snoring isn’t just an isolated event. For some, it can be a sign of a condition called obstructive sleep apnea, in which breathing temporarily stops during sleep. Consuming alcohol can exacerbate this condition, leading to longer and more frequent pauses in breathing. This disrupts sleep and has other health implications (including increased risks of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart attack).

Next Day Hangover

No one enjoys a hangover. The headache, nausea, and grogginess can make the day an uphill battle. This is largely due to the disturbance in sleep patterns caused by alcohol. Let’s explore what's really happening the morning after the night before.

  • Dehydration. We touched upon this earlier, but it's worth mentioning again: alcohol is a diuretic. After those extra trips to the bathroom at night, we wake up with a dry mouth, parched and drained. This lack of hydration can contribute to that throbbing headache and general grogginess.
  • An upset stomach. An upset stomach is a classic hangover symptom. Alcohol increases the production of stomach acid and slows the rate at which the stomach empties itself, leading to nausea, vomiting, or that queasy feeling in our belly.
  • The aftermath of sleep disruption. Even if we managed to clock in 8 hours of sleep after drinking, the quality of that sleep might have been compromised. The result? We wake up feeling like we’ve barely slept a wink. Fatigue, irritability, and that “I want to go back to bed” feeling are all signs of poor sleep quality.
  • Cognitive cloudiness. Ever tried solving a puzzle or focusing on a task with a hangover? It's like trying to see through a foggy window. Alcohol affects our cognitive abilities, making it harder to concentrate, make decisions, or even remember where we left our keys!
  • Mood swings and the emotional roller coaster. Alcohol can mess with our mood regulators. The next day, we might feel down in the dumps or just a bit off emotionally — that’s last night’s alcohol playing with our emotional dials.

The Long-Term Picture: Beyond the Morning After

What about the big picture — past the immediate effects and the hangover? Regular consumption of alcohol before bedtime can lead to insomnia:

  • The sleep routine shuffle. Over time, if we consistently reach for that evening drink, our body might start relying on it to initiate sleep. This can create a tricky cycle: we drink to sleep, but then the quality of that sleep isn't great, so we drink again the next night hoping for better results. In the long run, this can disturb our natural sleep-wake cycle.
  • Building a tolerance. Our bodies are pretty adaptable. Drink regularly? Over time, you might find that you need more alcohol to achieve the same sleepy effect. This tolerance means you're consuming more, which amplifies the negative impacts on sleep and overall health.
  • The REM relationship gets tricky. Over time, with regular alcohol consumption, we might experience a decrease in REM sleep consistently. This can affect cognitive functions, memory, and mood in the long run.
  • Aging and alcohol are not the best of friends. As we age, our body's ability to metabolize alcohol changes. The older we get, the more we will feel the effect of alcohol on sleep. A drink that once had little impact on your night's sleep in your 20s might become a significant disruptor in your 40s or 50s.
  • Overall health. Consistent alcohol consumption doesn't just affect sleep; there are potential impacts on liver health, heart health, and even the risk of certain cancers. When we look at the broader picture, that nightly drink starts to weigh a bit heavier on the health scale.

Prioritizing Sleep Over Sips: 7 Action Steps

By being aware of the long-term picture, we can make informed choices that keep our nights peaceful and your days vibrant. After all, life's a marathon, not a sprint, and every good choice adds up for the journey ahead! Here are some tips to start with:

  1. Set a limit. If you choose to drink, limit yourself to one or two drinks, and try to stop drinking at least 3 hours before bedtime. This gives your body time to metabolize the alcohol.
  2. Stay hydrated. Match every alcoholic drink with a glass of water. This helps counteract alcohol’s dehydrating effects.
  3. Create a sleep sanctuary. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Consider investing in blackout curtains, a white noise machine, or comfortable earplugs.
  4. Avoid late-night feasts. Eating a heavy meal close to bedtime, especially with alcohol, can lead to indigestion and disrupt sleep.
  5. Embrace herbal teas. Instead of a nightcap, opt for a warm mug of caffeine-free herbal tea. Chamomile, valerian root, and lavender are great choices for promoting sleep.
  6. Stick to a routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends; it helps regulate your body's internal clock. Your body loves routines! Set a regular bedtime and stick to it. Over time, it'll become a habit, and you'll naturally start feeling sleepy around your bedtime.
  7. Unplug and unwind. Create a bedtime ritual that signals your body it's time to wind down. This could include reading a book, practicing some gentle stretches, or listening to calming music. Make your bedroom a haven for sleep. This means comfy pillows, blackout curtains, and maybe some essential oils lightly scenting the air.

Summing Up

Sleep is a cornerstone of our well-being. And while that occasional drink might seem like it’s helping you drift off, it’s pulling the strings behind the scenes in disruptive ways. Prioritizing quality sleep over that glass of wine or beer can make a world of difference in how you feel the next day.

Summary FAQs

1. How does alcohol affect the different stages of sleep?

Alcohol can help you fall asleep faster but disrupts the quality of your sleep. It particularly interferes with the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage, which is vital for mood regulation and memory.

2. Why do I feel thirsty and make more trips to the bathroom after drinking?

Alcohol acts as a diuretic, increasing urine production and leading to dehydration. This is why you feel thirsty and may need to visit the bathroom more frequently.

3. I feel warmer after drinking. Is that normal?

It’s normal! Alcohol causes vasodilation, the expansion of blood vessels. This make you feel warm initially, but it can later interfere with your body's ability to regulate its temperature, potentially causing night sweats or chills.

4. Why do I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night after drinking?

This is known as the "rebound effect." After alcohol’s initial sedative effects wear off, a surge in chemicals and hormones stimulate wakefulness, causing you to wake up unexpectedly.

5. Can alcohol affect my mood the next day?

Absolutely! In addition to the physical symptoms of a hangover, alcohol can play with our mood regulators, leaving you feeling down or emotionally off the next day.

6. If I drink regularly before bed, what are the long-term effects on my sleep?

Regular alcohol consumption can disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle, lead to a decreased amount of restorative REM sleep, and cause you to develop a tolerance, meaning you might need more alcohol to feel its effects.

7. How can I ensure better sleep if I choose to drink occasionally?

It's a good idea to limit your intake and stop drinking at least 3 hours before bedtime. Matching each alcoholic drink with a glass of water can help counteract dehydration. Creating a calming bedtime routine and ensuring a sleep-friendly environment can also promote better rest.

Ready To Get Better Sleep and Change Your Relationship With Alcohol? Reframe Is Here To Help!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

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Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app today!

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