Drinking Habits

Small Habits Add Up When Changing Your Drinking Habits

July 11, 2022
9 min read
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Certified recovery coach specialized in helping everyone redefine their relationship with alcohol. His approach in coaching focuses on habit formation and addressing the stress in our lives.
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For most people, being healthy is a choice. We can make little efforts to take the steps instead of the elevator, stretch after sitting for long periods, and drink more water. Small habits also add up when changing your drinking habits. Start by identifying and focusing on small habits you can implement that add up over time. Not only will you see positive changes in yourself, but you'll be well on your way to achieving your larger goals as well.

Tiny habits can be introduced into daily routines, and they compound over time to make a big difference. Whether talking about our health, work, or personal relationships, a steady stream of positive behaviors can help promote long-term growth and development. However, we need both the motivation and the ability to create these habits, as these two components work together to form the foundation of positive change.

Motivation gives us the drive to take action, while ability allows us to follow through on our goals and put them into practice. It is essential to understand what motivates us and what challenges we might face along the way. The first step is identifying our underlying desires and any obstacles that could prevent our success. By gaining this knowledge, we can devise strategies for overcoming any barriers that may arise so we can move forward confidently and achieve our goals. With motivation and the ability to work in tandem, nothing can stand in our way - even when it comes to drinking less. 

Now, let's dive into some small habits you can start today to stick to your drinking goals. 

Limit time in bars/skip drinking alone.

Spending too much time in bars is not great for cutting back, nor is drinking alone.

Although there are reasons why drinking alcohol can be a positive experience, there can also be serious risks associated with uncontrolled or excessive consumption. For many, bars can be a trigger for excessive drinking.  

When you become accustomed to drinking alone, it becomes easier and more tempting to rely on alcohol to help you cope with difficult situations.

Two small habits we can start today are limiting the bar time and skipping the "drinking alone" time. 

Find comfort elsewhere.

It may be tempting to drink for solace when feeling down or upset. Still, it is important to remember that alcohol is actually a depressant and can exacerbate negative emotions. Instead of turning to alcohol for comfort or relief, we should focus on finding other ways to cope with complicated feelings, such as engaging in a relaxing activity or talking to friends and family. 

Not only will this help us avoid the potentially dangerous consequences of excessive drinking, but it will also allow us to enjoy the positive effects of drinking in moderation and celebrate life's moments with genuine joy and appreciation. 

Don't drink on a schedule. 

We may have our favorite drinking routines:

  • A pre-dinner cocktail
  • A few beers with the game on the weekend
  • Unwinding with a glass of wine after a long day at work 

One simple tactic to reduce consumption is setting goals for how much you will drink throughout the week. Whether this means pre-planning your drinks, scheduling days off from drinking altogether, or limiting yourself to just two glasses of wine per night, finding specific, achievable numbers can make all the difference.

After you've determined your limits, another vital step is to keep track of how much you're actually drinking with the Reframe app and be conscious of it every time you reach for another glass.

Along with setting drinking limits, it's also essential to find alternate ways to deal with stress and pressure as they come up throughout your week. There are a lot of ways to handle stress without turning to alcohol! Consider meditation, yoga, exercise, reading... whatever works best for you! Making these a part of your routine rather than heading straight for the bottle will make a world of difference in managing those high-pressure moments without upping your overall intake. 

Opt for lower-proof options.

Alcohol is a standard part of many social events but can also be incredibly harmful to our health. With high-proof alcohol such as gin, vodka, or whiskey often the drink of choice, many drinkers are at risk of serious health problems due to heavy consumption. 

There are many ways to enjoy mixed drinks without these high levels of alcohol. For example, you could choose more flavorful liquors like cognac and use seltzer water as a mixer instead of other types of alcohol. Additionally, by spacing out your drinks with non-alcoholic beverages and avoiding drinking to quench your thirst, you can reduce your overall alcohol intake and stay healthy and safe. 

Many people are unaware of just how many alcoholic drinks they consume on a daily or weekly basis. Whether it's an occasional glass of wine with dinner or your regular night out at the bar with friends, it can be challenging to keep track of the total number and size of your drinks. 

Reframe has an alcohol tracking system that comes in handy. Using this, you can stay on top of your intake and make more informed decisions about how much you drink. Download Reframe and try out our 1-week free trial today. We'll see you soon!

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