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Key Tips for Sober Camping

September 6, 2024
19 min read
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What Is Sober Camping?

Sober camping is just what it sounds like: camping without drinking alcohol. Camping and alcohol often go hand in hand, but the duo has its unique risks. We can have a blast sober camping by setting ourselves up for success. Plan activities, communicate with your companions, and have alternatives handy. There are plenty of alcohol-free campfire favorites, including mulled cider, virgin coconut water mojito, hot cocoa, and zero-proof beverages. We can decompress in nature and connect with others without the adverse effects of alcohol by planning a sober camping trip.

There’s an episode in Parks and Recreation where Leslie Knope, always the spirited leader, has orchestrated a camping trip for her colleagues in the Pawnee Parks Department. As they gather around the campfire, everyone’s buzzing with excitement — and perhaps a bit too much alcohol. Ron Swanson, the stoic director and always the voice of reason, opts out of drinking, choosing instead to soak in the tranquility of nature. The next day, everyone is feeling the aftermath: sluggish, groggy, and less than thrilled about the day’s activities. Meanwhile, Ron is up early, enjoying a peaceful morning by the lake, immersed in the splendor of the natural world.

This scene illustrates a key insight — camping doesn’t need to be synonymous with alcohol. In fact, choosing a sober camping experience can open up our world to richer connections and more profound enjoyment of what the outdoors has to offer. Let’s walk through some key tips to ensure your sober camping trip is filled with nature and nurture. 

Tips for Planning a Sober Camping Trip

Planning is key to setting ourselves up for success. Keep these in mind before embarking on your next sober camping adventure:

1. Pick the Prime Place

When it comes to sober camping, location matters. If you’re aiming to shift focus towards alcohol-free activities and prevent temptation, avoid super busy campsites where larger groups may be drinking or are disruptive. Although not all campsites have websites, reading the Google reviews can give us a better idea of what we’re getting into. Choose less busy times of the year and more remote locations to fully enjoy the outdoors. (Although take this advice with caution —  such as increased chances of encountering wild animals and less access to help should you need it, especially if you’re alone. Be sure you understand wilderness survival and have the proper gear if you plan to do this!)

We can also check if the campsite has cell service or choose a location not too far from home so we can get away from a sticky situation if we need to. When we’re trying to stay away from alcohol, being able to access our support system when we need it is crucial. While this may defeat the point of camping and getting off the grid, our safety is the most important thing! 

If we’re camping as a group, we won’t always be in control of the location. This is where these other tips will come in handy!

2. Stock Up on Substitutes

Have non-alcoholic options available to join in on the social aspect of drinking without the adverse health effects. When others are drinking, or if we feel an urge to drink, we'll have options planned out to help us stick to our goals for avoiding alcohol. 

There are plenty of non-alcoholic wine and beer options, zero-proof campfire classics, and creative campfire cocktails (keep reading for more specifics), which give us all the positives of drinking: the camaraderie of sharing a drink with others, celebrating something, or creating a certain mood, but without the negative effects. 

3. Stay Swift and Steady With a Full Schedule

Boredom can be a driver for drinking. Fill up your schedule with alcohol-free activities to have healthy distractions and get the most out of what the surroundings have to offer. Of course, resting and relaxing are also important when camping, but having a pre-planned itinerary can give us options when we’re feeling restless or needing a distraction from urges to drink. We can always cross something off the list, but researching things to do when we’re already at our destination may not be possible miles away from the nearest Wi-Fi router.

Explore the surroundings with various activities:

  • Go on a scavenger hunt to spot local plants and animals
  • Check out different hiking trails
  • Identify constellations in the night sky
  • Try water activities like kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding
  • Go fishing or fly-fishing (just make sure your permit is up to date!)

But we get it — we’re not all avid explorers. If you’re looking for something more chill, bring a book or some card games, try out new campfire recipes, journal your thoughts, or meditate in the forest for some much-needed R and R.

4. Sharpen Your (Emotional) Toolkit

Along with essential camping gear, having a toolkit of coping mechanisms and strategies to overcome triggers for drinking helps us be prepared to handle anything that comes our way. These triggers can be anything, but may include being alone, being with others who are drinking, being in an unfamiliar environment, and more. 

Try slow, deep breathing, count to 10, or repeat positive affirmations. Make a list of the tools that work best for you so you can whip them out whenever you need to. Being in a different environment puts us in situations that we may not usually encounter, so being more prepared can only be beneficial. 

5. Connect With Your Crew

“We are stronger when we listen, and smarter when we share.” - Rania Al-Abdullah, Queen of Jordan 

If we’re traveling with companions, not everyone may be on the same page to avoid drinking during the trip. Communicating with the people we’re traveling with ahead of time helps them make accommodations if needed and ensures that everyone is respectful of your decision.

We can also opt for sober-only camping groups, such as The Camping Trip, or search for other sober camping groups on Facebook or Meetups.

If we’re going camping solo, it’s still helpful to communicate with our support system. They can better understand our needs, help us develop coping strategies, and check in on us during our trip (if we have service). For more information on communicating with your support system, check out “8 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Relationships.”

6. Manage Your Medical Matters

If we’re in recovery, sometimes medication is a part of our treatment plan. It can be helpful to consult with your doctor about specific precautions to take and ensure that we have enough medication or medical support we may need for our excursion. 

Even if we’re not taking medication for alcohol use disorder (AUD), a health check-up beforehand isn’t a bad idea. It increases our safety and may help prevent any health-related issues that could trigger our drinking.

7. Find Fun in Alcohol-Free Traditions

While Aunt Martha’s infamous camp-arita may have been a long-standing tradition in previous family camping trips, it’s had its time and place. We can develop new non-alcoholic traditions to replace old ones with more memorable and meaningful experiences.

Choose your favorite campfire classics to sing along to, invent a new fireside favorite snack, or host a storytelling contest where everyone shares the most adventurous tales. Anything goes when it comes to developing new traditions, so get creative and have fun! 

8. Set the Scene: Attitude and Anticipations

Go into this new sober experience with ideas for what you want to take away from it. Whether it’s connecting authentically with others or de-stressing in nature, there’s much more to camping than being an opportunity to drink. Instead of seeing it as a camping trip without alcohol. It’s a camping trip with more connection, more mental clarity, and more energy.

By adopting a positive mindset and preparing effectively, we’re already on our way to reaping the many benefits of sober camping. 

Benefits of Sober Camping

Many of us may commonly associate alcohol with having a good time, but ditching the booze has many benefits. Sober camping enhances our outdoor experience in many ways: 

  • Enjoying increased energy. Alcohol disrupts our sleep patterns, and being in an unfamiliar environment can amplify that. Avoiding alcohol while camping helps us get more rest and gives us energy to participate in outdoor activities.
  • Being present in nature. Camping is a great time to disconnect from our busy lifestyle. Without distractions like alcohol, we can stay present in the moment.
  • Having happy bowels. The combination of the GI discomfort that alcohol causes and being in an unfamiliar environment can throw our digestive system out of whack. Not to mention, finding a place to do our business isn’t always easy while camping, and the increased need for bathroom trips while drinking alcohol doesn’t mix well with that!
  • Decreasing risk of accidents. Alcohol impairs our motor coordination and impacts our response time. Combined with low light and unfamiliar terrain, drinking while camping can be a recipe for disaster. Avoid alcohol to be alert and prepared for anything that can happen. 
  • Increasing safety awareness. Being aware of our surroundings is important when camping, especially if we're alone. When our judgment and awareness aren’t impacted by alcohol, we can be ready to act if there’s danger nearby. 
  • Enjoying the benefits of outdoor activity. Research shows that there are many benefits of outdoor activity including less stress and anxiety, improved focus, increased self-awareness, reduced cravings, and better mood. We can reap all these benefits when we're not being bogged down by the negative aftermath of drinking.
  • Forming more authentic connections. Alcohol influences our thoughts and emotions. Without alcohol’s influence, our conversations are more genuine and we can be fully present to share more meaningful interactions.
  • Making memories. Alcohol is often associated with fun times, but it’s also associated with blackouts and memory loss. Avoid having a fuzzy recollection of these new experiences with yourself or loved ones by choosing to camp soberly. 

As we can see, removing the alcohol from camping has numerous benefits for the experience. But food and drinks can be an integral part of our outdoor adventures. So, what can we opt for instead? 

Camping Drinks: Non-Alcoholic Alternatives

When it comes to camping, beverages can improve our outdoor experience. Whether we’re looking for a refreshing drink to escape the heat or cozy creations to enjoy by the campfire, there are plenty of non-alcoholic drink options for every moment under the stars. Get the flavor and camaraderie of classic and creative campfire sips, minus the alcohol, with these non-alcoholic camping drink choices:

  • Mulled cider. This is a campfire classic for good reason. It’s comforting but also simple to make. Mix apple cider with whole spices like cinnamon sticks and nutmeg, and citrus fruit peels for added flavor.
  • Fruity drinks. Non-alcoholic fruity drinks such as a strawberry spritzer, Arnold Palmer, or fruity lemonade can be perfect for hot weather and are easy enough to craft on the go. 
  • Refreshing mocktails. Staying hydrated is essential during a camping trip. Try refreshing mocktails like a coconut water mojito by mixing coconut water, sparkling water, lime, and mint. Or try a virgin Shirley Temple or a virgin Moscow Mule to stay cool and hydrated while enjoying something special!
  • Zero-proof beverages. If mixing mocktails isn’t your thing, there are plenty of ready-to-drink, non-alcoholic options like beer, wine, and mixed drinks.
  • Golden milk. This is a traditional Indian drink that is perfect for colder campfire nights. To make golden milk, mix milk with turmeric and other spices such as cinnamon and ginger.
  • Electrolyte drinks. Electrolyte drinks are all the hype these days and are perfect for camping trips. It’s helpful when we want something other than water, but still want the hydration. 
  • Hot cocoa. Why limit hot cocoa to the holidays? Jazz it up with some nut milk or your favorite toppings, or even some cayenne pepper for some extra pizzazz!

While sipping non-alcoholic drinks can enhance our camping experience, providing support to sober loved ones goes beyond what’s in our cups. Let’s explore ways we can foster a supportive environment for our sober companions during a camping adventure.

How to Support a Sober Camper

Supporting Sober Loved Ones on a Camping Trip

Thoughtful approaches and meaningful gestures can make a camping trip an enjoyable and empowering experience for everyone. Implementing these practices fosters an inclusive and positive atmosphere that honors everyone’s journey:

  • Keep them involved. When someone is sober and others aren’t, they can feel isolated and lonely. Keeping them involved in non-alcoholic activities, offering non-alcohol alternatives, and checking in to see what they may need can help our sober loved ones feel less alone.
  • Don’t make it a big deal. On the other hand, pointing out someone’s sobriety starkly can also be uncomfortable. Shift the focus away from alcohol and on other aspects of the trip. After all, what matters is being together, not what the beverages are!
  • Don’t peer pressure. It may go without saying, but peer-pressuring a sober loved one, even if it’s in a joking or lighthearted manner can be extremely harmful. Sobriety is an active choice and can often be challenging. Peer pressure will only make things worse. Imagine trying to convince a vegetarian to have a bite of steak. It’s insensitive and can trigger negative emotions, and you most likely won’t change their mind no matter what. When it comes to alcohol, peer pressure can cause them to turn to negative coping strategies, not to mention sour the whole trip and damage relationships.
  • Join in. A great way to support a loved one in sobriety during a camping trip is to join in. Not only can this help them feel supported, but it’s also beneficial to our health and well-being. 
  • Provide a judgment-free space. Sobriety is a choice, and it’s not always an easy decision to make. Providing a judgment-free space helps support our loved one’s decision to embark on a journey to better health. 

The most important thing to remember is that camping is ultimately about connection, whether that’s with nature, with loved ones, or with yourself. Respecting ourselves and our camping companions will set us up for a great experience!

Campfire Reflections

As we venture into the wild with these key sober camping tips, we’re not only planning a trip, we’re crafting an experience where clarity and connection take center stage. Whether we’re looking to bond with friends or find peace within ourselves, sober camping allows us to embrace the full beauty and benefits of the great outdoors. It comes with benefits such as fostering deeper connections and fewer adverse health effects. So, let’s pack our gear, skip the booze, and raise a toast to the fulfilling adventures of sober camping!

Summary FAQs

1. Why should I go sober camping?

Sober camping has many benefits including increased energy, connecting authentically with nature and our companions, and fully reaping the benefits of outdoor activities. 

2. What should I keep in mind when planning a sober camping trip?

Choose a location mindfully, plan sober activities, bring alcohol-free beverages, and have a support system in place. 

3. What if other people I’m camping with are drinking?

Communicate with your companions ahead of time to make sure they understand and will respect your choice to not drink. It can also be beneficial to develop positive coping strategies if other people’s drinking can be a trigger for your own drinking.

4. What are some alcohol-free drinks to have while camping? 

Hydrating fruity drinks, classics like mulled cider, and zero-proof alternatives are great alcohol-free drinks to have on hand while camping.

5. Are there risks to drinking while camping? 

Yes. Drinking while camping increases our risk of accidents and decreases our safety awareness.

Live an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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