Alcohol and Mental Health

How To Recover After Sending a Drunk Text

July 5, 2023
19 min read
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July 5, 2023
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It’s a Saturday morning and you wake up to the glaring light of the sun peeking through your window after a night of socializing and drinking, your head throbbing slightly. As you blearily check your phone, you see it — the evidence of your uninhibited communication. Perhaps it's a long, emotionally charged text to an ex, a nonsensical message to a friend, or, even worse, an inappropriate joke sent to a work colleague. The memory comes flooding back, and you feel like you’ve unwittingly taken a leap off an emotional precipice.

But why does this happen, and what can we do about it?

The Neuroscientific Underpinnings of Drunk Texting

The act of drunk texting is not just a matter of modern technology intersecting with old habits, but a potent reflection of how alcohol tweaks the balance of power within our neural pathways.

The brain has specific regions that play pivotal roles in our decision-making processes, our ability to process consequences, and our adherence to social norms. One such region is the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Often analogized as the CEO of our brain, the PFC is the command center, ensuring that our actions align with our best interests, societal expectations, and personal long-term goals. It acts as the rational voice inside our head, frequently weighing the pros and cons before we make decisions, ensuring we maintain appropriate behavior, and refraining from activities that might be deemed socially unacceptable or personally regrettable.

However, when we introduce alcohol into our system, this all changes. The PFC, efficient and rational in its sober state, becomes increasingly impaired. Imagine a well-functioning office where, suddenly, the CEO is forced to take a leave of absence. Without its guiding influence, the corporate structure can quickly fall into chaos. Similarly, when alcohol dims the PFC's functionality, our inhibitions start to fade away. The rational, consequence-considering part of our brain is no longer in charge.

As the PFC recedes into the background, more primal and instinct-driven areas of our brain step up, ready to take control. It's these regions that drive our impulses — the raw, unfiltered urges that the PFC typically keeps in check. As the balance of power shifts, our decision-making process becomes more immediate, less restrained, and considerably less future-oriented. We’re then driven by emotion and immediate desires rather than logic or foresight.

This transformation of brain function sets the stage for drunk texting. Given the ease of access of our smartphones, they become tools for our uninhibited selves. Those thoughts that, under the PFC’s control, would've been considered and possibly done away with, now find their way onto the screen with surprising ease. Maybe it's a lingering sentiment we've held back from a former lover, a spontaneous declaration of affection to a friend, or even a venting of frustrations to a colleague. Without the mental barriers in place, our innermost feelings, thoughts, and impulses take the forefront, and our thumbs do the talking.

But the act of drunk texting isn't just about sending messages. It's a vivid example of how easily our behavior can shift when certain regulating systems in our brain are compromised. It highlights the delicate balance that exists within our neural pathways and how substances like alcohol can tip the scales, pushing us to act in ways that may have lasting consequences.

Expert-Backed Steps To Prevent Drunk Texting

Awareness is the first step towards change. Understanding why we're prone to drunk texting is vital, but it's equally important to know how we can prevent these incidents. Let's consider a step-by-step strategy.

Step 1: Recognizing Our Behaviors

The first step to change is always acknowledgment. Avoiding drunk texting requires that we recognize and understand the impulses behind such behavior. These impulses aren't just borne out of intoxication; they are deeply rooted in our emotional states, past experiences, and current feelings.

One of the significant factors that lead many to drunk text is a profound sense of loneliness. In our more vulnerable moments, under the influence of alcohol, this solitude can become overwhelming, driving us to seek solace in connections — be they past or present. The smartphone becomes a bridge, albeit not always a reliable one, to lessen that solitude.

Apart from loneliness, unresolved emotional issues can also be a significant catalyst. Previous conflicts, lingering feelings, or unspoken emotions might find an outlet when our usual barriers are down. The intoxication effectively takes the guard off our emotional gates, allowing suppressed feelings to flow freely.

Recognizing these behaviors is not about berating ourselves or wallowing in guilt. It's about acknowledging these impulses nonjudgmentally so we can make effective changes. This might mean anticipating potential triggers or finding alternative ways to meet unfulfilled desires. 

Step 2: Reflecting on the Root Cause

With recognition comes the need for reflection. Beyond the immediate impulse to send a drunk text lies a maze of emotional motivations. Navigating this maze can not only help prevent such behavior but also provide valuable insights into our emotional well-being.

For many, drunk texting becomes a pathway to seek validation. In an age where “likes,” “shares,” and immediate responses have become markers of validation, a drunk text might be a subconscious way of seeking immediate affirmation or attention. It becomes a tool to temporarily fill the gaps in our self-esteem.

Then, there's the tug of nostalgia. Alcohol can make the past seem rosier and the present less satisfying. This can lead to the temptation to rekindle lost relationships, revisit past memories, or even confront old adversaries. 

For others, it's about confrontation. Unresolved conflicts, suppressed resentments, or lingering misunderstandings might find an outlet in these texts. While they might bring momentary relief, they seldom lead to constructive resolutions.

Reflecting on these underlying causes is paramount. By understanding what drives us to send these texts, we can better address the root emotional issues. Maybe it's seeking therapy, mending broken relationships, or simply finding healthier outlets for our emotions.

Step 3: Drinking Mindfully

We have to address the elephant in the room here. We’re much less likely to drunk text if we don’t get drunk in the first place. 

Taking a mindful approach to alcohol consumption isn't about abstention but about awareness. It's about understanding why we're drinking. Are we seeking solace? Celebrating an occasion? Or are we trying to drown sorrows and forget problems? The motivations behind our consumption can offer insights into whether we're drinking for joy or as an escape. Being aware of this distinction is the first step towards mindful drinking.

When we drink mindfully, we're more attuned to the changes in our bodies and minds. We notice the initial buzz, the heightened spirits, and also the tipping point — where one more drink could push us from cheerful to careless. By recognizing these signals, we empower ourselves to make informed choices, to know when to stop, and to ensure that our evening ends on a high note rather than a regrettable text.

Another dimension of mindfulness is recognizing our triggers. Is there a particular place, group, or emotion that prompts us to drink more than usual? By identifying these triggers, we can be better prepared, either by avoiding certain situations or by grounding ourselves before we're swayed by the atmosphere or emotions.

Ending our evenings from a place of clarity has myriad benefits. Apart from the obvious advantage of avoiding potential texting missteps, it also ensures that our memories of the night remain pleasant, clear, and regret-free. It cultivates a sense of self-control and self-respect. Moreover, it fosters healthier relationships, as our interactions remain genuine, undistorted by alcohol’s influence.

Steps To Prevent Drunk Texting

The Journey of Recovery: Healing After a Drunk Text

Stumbling is a part of any journey, and recovering from a misstep is just as crucial as preventing it. If you’ve sent a drunk text, you know it can trigger a whirlwind of emotions — but it's important to remember that it's not the end of the world. Here's how we can emotionally recover and learn from the experience.

Embrace Your Emotions

In the case of a drunk text, feelings of embarrassment, anxiety, regret, or confusion are natural. They indicate our recognition of a potential misstep, an action not entirely aligned with our regular self. Emotions, as intense and overpowering as they might feel, are not our enemies. They are the raw and unfiltered reactions that shed light on our innermost values, boundaries, and expectations. 

Instead of attempting to suppress or escape these feelings, embracing them can be transformative. By doing so, we're not just accepting our emotions but actively engaging with them. When we sit with our feelings, we understand their roots and triggers. 

Acknowledging emotions is also therapeutic. By letting ourselves feel without judgment, we give our psyche the space to process and heal. Suppressing feelings can lead to their amplification, making them harder to manage in the long run. Embracing them is the first step towards resolution.

Apologize If Necessary

Once we've navigated our internal landscape, it's time to address the external implications of our actions. A drunk text, depending on its content and context, can have various ramifications. It might be harmless or it might cause the recipient genuine discomfort or hurt.

If it's the latter, an apology is imperative. This isn't about groveling or excessively berating ourselves. It's about demonstrating maturity and genuine remorse. By apologizing, we're acknowledging the discomfort or pain caused, showing that we value the other person's feelings and well-being. It's a gesture of respect, which can go a long way in mending the rift our actions might have caused.

A sincere apology is devoid of excuses. While explaining the context can provide clarity, it shouldn't morph into justifying the act. "I was drunk" is an explanation, but it doesn't absolve the act. While it's okay to mention the state you were in, it's more crucial to highlight your genuine remorse and the steps you'll take to ensure it doesn’t recur.

Apologizing, just like embracing our emotions, is also an act of self-care. It eases the weight of guilt and helps restore our inner equilibrium. It aids in re-establishing trust, not just with the other person but also with ourselves.

Forgive Yourself

When we're stuck in a state of self-blame, it's easy to forget that everyone, without exception, makes mistakes. These moments don't serve to define our worth but remind us of our shared humanity. Everyone stumbles, everyone errs. What differentiates each individual is how they respond to their missteps.

Self-forgiveness is a process of acknowledging our error, understanding the factors that led to it, and then gently releasing the tether of self-directed negativity. Holding onto self-blame is like dragging a boulder behind us; it impedes growth and forward movement. By forgiving ourselves, we allow space for healing and growth.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Combining self-forgiveness with active learning creates a holistic approach to personal development. On the one hand, we're tending to our emotional well-being, ensuring that our self-worth isn't tied to our mistakes. On the other hand, we're using these very mistakes as catalysts, pushing us towards greater self-awareness and positive change.

Every experience, even the uncomfortable ones, comes with a lesson. Let's turn the experience of sending a drunk text into a learning opportunity. Perhaps it's a sign that we need to revisit our relationship with alcohol, or maybe it's highlighting unresolved emotional issues that need to be addressed. By learning from our experiences, we can turn bumps in our journey into stepping stones for personal growth.

Final Thoughts

Navigating life’s unexpected turns isn't always easy, and we're bound to trip occasionally. But each stumble gives us the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become better people. So let's raise a glass (of our favorite non-alcoholic beverage) to the journey, complete with its highs and lows, and march on, wiser and more resilient.

Summary FAQs

1. How does alcohol affect the decision-making process in our brain?

Alcohol impairs the functionality of the PFC, often considered the "CEO" of our brain. As a result, our inhibitions are reduced, and the rational, consequence-considering part of our brain is no longer dominant. This leads to decisions driven by emotion and immediate desires.

2. Why do we feel the urge to drunk text?

The impulses behind drunk texting are deeply rooted in emotional states, past experiences, and current feelings. Common driving factors include feelings of loneliness, unresolved emotional issues, seeking validation, nostalgia, and unresolved conflicts.

3. How can we prevent drunk texting?

Key steps include recognizing and understanding the impulses behind the behavior, reflecting on the root emotional motivations, and adopting a mindful approach to drinking.

4. What should one do after sending a regrettable drunk text?

Embrace and understand your emotions, apologize if necessary, practice self-forgiveness, and learn from the mistake to grow personally.

5. How can mistakes like drunk texting serve as a catalyst for personal growth?

They offer insights into our emotional well-being, push us towards greater self-awareness, and can lead us to address underlying issues.

Gain Control of Your Drinking Habits With Reframe

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

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Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol.

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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