Connection Between Alcohol and Personal Hygiene
Drinking Habits

How Alcohol Consumption Affects Your Personal Hygiene

October 18, 2024
21 min read
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What’s the Connection Between Alcohol and Personal Hygiene?

Alcohol and personal hygiene are intertwined. For one, drinking clouds our judgment, impacting the choices we make about our health and personal care. We might skip personal care tasks if we’re too tired or recovering from the aftermath of drinking. Alcohol also takes a physical toll, contributing to our appearance. This combination can lead to hygiene issues such as bad breath, a disheveled appearance, and skin problems. 

There’s a memorable scene from the TV show Friends when the group is at their go-to gathering spot, Central Perk, where Ross, the well-meaning but often awkward one in the bunch, is recalling an embarrassing time when he forgot to shower after a night of partying. As the gang laughs, it’s a funny reminder of how alcohol affects hygiene habits. But this isn’t just a sitcom gag — it’s a reality many of us may face. 

Alcohol affects our personal hygiene in ways we might not even realize, from dehydration to changes in our hygiene habits. Let’s take a closer look at how alcohol might be affecting not just our health but our overall well-being. 

A Negative Influence: How Alcohol Affects Hygiene Habits

Connection Between Alcohol and Personal Hygiene

Have you ever been too tired to wash your face thoroughly after a night out or forgot to put deodorant on while rushing out of the house the morning after? It happens to the best of us. Alcohol disrupts our daily routine in ways we might not even notice at first. 

When we drink, alcohol slows down communication in our brain and our ability to make conscious decisions about our health and self-care can take a hit. Enter poor hygiene habits, such as haphazardly rushing through tasks, skipping showers, forgetting to brush our teeth, and even letting our space get disorganized (not directly hygiene, but a key contributing factor). 

While it might not be a big deal if it happens once or twice, over time, these small slips can add up, causing more noticeable issues. Poor hygiene habits can lead to bad breath, body odor, skin problems, dull hair, and an overall tired appearance. On top of this, alcohol is associated with sleepless nights and negative mental health effects, such as anxiety and depression. If you’ve ever felt like you just want to rot in bed after a night out, that’s the alcohol to blame. Alcohol’s depressant effects make motivation and energy run low, making it even harder to keep up with proper hygiene practices. But it doesn’t end there — alcohol’s effects on our physical health can also impact hygiene. 

The Impact of Alcohol on Hygiene and Appearance

Physical Effects: Alcohol and Personal Hygiene

When we think of alcohol’s physical effects, we might think of an unsettled stomach, wobbly steps, a pounding headache, or even some of the more commonly discussed health consequences such as high blood pressure, liver issues, or fatigue. But that’s not all — alcohol’s toll on our physical health can also be seen in more subtle ways through our hygiene and appearance. Let’s break it down:

1. Complexion Concerns

Alcohol affects the appearance of our skin in different ways. Feeling parched after drinking? Alcohol’s dehydrating effects could be why. In terms of our skin, dehydration reduces moisture and elasticity, increasing the hallmark signs of premature aging: texture and fine lines. It also causes the overall look of dry, dull skin. 

Drinking doesn’t only dry our skin out, it also irritates it by causing inflammation. When our skin is inflamed, our skin’s protective barrier doesn’t do its job as well, leaving us more vulnerable to irritants and infections. As a result, skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and spider veins can be more common.

Lastly, alcohol depletes essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, which are vital for maintaining a healthy complexion. That inner glow that we’re constantly chasing? These vitamins are what gives us that healthy, glowing complexion. The mix of dehydration, inflammation, vitamin deficiency, and poor hygiene habits can be a recipe for skin problems.

2. Body Odor

At first we might not think about the connection between alcohol and body odor, but it’s there! Drinking doesn’t only affect how we look, but also how we smell. When our body breaks down alcohol, it produces a byproduct known as acetaldehyde. When acetaldehyde builds up, it can smell like rotten apples or vinegar (something not even a luxury fragrance can mask). That pungent smell can be released when we sweat, leaving us with a strong body odor that’s not exactly pleasant. And it’s not just acetaldehyde. 

Alcohol throws off the natural bacterial balance on our skin, setting the stage for odor-causing bacteria to accumulate. Combined with dehydration, which can make sweat even more concentrated, these effects can lead to body odor that’s hard to ignore.

But, body odor from alcohol doesn’t just disappear after we sweat. Regular drinking leads to a buildup of toxins that creates a lingering body odor that can stay around for much longer than a day or two after we drink. 

3. Bad Breath

Drinking can lead to bad breath — and it’s not just because of the strong smell of alcohol. Alcohol may be a liquid, but it actually causes dry mouth by reducing saliva production! Without enough saliva, food and bacteria can linger in our mouth for longer than they should. Another effect of dry mouth? Higher acidity levels, which promote odor-causing bacteria to overgrow even more. This forms the ideal combination for bad breath. 

Over time, dry mouth, acidity, and bacteria buildup can lead to persistent odor, making it difficult to maintain a fresh breath even if we brush regularly. But alcohol’s impact on oral hygiene goes beyond bad breath — it also increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, impacting our overall hygiene and appearance.

4. Hair Troubles

Remember how we discussed that alcohol interferes with nutrient absorption and affects our skin? Well, these nutrient deficiencies can also take a toll on the health and appearance of our hair. In fact, alcohol stays in our hair for much longer than we might think (up to six months!). 

B vitamins and zinc, which can plummet after drinking, are important for hair growth and maintenance. Without proper nutrients and moisture, we’re left with dry, lifeless hair that can break easily. 

To make matters worse, alcohol can also cause hair loss and thinning, thanks to its effects on our hormones. So, unfortunately it’s not just a bad hair day. Poor health from alcohol can cause noticeable damage to our hair, affecting its appearance and strength.

5. Overall Appearance

Alcohol is linked to different health issues that can also affect our overall appearance. For instance, regular and excessive drinking can contribute to unwanted weight gain. We might not even realize it, but alcohol is chock-full of empty calories. This weight gain often shows up around our midsection (think: beer belly), creating a bloated appearance, which can affect our self-confidence and energy levels.

Excessive drinking also damages our liver. This damage can lead to a condition known as jaundice, which is characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of our eyes. So while the main issue is liver damage, its effects are also visibly reflected in our overall appearance. But that’s not all!

Alcohol is linked to high blood pressure and a greater likelihood of heart disease, which can cause flushing (redness of the face) or broken blood vessels which are more visible. These physical effects of alcohol alter our appearance, almost like a warning sign that alcohol is taking a toll on our health and well-being. 

When stacked with poor hygiene habits from alcohol, these health effects can leave lasting impressions on our appearance that can be hard to ignore. Over time, this not only affects our own self-confidence, but may also shape what others think of us as well. 

Poor Hygiene and Alcohol Misuse: The Extensive Consequences

Poor personal hygiene from alcohol consumption can have far-reaching effects that impact various aspects of our lives. Here are some ways it can show up:

  • We’re constantly under the weather. Poor hygiene means bad bacteria can be running more rampant, and our immune system can only do so much. We might be more likely to get sick, whether from the flu, infections, or even parasitic diseases. 
  • There’s a dent in our self-confidence. How can we keep our spirits up when we’re not taking care of ourselves? Our self-esteem can start to dip, and when alcohol enters the picture, it can complicate things even more. Although alcohol might give us a fleeting sense of pleasure when we drink, what goes up must come down. Alcohol is linked to mental health issues like mood fluctuations, anxiety, and depression. But when our mental health declines, so can our motivation to tend to our needs. This creates a cycle that’s hard (but not impossible) to break. 
  • We have rocky relationships. Even though we’re taught not to “judge a book by its cover,” the truth is that we make judgments based on appearance. In fact, experiments by Princeton psychologists noted that we make judgments in about 100 milliseconds based on just facial appearances! Poor hygiene can lead to judgment from others, leading to feelings of embarrassment or shame. This can take a toll on our self-esteem and even damage our friendships and relationships. When we’re more self-conscious, we might start to isolate ourselves from others, making it even harder to get support or initiate positive changes.
  • We have workplace or professional struggles. Our hygiene affects how we present ourselves. Showing up to work disheveled can send the message that we don’t care — an impression that can be detrimental in a professional setting. Thus, poor hygiene and alcohol misuse can potentially hinder our ability to get or keep our job. 

In short, alcohol and personal hygiene are closely intertwined, and the consequences can get pretty serious. But don’t worry! To prioritize our health and well-being, let’s dive into some ways we can up our hygiene game.

Tips for Prioritizing Health and Hygiene

Personal hygiene is essential for our health and confidence, especially when navigating the challenges that can arise from alcohol consumption. Here are some actionable steps we can take to maintain good hygiene: 

  • Start small. Small tasks might seem insignificant at first, but they add up over time. Try filling up your water bottle before bed to get a head start on hydration as soon as you get up. Or, leave your sunscreen by your toothbrush so you make sure you don’t forget to put it on. These small actions make a big difference when it comes to our health and hygiene. 
  • Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration helps us look and feel our best. Aim for at least 8 cups a day, and if you’re physically active, maybe throw in an electrolyte packet or swap it out for some coconut water for extra hydration!
  • Balance your plate. A diet filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats ensures we get the vitamins and nutrients we need that not only contribute to proper bodily functions but also our overall appearance. 
  • Squeeze in self-care. Try to find some time to set aside for personal care. Put on a mud mask while you’re at home checking your email or watching TV, take a bath with Epsom salts on a weekend, or keep a bottle of lotion on your desk so you can moisturize throughout the day. Getting used to caring for yourself consistently can integrate it even more deeply into your routine, so you’ll be less likely to forget to take care of yourself.
  • Start replenishing what’s lost. If you feel like your appearance is suffering, try easy topical treatments for your skin or hair to start feeling better. Put some olive oil in your hair before shampooing to give it some nutrients, try the age-old egg white facial (if you don’t find it too gross), or put some chilled tea bags under your eyes to reduce swelling!
  • Seek support. Whether we need an accountability buddy or professional support to overcome an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, there are plenty of resources we can lean on to help us reach our goals. Reach out to family and friends, join a support group, or explore treatment options.
  • Quit or cut back on alcohol. Alcohol negatively affects our hygiene not only by disrupting our self-care routines but also through its toll on our physical health. Track your consumption, set limits, and opt for alternatives!

These positive habits initiate a chain reaction, helping us maintain good personal hygiene and overall well-being. The best part? We’ll see the positive effects in all aspects of our life. 

Hygiene and Harmony

Now that we understand the relationship between alcohol and personal hygiene, we can see how something so seemingly nonchalant as having a drink can start a domino effect that results in poor hygiene and appearance. And the consequences extend beyond just how we look — they can affect our relationships, professional life, and mental health. When we start making healthier choices (starting with quitting or cutting back on alcohol) we not only improve our hygiene but also develop a greater sense of confidence and well-being. Quitting or cutting back can be a hygiene hack!

Summary FAQs

1. Does drinking affect personal care habits?

Yes. Alcohol can disrupt our normal self-care routines because it impairs our judgment and depletes our energy, making it more likely that we’ll blow off our routine or forget parts of it. 

2. How are alcohol consumption and hygiene neglect connected?

Alcohol impacts our ability to make sound decisions about our well-being, increasing the risk of neglecting hygiene tasks. It can also affect our mental health and energy, making it even more challenging to maintain proper hygiene.

3. What are the effects of alcohol on skin health?

Alcohol dehydrates our skin and depletes essential nutrients, which can lead to dry skin, exacerbated skin conditions, and signs of premature aging.

4. What are some consequences of poor hygiene from alcohol consumption? 

Poor hygiene from alcohol consumption can cause low self-esteem, strain our relationships, and even affect our academic or work performance. 

5. What are some tips to maintain better hygiene?

Quitting or cutting back on alcohol, establishing a routine, and maintaining proper nutrition can help us develop good hygiene. 

6. How does alcohol affect grooming habits?

Alcohol impairs our judgment and motivation, which can make us more likely to neglect personal grooming. We might forget to brush our teeth or comb our hair, which can make us look and feel ungroomed.

Level Up Your Well-Being With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

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Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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