Triggers and Cravings

Celebrating Memorial Day Without Alcohol

May 27, 2022
5 min read
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A team of researchers and psychologists who specialize in behavioral health and neuroscience. This group collaborates to produce insightful and evidence-based content.
May 27, 2022
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Certified recovery coach specialized in helping everyone redefine their relationship with alcohol. His approach in coaching focuses on habit formation and addressing the stress in our lives.
May 27, 2022
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Recognized by Fortune and Fast Company as a top innovator shaping the future of health and known for his pivotal role in helping individuals change their relationship with alcohol.
May 27, 2022
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Reframe Content Team
May 27, 2022
5 min read

Memorial Day weekend is just around the corner, and even though this is a holiday to celebrate and remember those who served and lost their lives fighting for our country, it has somehow (like so many other Federal Holidays) become a drinking holiday. If you are currently sober, sober-curious or working on cutting back your alcohol intake, holidays like these can be particularly tricky. A longer weekend makes for idle handles and social gatherings where alcohol will most definitely have RSVPed. So how do we celebrate without drinking? Our amazing alcohol-free team members here at Reframe got together to brainstorm some ideas for you:

1.Remember That You Didn’t Always Need Alcohol to Celebrate

One of the best things we can do when we're feeling doubtful on our journey is to remind ourselves that there was once a time that we didn’t need alcohol to enjoy ourselves. Think about your childhood birthday parties where the only thing on your mind was cake, friends, and fun! You didn't need alcohol then, and you certainly don't now that you’re older.

2.Start a New Tradition

Do something completely different from your usual holiday celebrations. Take the weekend to explore a new city. Go bowling or to the movies. Visit an amusement park, museum or art show. Putting yourself in a different setting to celebrate will help you feel excited for something new rather than reminiscing about the past.

3.Make Plans with Your Alcohol-Free Friends

Gather up all of the friends that you have made since beginning this journey. Chances are, they are also struggling to change old celebration habits. Host a party with non-alcoholic drinks and games so that you can all celebrate sober together! You can also reach out to the Reframe community on the forum or through social media and see if there are any local events that are happening that are sober friendly.

4.Don’t be Discouraged by Any Initial Awkwardness

You can expect the majority of booze-free celebrations to be challenging in the beginning. After all, you’ve spent years believing that alcohol is needed in order to celebrate and have a good time, and these thoughts likely won’t just go away overnight. However, experiencing awkwardness does not mean you’re doing anything wrong. Embrace the awkwardness and recognize that it’s all a part of your growth. It takes time to unlearn a habit, so show yourself compassion and leave early if you're not having a good time.

5.Bring Your Own Booze Free Beverage (BYOBFB)

Just because you aren’t drinking alcohol does not mean you have to drink water and soda. Try mixing up some fun mocktails for yourself and your guests, or sip on some fun, pre-made beverages. A couple of our favorites are Daytrip Sparkling CBD Water Ritual Proof NA Spirits Athletic Brewing Co. and Curious Elixirs!

6.Check into a Reframe Meeting or Workshop

Come rain or shine, we’ve got your back! All Reframe Meetings will occur per usual throughout the holiday weekend. If you are feeling isolated, or need extra support, come to one (or all) of the online community meetings. If you haven’t been to one yet, you can find them in your Reframe App in your DISCOVER tab on the first page.

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