The tranquil resort pool reflects the vibrant colors of sunset
Drinking Less

Alcohol-Free Resorts and Vacation Ideas for a Sober Retreat in the USA

August 28, 2024
24 min read
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August 28, 2024
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Looking for a Booze-Free Vacation? There Are Plenty of Places To Choose From!

  • Alcohol-free resorts are more popular than ever! There are countless hotels, retreats, and travel groups that cater to sober and sober-curious travelers. 
  • You can make a sober retreat part of your alcohol journey by checking out one of the options in this blog.
  • Reframe can help you kickstart or continue your alcohol journey, provide information about alternatives to drinking, and connect you to a thriving global community of others just like you.

There’s an episode of Friends that features the gang going to Vegas in support of Joey’s new movie. The movie flops (not a surprise — at least not to anyone other than Joey), Phoebe gets drunk at breakfast (“I’m on vacation!”), while Ross and Rachel finish off the overpriced booze in the hotel mini fridge and get married … only to forget about it completely the next morning.

But does going to Vegas (or anywhere else for that matter) have to mean getting married by accident, being drunk at breakfast, or spending a fortune on drinks that ultimately make us forget the “fun” we had? Not at all!

For a deep dive into the benefits of alcohol-free travel, check out “How To Enjoy an Alcohol-Free Vacation: A Case for Sober Tourism.” But for now, let’s explore some great options around the U.S.!

6 Great Alcohol-Free Resorts and Alcohol-Free Vacations

1. Nestle in The Nestle Inn

The tranquil resort pool reflects the vibrant colors of sunset

Imagine this: you’re on a romantic getaway, transformed into a blissful happy camper (almost literally — the inn you’re staying at is in the woods). You’re prancing around outdoors, giggling with delight as you see a deer eating an apple outside your window. It’s a picturesque fairy-tale moment!

While we can’t promise a deer eating apples, The Nestle Inn in Williamsburg, Massachusetts, is the perfect nook to relax for anyone looking for an alcohol-free escape in the comfort of the New England woods. The website describes it as “just a stone's throw away from hiking, canoeing, biking, fishing, rock climbing, skiing, rafting and kayaking.” 

Most importantly, The Nestle Inn is all about sober-living. Science shows that nature helps reduce alcohol cravings by 25%, so soak it in! Plus, you’re sure to meet folks who are on an alcohol journey of their own.

Tip: Check out the greenhouse. And to learn more about the role of nature in alcohol recovery, take a look at “What Is Ecotherapy? 5 Ways Time in Nature Improves Mental Well-Being.” 

2. Make Some “Friends in Dry Places” in Tennessee

Music fans are painfully aware of the fact that alcohol and drugs have silenced many talented voices much too early and led other singers and musicians down the dark path of addiction. From Elvis Presley’s early death to Johnny Cash’s lifelong battle with amphetamines, and Elton John’s daily struggles with booze (“I get bombed for breakfast in the morning, I get bombed for dinner”), the examples are too many to count. 

Unfortunately, the music scene can still be just as rough for fans trying to stay away from alcohol. Not so when you join forces with HOOKED on Travel! There are plenty of sober tour groups out there, and HOOKED on Travel is one of the best. They’re all about getting you “hooked” on healthy sources of inspiration and fun (or dopamine and endorphins, in “brain-speak”). 

For country, folk, and Americana fans who left alcohol behind but don’t want to leave the music crowd, the “Friends in Dry Places” 5-day retreat in Tennessee will hit the spot. In addition to exploring Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee, with like-minded people, the focus on music can be especially useful on the alcohol journey. Science says that music helps us stay on track in our alcohol journey by triggering dopamine release naturally — no booze needed!

Here are some attractions to look forward to:

  • Beale Street Blues. In If Beale Street Could Talk, James Baldwin writes: “The mind is like an object that picks up dust. The object doesn’t know, any more than the mind does, why what clings to it clings.” On this sober retreat, let the sounds of music on Beale Street and the stories of people you meet along the way cling to your mind. You’re bound to leave refreshed and inspired!
  • All Things Elvis. No music tour in Tennessee is complete without paying homage to the king of rock ‘n’ roll. But alcohol doesn’t have to be a part of it! As Elvis himself said, “When things go wrong, don't go with them.” Instead, stroll through Graceland with your new sober posse! 
  • Johnny Cash Museum. The Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville is another must. Browse through the memorabilia, learn more about the “Man in Black” and commiserate with the struggle without having to keep living through it.
  • Grand Ole Opry. As Bill Anderson once said, “The Grand Ole Opry, to a country singer, is what Yankee Stadium is to a baseball player. Broadway to an actor. It’s the top of the ladder, the top of the mountain. You don’t just play the Opry; you live it.” See for yourself!

And since everyone in the group is living booze-free, you’ll find plenty of support with your own alcohol journey. Chances are, someone will suggest a mocktail crawl on one of the nights. There are plenty of options in Nashville and Memphis!

Ready to explore Tennessee, listen to some inspiring tunes, and meet some like-minded people along the way? Then it’s time to make some friends in dry places!

3. Have a “New York Christmas Experience”

For many of us on the alcohol journey, the holidays spell trouble. New Year’s Eve alone is all but synonymous with booze, and the Times Square party doesn’t help matters with its legendary ball that drops at midnight as thousands guzzle down champagne.

Enter Melissa McGovern, the self-proclaimed “Sober New Yorker” and founder of the “New York Christmas Experience.” Her three-day program will take you through the enchanting sites of holiday-time New York with others who’ve said goodbye to alcohol and leave more room for the magic.

Here are some highlights:

  • Rockefeller Center. Start off by skating on that legendary rink right out of a Christmas card. And if skating is not your thing, no worries! Melissa invites you to bask in the “chromotherapy of the Christmas lights [that will] transform you into a happier, healthier version of yourself”!
  • The Empire State Building. Think about how far you’ve come as you gaze down from the 102-floor viewing deck. What a view!
  • No More Cafe. There’s no booze, but there are more options — a lot more! Mocktails are more popular than ever, and No More Cafe has some of the best ones to offer. 
  • Django live jazz. If you’re worried that picking a booze-free option means sticking to the “classics” like Coke (can get boring) or ordering something from the kids’ menu (embarrassing), don’t be. At Django, the mocktails on the menu — “The High Priestess,” “Private Secretary,” “Pat’s Espresso Martino,” and Gewürztraminer juice — sound just as intriguing as their boozy counterparts. (Except that you’ll actually remember the names.)

Tip: Find out more about Melissa before you go. Her journey from being a “gray area drinker” to a healthier and happier sober version of herself is truly inspiring. (And to learn more about gray area drinking in general, take a look at “What Is Gray Area Drinking?”)

4. Plant the Seeds of Inner Peace in Joshua Tree

When it comes to the alcohol journey, mindfulness is key. And it’s more than a New Age obsession: science shows that mindfulness physically changes the structure of our brain and sets us up for success by improving cognitive abilities, stabilizing our mood, and reducing cravings. It’s (at least) a triple win!

Here’s where the California weekend retreat at Joshua Tree comes in! The goal of this unique destination is to make the practices of meditation, mindfulness, shamanic rituals, and hypnosis more accessible to those on the journey to becoming the best version of themselves. 

In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, whose book, The Art of Living, echoes these principles:

“Every human being can become a buddha. This is good news. We all have the seeds of mindfulness, love, understanding, and compassion, and whether these good seeds have a chance to grow depends on our environment and our experiences … You have to give the buddha in you a chance … If you wake up to the beauties of nature, you are already a buddha. And if you know how to maintain that spirit of being awake all day, you are a full-time buddha.”

The goal of the Joshua Tree retreat, in turn, is to grant us those experiences so we can all turn into full-time buddhas ourselves. Ready for your spiritual upgrade? Here are some things to look forward to:

  • Cleansing rituals. While this one might give you pause if you haven’t tried it before, don’t worry — you’re in the hands of pros!
  • Creative practices. Did you know that engaging your creativity is a natural way to get that dopamine boost? At the Joshua Tree retreat, you can tap into the beautiful surroundings and healing vibes to journal, try your hand at musical instruments, or attend one of the many workshops that are certain to get your creative juices flowing.
  • Sound healing. One of the specialties of the Joshua Tree retreat, sound healing is a science-backed way to lower blood pressure, improve mood, reduce cravings, and discover our true selves. As the website promises, “the sounds of vocals, gongs, bowls, mysterious sound instruments, and ancient shamanic rituals will guide us through a journey of connection to body and presence.” Your ears are in for a treat!
  • Hypnosis. Another science-backed way to boost our mental health, hypnosis is all about letting go of the clutter in our mind to reach a place of deep authenticity and peace. In the safe environment the retreat provides, visitors are encouraged to uncover past traumas and work through them, returning to their daily lives feeling restored and rejuvenated.

Many of the practices you’ll have a chance to explore are especially useful for those on the alcohol journey. Unlocking past traumas in a safe environment, tapping into the power of sound to center the mind, and using creativity for a natural boost of dopamine are all valuable tools to explore!

5. Soak in the “Sound of Silence” in the California Mountains

Wherever you are right now, it’s likely that someone is talking in the background — the kids getting ready for school, your partner on the phone, a YouTube video playing in the background, or the neighbors chatting in the hallway. Let’s face it — there are not that many silent moments in our lives. 

But when it comes to the alcohol journey, moments of silence are precious. Whether we spend it journaling, meditating, or pursuing a creative activity that gets us into “flow state,” we need time for introspection without outside distractions. 

The unique retreat experience in the Sierra Nevada mountains does just that! Designed to meet your particular needs and get in touch with your authentic self, the eco-lodge healing sanctuary is a treasure trove of therapeutic tools to help you relax and “level up” in your personal journey. Here’s a preview:

  • Himalayan salt cave. Himalayan salt lamps and the like have been around for decades, but is there any truth to their claims of healing benefits? The jury is still out, but some research suggests that at the very least, they’re relaxing. Ducking into the Himalayan salt cave, in turn, is like being inside a salt lamp. Festive, regal, and mystical all at once, it’s a feast for the senses — the lamps bathe you in their soothing glow as you bask in meditation in one of the luxurious chairs.
  • Sensory deprivation float tank. Want to take it up a notch? ​​A sensory deprivation tank, also known as an isolation tank or float tank, is a lightproof, soundproof environment heated to the same temperature as the skin, filled with a high concentration of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in water. The point is to create an environment that minimizes sensory input for the deepest relaxation and meditation session ever. If you’ve ever wanted to try it, now’s the time!
  • Yoga greenhouse dome. This serene structure “provides a regenerative sanctuary for daily use.” Meditate, do some yoga stretches, or just soak in the “sound of silence.”
  • The 40-foot crystal labyrinth. Another unique structure that takes healing to luxury levels, the labyrinth “invites you to a unique journey inward” and is a “one-of-a-kind somatic space room, high-end massage chair, and crystal light bed” all in one. 

Ready for your “cosmic adventure”? Then it’s time to sign up and indulge in the silence. (And while you’re at it, check out some “Practical Tips for Incorporating Mindful Living Practices to Support Sobriety.”)

6. Set Your Intention in Miraval (and Act on It!)

Finally, we come to Miraval — unique wellness resorts that start with that all-important question: “What is your intention?” Here at Reframe we’re all about discovering your “why” when it comes to alcohol. Starting with a clear intention is key! 

However, important as intentions are, it’s also crucial to act on them. As E.M. Forster writes in Where Angels Fear to Tread, “You told me once that we shall be judged by our intentions, not by our accomplishments. I thought it a grand remark. But we must intend to accomplish — not sit intending on a chair.”

At Miraval resorts in Texas, Arizona, and Massachusetts, you can turn that intention into action. Here’s an overview:

  • Hiking. Being out in nature is one of the best ways to boost mental health, reduce cravings, and get that serotonin flowing. Combine it with the endorphin and dopamine kick we get from exercise, and you’ll forget alcohol ever existed. 
  • Reflexology. If you’ve never tried reflexology, it’s certainly worth it to give it a go. While it might seem a bit out there, give it a chance — there’s science behind pressure points and the idea of stimulating them to trigger positive physical and emotional reactions.
  • Pottery. There’s something about getting your hands dirty and watching a chunk of clay spin into a beautiful bowl or flower pot (remember, it’s in the eye of the beholder). It’s meditative, creatively inspiring, and (possibly) useful all at once. And what does that mean for the brain? That’s right, a major dopamine boost!

Ready to leave that metaphorical chair and dive in? Miraval awaits to give you that bit of momentum to let your intention blossom into a life-changing experience.

Benefits of Alcohol-Free Vacations

Let’s face it, going on vacation is supposed to be relaxing. And that’s at the minimum. Ideally, it’s also a time to reflect, strengthen relationships, learn about interesting places, and meet new people. But how much of this is actually accomplished if we start the day with a mimosa?

Here’s where alcohol-free resorts come in. Without booze clouding our mind and stealing those precious vacation hours, we can truly rest and recharge. Say bye to booze, and say hello to true relaxation!

Coming Back

As Terry Pratchett writes in A Hat Full of Sky:

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”

All in all, traveling without booze makes it possible to “come back” to ourselves in a new and exciting way. With a clear mind, earlier mornings, and more energy to tackle the day, we can leave our vacation feeling truly rested and refreshed. Moreover, we can use this time to give our alcohol journey new momentum through self-reflection, meeting new people, and finding new sources of inspiration for a booze-free life. Happy travels!

Summary FAQs

1. What are the benefits of choosing an alcohol-free resort for a vacation?

Choosing an alcohol-free resort allows you to fully relax and recharge without the mind-clouding effects of alcohol. You'll have clearer mornings, more energy, and a genuine opportunity to reflect, strengthen relationships, learn about new places, and meet new people.

2. Are there any specific retreats for music lovers?

Yes, the "Friends in Dry Places" retreat in Tennessee by HOOKED on Travel is perfect for music lovers. This retreat includes tours of Memphis and Nashville, visits to Beale Street, Graceland, the Johnny Cash Museum, and the Grand Ole Opry, all while enjoying a sober environment.

3. How can nature help in the alcohol recovery journey?

Nature has been shown to reduce alcohol cravings by 25%. Resorts like The Nestle Inn and Miraval offer plenty of outdoor activities that allow you to connect with nature, which can be incredibly healing and refreshing.

4. What makes the Joshua Tree Retreat unique for someone on an alcohol-free journey?

The Joshua Tree Retreat focuses on mindfulness and wellness practices such as meditation, sound healing, and hypnosis, all of which are scientifically proven to improve cognitive abilities, stabilize mood, and reduce cravings. The retreat's serene environment and healing practices help visitors reconnect with themselves.

Have a Fun Vacation and Continue the Journey With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. 

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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